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Studieboeken (131)
Media Literacy - International Student Edition
2021 || Paperback || W. James Potter || SAGE
Media Literacy teaches students how to navigate through the overwhelming flood of information found in today's media-saturated world. Author W. James Potter presents examples and facts to help students understand how the media operate, how they attract attention, and how they influence the public.
Media and Society
Power, Platforms, and Participation
2021 || Paperback || Nicholas Carah || SAGE
A critical introduction to meaning and power in an age of participatory culture, social media and digital platforms. Helps students to understand the central role media play in the social world, and how they can become informed media citizens themselves.
New Practical Chinese Reader 1 Workbook / 2nd edition
2010 || Paperback || Liu Xun || Beijing Language & Culture University Press
Principles and Practice
2021 || Paperback || Tony Harcup || SAGE
The bestselling guide to both the theory and practice journalism. An essential resource for all students of journalism.
Fremdsprachenerwerb - Fremdsprachendidaktik
2022 || Paperback || Jörg Roche || UTB
Der Band stellt die Grundfragen, Grundkonzepte und Grundpositionen der Spracherwerbsforschung und -didaktik verständlich, übersichtlich und anschaulich dar. Linguistische, kognitionslinguistische, psycholinguistische, lernpsychologische, inter- und transkulturelle, medien- und handlungsdidaktische Aspekte bilden den Leitfaden für die kohärente Darstellung der komplexen Thematik. Der Band nimmt stets unmittelbar auf die Lern- und Lehrpraxis Bezug. Zahlreiche Beispiele und eine Fülle von I...
New Sogang Korean 2A: Student Book
2008 || Paperback || Sogang University Press
This new Sogang Korean series is an updated version of its predecessor with the following changes:
- new Grammar textbook
- Information on social and cultural context updated and modernized
- New illustrations and more effective layout
- Complete guide for Korean language learning, covering grammar, reading, speaking, listening and writing
Description of the original Sogang Korean series:
The objective of this book is to assist readers to improve their communication skills in the Korean langu...
The Distance Learning Playbook for College and University Instruction
Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting
2020 || Paperback || Douglas Fisher e.a. || SAGE
First, let's commend ourselves: how in the midst of a pandemic we faculty stepped up at record speed to teach in such a foreign learning environment. Try we did, adapt we did, and learn we did. But to be clear, and we already recognize this, this past spring was less about distance learning and more about crisis teaching.
This time around we have the opportunity to be much more purposeful and intentional, and that’s where The Distance Learning Playbook for College and University Instru...
Engaged Journalism / 1st edition
Connecting with Digitally Empowered News Audiences
2015 || Paperback || Jake Batsell || Columbia University Press
Explores the changing relationship between news producers and audiences and the methods journalists can use to secure the attention of news consumers.
Introducing Media Practice
The Essential Guide
2018 || Paperback || Matthew Kerry e.a. || SAGE
Taking readers from media students to media professionals, Introducing Media Practice brings together the 'why' and the 'how to' of media studies. It explains how adding theory to practice improves students' media projects, and shows them how to develop the kind of project skills they need for a career in the creative and media industries. With a clear, easy-to-follow structure, the book: Covers the full range of media practice skills, from building production teams and writing briefs, throug...
Inleiding tot de Latijnse syntaxis
structuur van zin en tekst. Grammatica
2007 || Paperback || C. Kroon || Amsterdam University Press
Inleiding tot de Latijnse syntaxis is een beknopt, op moderne wetenschappelijke inzichten gebaseerd overzicht van de Latijnse syntaxis, opgezet als cursusboek. Op een heldere manier worden aan de hand van aansprekende voorbeelden de belangrijkste kenmerken van de Latijnse zinsgrammatica behandeld. Hierbij ligt de nadruk meer op het verwerven van in