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Studieboeken (119)
Circuit Design with VHDL / 3rd Edition
2020 || Hardcover || Volnei A. Pedroni || MIT Press
A completely updated and expanded comprehensive treatment of VHDL and its applications to the design and simulation of real, industry-standard circuits.
This comprehensive treatment of VHDL and its applications to the design and simulation of real, industry-standard circuits has been completely updated and expanded for the third edition. New features include all VHDL-2008 constructs, an extensive review of digital circuits, RTL analysis, and an unequaled collection of VHDL examples and exerci...
Duurzame ideeën & DCBA Methodiek
ambitie stellen volgens de viervarianten-methode
2020 || Hardcover || P. Teeuw || Aeneas
Deze publicatie geeft voorbeelden van en ideeën bij een methodiek om een duurzame ambitie te stellen en bespreekbaar te maken.
De ideeën zijn verzameld rond een aantal thema's: energie, water, groen, mobiliteit, materialen, leefmilieu, afval en vervuiling, leefbaarheid, proces en bewustwording. Het boek is een uitnodiging om de ambities in de praktijk te brengen.
Bewegingsonderwijs in het speellokaal / Druk 3
2018 || Hardcover || Ruud ter Haaft e.a. || Werkgroep Bewegingsonderwijs
Het boek is een bronnenboek voor bewegingsonderwijs aan kleuters in het speellokaal. Het bevat bewegingsactiviteiten, speelactiviteiten waarbij kinderen verschillende bewegingservaringen opdoen. Aandacht wordt besteed aan de zorg voor bewegingsontwikkeling.
Draw To Win
A Crash Course on How to Lead, Sell, and Innovate With Your Visual Mind
2022 || Hardcover || Dan Roam || Penguin
Get ready for the ultimate crash course in communicating and solving problems through simple pictures.
Thirty-two thousand years ago, your many-times-great-grandparents Oog and Aag drew pictures on the wall of a cave. They had an innate need to communicate, but no written language. So they found an easy and natural way to share their thoughts and stories.
Today, after so many years when speaking and writing dominated, we're back in another highly visual age. About 90 percent of everything sha...
PONS Der grosse Abi-Check Deutsch
Prüfungswissen auf einen Blick: aufschlagen - draufhaben
2021 || Hardcover || Klett Sprachen
Die optimale Abi-Vorbereitung - Prüfungswissen auf einen Blick!
- Geeignet für Abiturienten und Schüler der Oberstufe
- Cleveres Doppelseitenprinzip: Alles zu einem Thema kompakt und übersichtlich
- Wissen schnell erfasst durch leicht verständliche Sprache, übersichtliche Darstellung und kleinen Textportionen
- Wissens-Checks am Ende eines Kapitels mit sofort abrufbaren Lösungen steigern die Effektivität
- Themenbereiche: Gattungen, Literaturgeschichte, wichti...
Marketing 5.0
Technology for Humanity
2021 || Hardcover || Philip Kotler e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Rediscover the fundamentals of marketing from the best in the business
In Marketing 5.0, the celebrated promoter of the "Four P's of Marketing," Philip Kotler, explains how marketers can use technology to address customers' needs and make a difference in the world.
In a new age when marketers are struggling with the digital transformation of business and the changing behavior of customers, this book provides marketers with a way to integrate technological and business model evolution with the...
Integrated Business Planning
How to Integrate Planning Processes, Organizational Structures and Capabilities, and Leverage SAP IBP Technology
2018 || Hardcover || Robert Kepczynski e.a. || Springer
This book presents a comprehensive introduction to Integrated Business Planning (IBP), building on practitioner's experience and showcasing the value gains when moving from disconnected planning to IBP. It also proposes a road map for the transformation of planning, including technological initiatives, business priorities and organizational processes, and demonstrates how to motivate different IBP stakeholders to work together, when and how to connect strategic (to be understood as long term ...
Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine, Revised / 5th edition
2017 || Hardcover || Peter Brukner e.a. || McGraw-Hill
CLINICAL SPORTS MEDICINE 5TH EDITION Volume 1 INJURIES A striking feature of Clinical Sports Medicine has always been the authors' relentless commitment to 'clinical'. This is a unique book. Dr Emma K Stokes, President, World Confederation for Physical Therapy EDITORS PETER BRUKNER BEN CLARSEN JILL COOK ANN COOLS KAY CROSSLEY MARK HUTCHINSON PAUL McCRORY ROALD BAHR KARIM KHAN Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine, the world-leading title in sport and exercise medicine, is an authoritative...
Real Estate Investment and Finance / 2nd edition
Strategies, Structures, Key Decisions
2020 || Hardcover || Andrew E. Baum e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The fully revised and updated version of the leading textbook on real estate investment, emphasising real estate cycles and the availability and flow of global capitalReal Estate Investment remains the most influential textbook on the subject, used in top-tier colleges and universities worldwide. Its unique, practical perspective on international real estate investment focusses on real-world techniques which measure, benchmark, forecast and manage property investments as an asset class. The t...