Resultaten (68)
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Understanding Supervision and Assessment in Nursing
2023 || Hardcover || Feeney || SAGE
A practical guide for registered nurses, in all fields, who are planning to undertake one of the new supervisor or assessor roles outlined in the latest NMC standards, or experienced practitioners looking to update their skills for the new NMC Educational Framework.
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Mental Health Medicines Management for Nurses / Druk 3
2023 || Hardcover || Mutsatsa || Learning Matters
This new edition has been updated in-line with the latest NMC standards of proficiency for registered nurses and continues to provide nursing students with guidance on how to manage medicines safely and effectively when treating patients with mental health conditions.
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En als we nu weer eens gewoon gingen ‘zorgen voor’?
Handboek voor verzorgkundig leiderschap en passende zorg
2023 || Paperback || Lineke Verkooijen || Lineke Verkooijen
Passende zorg is noodzakelijk om ook in de toekomst goede zorg te kunnen bieden. In de langdurige zorg en vooral binnen de verzorgkunde zullen we, nog meer dan voorheen, moeten weten wat de cliënt echt van ons nodig heeft. Dat betekent open staan voor de invloed van de cliënt. Of, zoals Levinas het noemt, ‘het gelaat van de Ander’ zien. Een ‘zorgen voor’ dat aansluit op de behoefte van de Ander.
"Ik zorg voor u zolang u en/of uw naasten het niet (meer) zelf kunnen." Dit handboek...
Understanding Medicines Management for Nursing Students
2023 || Paperback || Deslandes || Learning Matters
Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book covers the key components of medicines management and optimisation that pre-reg nurses need to know, using a scenario-based approach to illustrate how each topic - from injections to ethics - relates to nursing practice.
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Essentials of Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice / Druk 2
2023 || Hardcover || Cook || SAGE
Combining the best of print and online learning into one integrated package, the book explores the science of pathophysiology with clear and simple explanations, providing insight into the basic principles that underpin health and illness, and the main causes of disease.
Getting into Nursing / Druk 3
2023 || Paperback || Elcock || Learning Matters
The go-to book for anyone considering a career in nursing. Using real life tips from students, lecturers and nurses, the book helps prospective students determine if nursing is the right career for them. It then walks the reader step by step through the application process, from choosing the right course to writing a strong application and succeeding at the interview.
Understanding Research for Nursing Students / Druk 5
2023 || Paperback || Ellis || Learning Matters
This bestselling introduction to research supports nursing students by demystifying jargon, explaining the key concepts and building their skills in applying research principles to their studies and practice.
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Theory and Practice of Leadership / Druk 2
2023 || Hardcover || Gill || SAGE
The Second Edition of this esteemed text explores leadership from the head to the toe of an organization - whether that leadership is traditional or virtual, and whether the organization is corporate or non-profit.
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Tweede Doodgewoon Boek; 25 bijzondere verhalen uit de praktijk van de palliatieve zorg
2023 || Hardcover || Marij Schielke || MeanderGroep Zuid-Limburg
In oktober 2013 verscheen de 1e druk van het eerste Doodgewoon Boek met 50 verhalen uit de praktijk van de palliatieve zorg. De verhalen waren aangrijpend en indrukwekkend; stuk voor stuk pareltjes van attente menslievendheid. Een inspiratiebeon voor alle professionals, vrijwilligers en mantelzorgers die mensen in hun laatste levensfase bijstaan. Er was grote vraag naar het boek. Duizenden exemplaren gingen over de toonbank. Al vlug kwam de vraag naar het Tweede Doodgewoon Boek. Rondom haar p...
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) / 7th Edition
Measurement of Health Outcomes
2023 || Paperback || Sue Moorhead e.a. || Elsevier
Enhance your care with the standardized measurement of nursing interventions! Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), 7th Edition standardizes the terminology and criteria needed to measure and evaluate outcomes in all care settings and with all patient populations. A total of 612 research-based nursing outcome labels - including 82 that are NEW to this edition - provide clinically useful language to help you deliver treatment and document outcomes. Specific indicators are included to make it ...