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Studieboeken (87)
maandag verzonden
Basis van bedrijfseconomie voor non-financials / Druk 2
2022 || Paperback || Rien Brouwers e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Modulaire opbouw;
- afgestemd op veel voorkomende beroepsproducten en beroepshandelingen;
- ook volledig digitaal beschikbaar, inclusief uitgebreide online ondersteuning.
Basis van bedrijfseconomie voor non financials sluit met zijn modulaire opbouw goed aan op het veranderende onderwijs, wat steeds verder flexibiliseert. Deze uitgave is vrij in te zetten en bevat alle relevante bedrijfseconomische onderwerpen, opgedeeld in modules per onderwerp. Deze modules zijn afgestemd op veelvoorkomen...
maandag verzonden
Leren veranderen / Druk 3
Kennis voor veranderaars in opleiding en praktijk
2021 || Hardcover || Hans Vermaak e.a. || Vakmedianet || met inkijkexemplaar
Leren veranderen - Kennis voor veranderaars in opleiding en praktijk
'Leren veranderen' is al twintig jaar hét handboek voor de veranderkundige. Deze derde geheel herziene editie bestaat uit zowel het fysieke handboek als de kennissite www.lerenveranderen.nl. Het boek biedt een actueel, compact en samenhangend overzicht van belangrijke veranderlessen. Op de kennissite doen we recht aan alle extra materialen die in twintig jaar tijd zijn ontwikkeld door ons en anderen: oefeningen, cases, vide...
International Economics
Theory, Application, and Policy
2012 || Paperback || Charles van Marrewijk || Oxford University Press
Covering both trade and international finance, this innovative text provides a thoroughly up-do-date and comprehensive treatment of each area. Throughout, the theory is illustrated with empirical evidence and an abundance of relevant case studies. It includes an online study guide.
All You Need to Know About the Music Business
2021 || Paperback || Donald S Passman || Penguin
From Apple to Youtube, Google Play to Spotify, the music industry has seen monumental changes in past decades. Record labels have had to adapt to the demand for instantly accessible, low-cost music whilst coping with significant increases in music piracy. But what do these changes mean for aspiring and established artists? Donald Passman is one of the most trusted music lawyers in the world.
In this easy-to-use manual, he draws upon his unparalleled experience to provide a clear-eyed explanat...
Business of Sport Management / 2nd edition
2013 || Paperback || John Beech || Pearson
Over the first decade of the 21st century the scale and importance of the commercial sport industry has increased dramatically and rapidly. This timely second edition of the ground-breaking text The Business of Sport Management has been comprehensively revised, updated and significantly expanded in scope to meet the needs of today's sports management students, and equip future managers with the tools they need to succeed. Elegantly blending theory with practice, the text looks first at the di...
How Brands Grow
What Marketers Don't Know
2010 || Hardcover || Byron Sharp || Oxford University Press
This book provides evidence-based answers to the key questions asked by marketers every day. Tackling issues such as how brands grow, how advertising really works, what price promotions really do and how loyalty programs really affect loyalty, How Brands Grow presents decades of research in a style that is written for marketing professionals to grow their brands. It is the first book to present these laws in context and to explore their meaning and application.
Designing for Growth
A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers
2016 || Hardcover || Jeanne Liedtka e.a. || Columbia University Press
Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie educate readers in one of the hottest trends in business: "design thinking," or the ability to turn abstract ideas into practical applications for maximal business growth. Liedtka and Ogilvie cover the mind-set, techniques, and vocabulary of design thinking, unpack the mysterious connection between design and growth, and teach managers in a straightforward way how to exploit design's exciting potential. Exemplified by Apple and the success of its elegant product...
Lean SIX SIGMA van A tot Z
2021 || Paperback || Bas Kooijman e.a. || Bureau Tromp B.V.
Lean Six Sigma is een combinatie van twee van de bekendste en meestgebruikte methodieken op het gebied van procesverbetering. Lean Six Sigma van A tot Z biedt een volledig beeld van de belangrijkste tools en principes uit de Lean en Six Sigma methodieken die iedereen die zich met processen bezighoudt zou moeten kennen.
Op basis van hun ruim 10 jaar ervaring als Lean Six Sigma adviseurs bij Bureau Tromp putten Reinier Tromp en Bas Kooijman in hun Lean boek uit de 150 uitgevoerde Lean Six Sigma...
The Practice of Social Research / 15th edition
2020 || Paperback || Earl Babbie || Cengage Learning
Known as the gold standard for research methods, Babbie's THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH gives you a definitive guide to research as practiced by social scientists. Combining a straightforward approach with the author's renowned sense of humor, this student-friendly text equips you with the tools and knowledge to apply research concepts as both researcher and consumer. The author emphasizes the process by showing you how to design and construct projects, introducing today's various observati...
Public Finance / 10th Global Edition
2014 || Paperback || Harvey Rosen e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Introducing... Public Finance, 10th Global Edition, by Harvey S. Rosen and Ted GayerRosen and Gayer's Public Finance provides the economic tools necessary to analyze government expenditure and tax policies and, along the way, takes students to the frontiers of current research and policy.
While the information presented is cutting edge and reflects the work of economists currently active in the field, the approach makes the text accessible to undergraduates whose only prior exposure to econom...