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Studieboeken (529)

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

I know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Level 6

2023 || Paperback || Maya Angelou || Pearson

The moving and beautiful autobiography of a talented black woman. ". . . I have no words for this achievement, but I know that not since the days of my childhood . . . have I found myself so moved . . . Her portrait is a Biblical study of life in the midst of death".--James Baldwin.

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

New Contemporary Chinese: Exercise Book 1

2023 || Paperback || Wu Zhongwei e.a. || Sinolingua

New Contemporary Chinese, a complete textbook series, is tailored for adult learners of the Chinese language. The series includes four volumes, with each volume consisting of a Textbook, an Exercise Book and the corresponding Teacher's Book, Supplementary Reading Materials, Testing Materials, Character Writing Workbook, and multimedia teaching resources. Volume 1 and Volume 2 each contains a Character Book. New Contemporary Chinese aims to develop the learners' comprehensive abilities of list...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Business Analytics / 5th Edition

Descriptive - Predictive - Prescriptive

2023 || Hardcover || James Cochran e.a. || Cengage Learning

Develop the analytical skills that are in high demand in businesses today with Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's best-selling BUSINESS ANALYTICS, 5E. You master the full range of analytics as you strengthen descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytic skills. Real examples and memorable visuals clearly illustrate data and results.

Step-by-step instructions guide you through using Excel, Tableau, R or the Python-based Orange data mining software to perform advanced analytics. Practical, relevant...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Management and Organisational Behaviour / 13th edition

2023 || Paperback || Laurie Mullins e.a. || Pearson

An insight into people-organisational relationship and interrelated influences on human behaviour. Management and Organisational Behaviour, 13th edition, by Mullins and Rees guides students through the understanding, prediction and control of human behaviour at work by applying theories, developing critical thinking and engaging with case studies.

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

International Financial Reporting and Analysis / 9th Edition

2023 || Paperback || Martin Hoogendoorn e.a. || Cengage Learning

For over twenty-five years, the authors of International Financial Reporting and Analysis have provided comprehensive insight into the intricacies of financial reporting. This ninth edition has been updated throughout with an increased focus on ethics, sustainability and corporate governance. Timely real-world illustrations and activities give students a truly international perspective to successfully interpret and use IFRS Standards in business.

This title is available with MindTap, a flexib...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

The Graphic Design Bible

The definitive guide to contemporary and historical graphic design

2023 || Hardcover || Theo Inglis || Octopus Publishing Group

The definitive guide to contemporary and historical graphic design for designers and creatives. Designer, writer and lecturer Theo Inglis takes readers through the story, theory, and practice of graphic design, from its historical origins up to the present. Chapters on typography and mediums provide an extensive exploration of how each has been utilized and revolutionized through the years.

Extensively illustrated with both historical and contemporary examples, each topic is divided into conc...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Exploring Strategy - Text & Cases / 13th edition

2023 || Paperback || Richard Whittington e.a. || Pearson

Develop your strategic thinking, tackle real-world challenges and develop the skills to think and behave like a manager. With over a million copies sold worldwide, Exploring Strategy by Whittington, Angwin, Regner, Johnson, and Scholes is the essential introduction to strategy for managers of today and tomorrow, tackling the hottest and most up-to-date issues regarding the operation of organisations. The latest 13th edition is renewed and revised according to the latest developments in the fi...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Principles of Marketing Plus MyLab and eText / 19th edition

2023 || Paperback || Philip Kotler e.a. || Pearson

Master the key marketing challenges and see how you can develop meaningful connections with your customers.

Principles of Marketing, global edition, 19th edition by Kotler and Armstrong shows you how to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers in today's fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace.

Ideal for students who study marketing courses, this textbook offers a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of marketing within an innovative customer-val...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager / 2nd edition

2023 || Paperback || Carol T. (University of South Australia) Kulik e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager gives every manager, regardless of their functional role, access to cutting-edge research and evidence-based recommendations so they can approach their people management responsibilities with confidence. Day-to-day people management is increasingly the responsibility of front-line managers, not HR professionals. But managers are often poorly prepared for these responsibilities; they receive little training (and sometimes have little interest!) in HR.


Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

New Contemporary Chinese: Textbook 1

2023 || Paperback || Wu Zhongwei e.a. || Sinolingua

New Contemporary Chinese, a complete textbook series, is tailored for adult learners of the Chinese language. The series includes four volumes, with each volume consisting of a Textbook, an Exercise Book and the corresponding Teacher's Book, Supplementary Reading Materials, Testing Materials, Character Writing Workbook, and multimedia teaching resources. Volume 1 and Volume 2 each contains a Character Book. New Contemporary Chinese aims to develop the learners' comprehensive abilities of list...