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Studieboeken (74)
maandag verzonden
Praktijkgericht opleiden
2006 || Paperback || J.W. van den Boogert || Boom
In dagelijkse werksituaties valt er veel te leren. Leerkansen worden echter lang niet altijd benut, waardoor fouten zich herhalen of noodzakelijke ontwikkeling onvoldoende wordt bereikt. Door alert te zijn op leermogelijkheden en door leerprocessen deskundig te begeleiden draagt u bij aan het leren van mensen en aan de ontwikkeling van een lerende cultuur in uw organisatie. Opleiders, managers en docenten krijgen met dit boek materiaal in handen voor het aanscherpen van hun visie op praktijkg...
maandag verzonden
Handboek Methodische Ouderbegeleiding 2 / Druk 4
naar een psychologie van ouderschap
2006 || Paperback || A. van der Pas || SWP || met inkijkexemplaar
De wetenschap heeft weinig aandacht voor ouderschap. Alice van der Pas doet een serieuze poging om dit onderontwikkelde gebied van de psychologie in kaart te brengen. Drie zaken zijn opmerkelijk in de wijze waarop zij dat in dit boek doet:
De bekommernis van de auteur om de belangen van kinderen staat buiten kijf. In dit boek echter, zet zij het kind even, theoretisch, de kamer uit opdat het de aandacht van de lezer niet afleidt van de ouders.
Van der Pas geeft een totaalvisie op ouderschap ...
The Translation of Children's Literature
A Reader
2006 || Paperback || Gillian Lathey || Channel View Publications
Since the late 1970s, scholarly interest in the translation of children's books has increased at a rapid pace. Research across a number of disciplines has contributed to a developing knowledge and understanding of the cross-cultural transformation and reception of children's literature. The purpose of this Reader is to reflect the diversity and originality of approaches to the subject by gathering together, for the first time, a range of journal articles and chapters on translation for childr...
Suite française
2006 || Paperback || Irene Nemirovsky || Gallimard
Ecrit dans le feu de l'Histoire, Suite française dépeint presque en direct l'exode de juin 1940, qui brassa dans un désordre tragique des familles françaises de toute sorte, des plus huppées aux plus modestes. Avec bonheur, Irène Némirovsky traque les innombrables petites lâchetés et les fragiles élans de solidarité d'une population en déroute. Cocottes larguées par leur amant, grands bourgeois dégoûtés par la populace, blessés abandonnés dans des fermes engorgent les routes...
Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology / 1st edition
2006 || Paperback || James Conolly e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Geographical Information Systems has moved from the domain of the computer specialist into the wider archaeological community, providing it with an exciting new research method. This clearly written but rigorous book provides a comprehensive guide to that use. Topics covered include: the theoretical context and the basics of GIS; data acquisition including database design; interpolation of elevation models; exploratory data analysis including spatial queries; statistical spatial analysis; map...
An Introduction to Early Modern English
2006 || Paperback || Terttu Nevalainen || Edinburgh University Press
An introduction to Early Modern English, this book helps students of English and linguistics to place the language of the period 1500-1700 in its historical context as a language with a common core but also as one which varies across time, regionally and socially, and according to register. The volume focuses on the structure of what contemporaries called the General Dialect - its spelling, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation - and on its dialectal origins. The book also discusses the langu...
A History of Archaeological Thought
2006 || Paperback || Bruce G. Trigger || Cambridge University Press
In its original edition, Bruce Trigger's book was the first ever to examine the history of archaeological thought from medieval times to the present in world-wide perspective. Now, in this new edition, he both updates the original work and introduces new archaeological perspectives and concerns.
The Psychology of Selling
Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
2006 || Paperback || Brian Tracy || HarperCollins
Brian Tracy, one of the top professional speakers and sales trainers in the world today, found that his most important breakthrough in selling was the discovery that it is the "Psychology of Selling" that is more important than the techniques and methods of selling.
Beyond Babar
The European Tradition in Children's Literature
2006 || Paperback || Sandra L. Beckett e.a. || Scarecrow Press
All too often, attention is paid only to those children's novels that were written in English, with non-English-language works being passed over and neglected. Beyond Babar: The European Tradition in Children's Literature examines eleven of the most celebrated European children's novels in substantial, critical essays written by well-known international scholars. This approach provides a comprehensive discussion of the selected works from a variety of theoretical perspectives.
Each essay offe...
The Politics of Memory in Postwar Europe / 1st edition
2006 || Paperback || Richard Ned Lebow e.a. || Duke University Press
For sixty years, different groups in Europe have put forth interpretations of World War II and their respective countries' roles in it consistent with their own political and psychological needs. The conflict over the past has played out in diverse arenas, including film, memoirs, court cases, and textbooks. It has had profound implications for democratization and relations between neighboring countries.
This collection provides a comparative case study of how memories of World War II have be...