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Studieboeken (338)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 94,95

Handboek Human Resources Development

organiseren van het leren

2014 || Paperback || Joseph Kessels e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum

Meer dan ooit bestaat er op het ogenblik belangstelling voor de vraagstukken die samenhangen met werken en leren, in het bijzonder nu niemand meer de koers in de richting van een kenniseconomie betwist: het nieuwe werken bestaat niet zonder leren. De aandacht voor het leren op en rond de werkplek is alleen maar toegenomen, waarbij we duidelijke accenten zien rond netwerken, talentontwikkeling en zelfsturing in de professionele ontwikkeling. De redactie van dit Handboek heeft het vakgebied ann...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 80,51

Kosten en baten met beleid / Druk 6

economische grondbeginselen voor de dienstverlening

2014 || Paperback || P.L.J. Verstegen || Sdu

Kosten en baten met beleid maakt bedrijfseconomie begrijpelijk en toegankelijk.

Dit studieboek richt zich op de bedrijfseconomie van dienstverlenende bedrijven, zowel commercieel als non-profit. Vrijwel iedereen heeft te maken met dit type bedrijven bijvoorbeeld als toerist, reiziger, recreant, patiënt, cliënt, klant, burger, gedaagde, weggebruiker of leerling. Dit boek bevat vele herkenbare voorbeelden van bedrijfseconomische principes uit verschillende vormen van dienstverlening.

Dit studie...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Spatial Planning Systems and Practices in Europe

A Comparative Perspective on Continuity and Changes

2014 || Paperback || Mario Reimer e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Ideal for students and practitioners working in spatial planning, the Europeanization of planning agendas and regional policy in general Spatial Planning Systems and Practices in Europe develops a systematic methodological framework to analyze changes in planning systems throughout Europe. The main aim of the book is to delineate the coexistence of continuity and change and of convergence and divergence with regard to planning practices across Europe. Based on the work of experts on spatial p...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Essentials of Ecology / 4th Edition

2014 || Paperback || Michael Begon e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Essentials of Ecology, 4th Edition presents introductory ecology in an accessible, state-of-the-art format designed to cultivate the novice student's understanding of and fascination with the natural world. In a concise, engaging style, this text outlines the essential principles of ecology from the theoretical fundamentals to their practical applications. Full color artwork, simple pedagogical features and a wide range of carefully-chosen examples make this book an ideal introduction to ecol...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Practice Development Workbook / 1st edition

for Nursing, Health and Social Care Teams

2014 || Paperback || Jan Dewing e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

If you're looking to develop and improve your nursing, health or social care practice, either individually or as part of a team, the Practice Development Workbook for Nursing, Health and Social Care Teams offers a wide-ranging selection of activities, tools and resources covering vital aspects of practice development. Written as a companion volume to the latest edition of the best-selling Practice Development in Nursing and Healthcare, this new resource grounds practice development in day-to-...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Practical Leadership in Nursing and Health Care

A Multi-Professional Approach

2014 || Paperback || Suzanne Henwood || Taylor & Francis

This multidisciplinary text is an essential introduction to leadership in health care, combining the underpinning theory with a practical approach to help you come to decisions and solutions in everyday practice. * Written in an accessible and easy to understand style by an international team of practitioners who will engage, inspire and empower you to really make a difference in practice * Evidence based and with a focus on patient care and service delivery to ensure best practice * Includes...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Imagineering: Innovation in the Experience Economy

2014 || Paperback || Gabrielle Kuiper e.a. || CABI Publishing

To survive in today's complex economies, it is imperative for companies to understand their consumers in terms of how and why they like to use their products. Distinction based on quality no longer provides competitive advantage. Imagineers use design methods to create meaningful experiences that connect consumers to brands, employees to companies and consumers to consumers.

This book explains the background of the need for experiences and then focusses on how to design them. Bringing theory ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Reading Between the Signs

Intercultural Communication for Sign Language Interpreters

2022 || Paperback || Anna Mindess || John Murray Press

In Reading Between the Signs, Anna Mindess provides a perspective on a culture that is not widely understood - American Deaf culture. With the collaboration of three distinguished Deaf consultants, Mindess explores the implications of cultural differences at the intersection of the Deaf and hearing worlds.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Becoming a High Expectation Teacher

Raising the bar

2014 || Paperback || Christine Rubie-Davies || Taylor & Francis

We constantly hear cries from politicians for teachers to have high expectations. But what this means in practical terms is never spelled out. Simply deciding that as a teacher you will expect all your students to achieve more than other classes you have taught in the same school, is not going to translate automatically into enhanced achievement for students.

Becoming a High Expectation Teacher is a book that every education student, training or practising teacher, should read. It details the...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Using Political Ideas / 6th edition

2014 || Paperback || Barbara Goodwin || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Using Political Ideas is a unique blend of political philosophy, political theory and history of political thought. It combines a critique of the major ideologies of recent and contemporary society with an analysis of the ideas that form the very stuff of political debate.