Resultaten (68)
Action Research for Nurses
2023 || Paperback || McDonnell || SAGE
Nurses work in complex situations with daily challenges, where the needs of each patient represent unique demands. Action research helps nurses to investigate their practices as reflective practitioners, allowing them to ask 'What is going on? How do we understand the existing situation? How do we improve it?'
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Beginner's Guide to Reflective Practice in Nursing
2023 || Hardcover || Delves-Yates || SAGE
A beginner's guide to reflective practice that guides the reader through how to write reflectively throughout their career in nursing, from the first reflective exercise at university to carrying out reflective practice on placement or as a professional nurse.
Effective Communication for Nursing Associates
2023 || Paperback || Welch || Learning Matters
Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book introduces TNAs to the theory and practice of effective communication. Building confidence in communicating across different settings and with diverse patients, families, carers and the MDT, the book uses case studies and activities to help TNAs develop their own unique voice.
The Nurse's Clinical Skills Pocketbook / Druk 3
2023 || Paperback || Delves-Yates || SAGE
A step-by-step guide to 50 of the most common nursing skills and procedures.
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Theorising in Everyday Nursing Practice
2023 || Hardcover || Allan || SAGE
A critical analysis exploring nursing theory and the way nurses learn. It focuses on the way theory manifests in day-to-day practice and contributes to nursing education and professional development and learning.
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How to Succeed on Nursing Placements
2023 || Hardcover || Elcock || Learning Matters
Covering the what, why and how in easily accessible language, this book explores the common challenges faced by nursing students on placement and gives practical advice on how to overcome them. Updated to the latest NMC standards and written by a team of experienced lecturers and nurses.
Fundamentals for Public Health Practice
2023 || Hardcover || Holland || SAGE
A comprehensive textbook providing a full overview of the multifaceted nature of public health practice. The book takes a life-span approach and discusses cultural and societal change with direct links to the UK health and social care context.
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) / 8th Edition
2023 || Paperback || Cheryl M. Wagner e.a. || Elsevier
Select nursing interventions with the book that standardizes nursing language! Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 8th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help you choose appropriate interventions. It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice as it communicates the nature of nursing. More than 610 nursing interventions are described - from general practice to all specialty areas.
From an expert author team led by Cheryl Wagner, this book is an ide...
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Practice-Based Learning for Nursing Associates
2023 || Hardcover || Flaherty || Learning Matters
This book helps trainee nursing associates to prepare for and excel in their nursing associate practice placements. Covering all settings and all fields of nursing, it shows readers how to make the most of each placement and transfer learning and skills from one area of practice to another.