› Sociologie algemeen (169)
› Sociologie van beleids... (63)
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» Toon alle opties (56)
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› Museumstudies (37)
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› Solliciteren (2)
› Wetenschap (>12 jaar) (2)
› Woordenboeken (2)
Resultaten (919)
morgen verzonden
Geographies of Embodiment Critical Phenomenology and the World of Strangers
2023 || Hardcover || Simonsen || SAGE
Geographies of Embodiment provides a critical discussion of the literatures on the body and embodiment, and humanism and post-humanism, and develops arguments about "otherness" and "encounter" which have become key ideas in urban studies, and studies of the city.
morgen verzonden
Intercultural Citizenship in the Post-Multicultural Era
2023 || Hardcover || Zapata-Barrero || SAGE
In this concise, theoretically-focused and empirically grounded book, Zapata-Barrero outlines the foundations of the intercultural policy paradigm that is emerging within diversity and migration studies.
morgen verzonden
An A-Z of Social Work Theory
2023 || Hardcover || Payne || SAGE
Designed for both students and newly-qualified social workers, this dip in and out of guide introduces students to over 350 key theories, theorists and concepts in a concise and no-nonsense way. Careful cross-referencing will help students make important connections, while selected further reading will prove you with a springboard to further learning.
morgen verzonden
Supporting Early Literacies through Play
2023 || Hardcover || Smith || SAGE
Bringing together two core areas of the curriculum, play and literacy, this book offers an innovative approach to examining literacy and language development within the context of children's play.
morgen verzonden
What is Social Work?
Contexts and Perspectives
2018 || Hardcover || Horner || SAGE
It is essential that social work students have a clear grasp of the history and the evolution of social work practice and this classic text explores the fundamental questions: What is social work? How has social work been defined over the years? What does social work look like now? And what is to come?
morgen verzonden
Media Solidarities
Emotions, Power and Justice in the Digital Age
2019 || Hardcover || Nikunen || SAGE
Combining social and political theory, Media Solidarities explores social change, social justice and how the media shapes our understanding of ourselves. Using relevant and rich examples, this text investigates emerging forms of media solidarities in the digital era.
morgen verzonden
Applied Multivariate Research
Design and Interpretation
2016 || Hardcover || Meyers || SAGE
Provides full coverage of the wide range of multivariate topics that graduate students across the social and behavioral sciences encounter, using a conceptual, non-mathematical, approach.
morgen verzonden
The New Psychology of Sport and Exercise
2023 || Hardcover || Haslam || SAGE
'The Roger Federer, the Tiger Woods, the Usain Bolt of all books about the psychology of sport, packed with insight and wisdom' - Brian Viner, Sports writer and author of Pele, Ali, Lillee, and Me
morgen verzonden
The SAGE Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology: Applications of Evolutionary Psychology
2023 || Hardcover || Shackelford || SAGE
The SAGE Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology address real-world and practical applications of evolutionary psychology such as applications to medicine, psychiatry, law, and technology.
morgen verzonden
Communication Skills in Nursing Practice
2023 || Hardcover || Webb || SAGE
Written specifically for student nurses developing their communication and interpersonal skills in any field of nursing. The book address all the competencies for communication skills outlined in the 2018 NMC standards and features insightful contributions from experienced nurses and healthcare leaders across different clinical fields.