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Studieboeken (131)
2012 || Paperback || Anne E. Baker e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Linguistics is a comprehensive crosslinguistic introduction to the study of language, and is ideal for students with no background in linguistics. A comprehensive introduction to the study of language, set apart by its inclusion of cross-linguistic data from over 80 different spoken and signed languages. Explores how language works by examining discourse, sentence-structure, meaning, words, and sounds. Introduces psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic issues, including language acquisition, neu...
They Say / I Say / 6th edition
2024 || Paperback || Gerald Graff e.a. || Norton & Company
The essential little book that students love for demystifying academic writing, reading, and research.
Millions of students love "They Say / I Say" because it offers lively and practical advice they can use throughout their college career (and beyond). Now, students can learn how to connect their "I Say" to broader public conversations through a new chapter "In My Experience," and they will engage more deeply with their assigned readings thanks to new co-author Laura Davies's work on both a d...
English Syntax in Three Dimensions
History - Synchrony - Diachrony
2015 || Paperback || Carola Trips || De Gruyter
This book deals with syntax in three dimensions: in part I with the history of grammatical theory, in part II with synchronic aspects of Present-Day English, and in part III with diachronic aspects of English. The most prominent linguistic terms and phenomena are discussed in their historical context and are taken up again in the synchronic and diachronic parts. In this way they can be viewed from different perspectives.
At the end of each chapter a summary and recommendations for further rea...
Discover Grammar
2017 || Paperback || David Crystal || Pearson
An enthusiastic and practical approach to language learning. A riveting and valuable combination of David Crystal's language expertise and Geoff Barton's sound, practical classroom experience. Essential reference for every student working towards GCSE and Standard Grade.
A Student's Introduction to English Grammar / 2nd edition
2021 || Paperback || Rodney Huddleston e.a. || Cambridge University Press
A new edition of the ground-breaking undergraduate textbook on modern Standard English grammar, now reorganised to align fully with the award-winning reference work, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. This edition has been rewritten in an easy-to-read conversational style with a minimum of technical and theoretical terminology.
Numerical Optimization / 2nd edition
2009 || Paperback || Jorge Nocedal e.a. || Springer
Optimization is an important tool used in decision science and for the analysis of physical systems used in engineering. It begins with very simple ideas progressing through more complicated concepts, concentrating on methods for both unconstrained and constrained optimization.
Flash Feedback [Grades 6-12]
Responding to Student Writing Better and Faster - Without Burning Out
2021 || Paperback || Matthew Johnson || SAGE
Qualitative Data Analysis - International Student Edition
A Methods Sourcebook
2019 || Paperback || Matthew B. Miles e.a. || SAGE
In this fourth edition, the authors present the fundamentals of research design and data management with five distinct methods of analysis: exploring, describing, ordering, explaining and predicting.
Handbuch Translation
2006 || Paperback || Mary Snell-Hornby e.a. || Stauffenburg
Die Translationswissenschaft hat sich in den letzten zwanzig Jahren rasant entwickelt - in der Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschpraxis ist dieser Aufschwung jedoch kaum zu spüren. Die Praktiker wiederum verfügen über einen beträchtlichen Reichtum an nützlicher Erfahrung - dieser Fundus an wertvoller Information hat jedoch nicht in dem Maße Eingang in die Wissenschaft gefunden, wie es wünschenswert wäre. Das Handbuch Translation will diese Kluft zwischen Theorie und Praxis schließen. Es st...
Media/Society - International Student Edition / 7th edition
Technology, Industries, Content, and Users
2021 || Paperback || David R. Croteau e.a. || SAGE
Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences provides a framework to help students understand the relationship between media and society and helps students develop skills for critically evaluating both conventional wisdom and one's own assumptions about the social role of the media. The Seventh Edition retains its basic sociological framwork, but also includes additional discussions of new studies and up-to-date material about a rapidly changing media landscape. This edition significantly...