Resultaten (35)
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Helle, H: Social Thought of Georg Simmel
2014 || Paperback || Helle || SAGE
A concise introduction to the writings, life, and influences of Georg Simmel - an important sociologist whose work is now taught across sociological theory courses worldwide.
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Evaluation Fundamentals
2014 || Paperback || Fink || SAGE
The book teaches the basic concepts and vocabulary necessary to do program evaluations and to review the quality of evaluation research so as to make informed decisions about methods and outcomes.
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Ze vroegen arbeid, er kwamen mensen. Levensverhalen van Marokkaanse migranten in Amsterdam
levensverhalen van Marokkaanse migranten in Amsterdam
2014 || Paperback || Driehoek, Stichting De
Ruim 40 jaar geleden kwamen de eerste Marokkaanse migranten - die toen nog gastarbeiders werden genoemd - naar Nederland. In de vier decennia die sindsdien zijn verstreken, veranderde hun rol veelal van 'tijdelijke arbeidskracht' in die van 'Nederlander met wortels in Marokko'.
In dit boek leest u de ervaringen van een aantal migranten die om uiteenlopende redenen naar Nederland kwamen. Over hun beweegredenen, hun ervaringen en frustraties en over de vaak goede en soms pijnlijke contacten me...
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The Limits of Social Science
2014 || Paperback || Hammersley || SAGE
This book engages with key intellectual challenges facing social science today, at a time when it is under considerable pressure to demonstrate its value. It addresses questions that carry implications for research practice, quantitative or qualitative, by making use of contemporary examples, such as the London riots.
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Social Theory for Today
Making Sense of Social Worlds
2014 || Paperback || Law || SAGE
An intelligent and engaging exploration of the continuing relevance of both classical and contemporary social theory in today's world.
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Pickup, M: Introduction to Time Series Analysis
2014 || Paperback || Pickup || SAGE
Approaching the topic from the perspective of the social scientist interested in hypothesis-testing, this volume is an introduction to time-series methods and their application in social science research.
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Troost; Reeks Senioren in de maatschappij: over ouderdom, zorg en psychologie
over ouderdom, zorg en psychologie
2017 || Paperback || Luc van de Ven || Maklu, Uitgever
Over senioren horen we gelukkig tal van optimistische, zelfs vrolijke berichten. En inderdaad, vandaag genieten vele ouderen van een gelukkige en wijze tweede levenshelft. Helaas is dit niet voor iedereen weggelegd. De ouderdom heeft ook zijn onmiskenbaar minder fraaie kanten: het overlijden van een geliefde, onzekerheid en angst, gezondheidsproblemen, depressieve klachten, moeilijk oplosbare familiale conflicten; sommigen worden getroffen door dementie. Dan heeft men troost nodig. Vanuit de ...
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The SAGE Handbook of Innovation in Social Research Methods
2014 || Paperback || Williams || SAGE
Now available in paperback: This book brings together the most innovative contemporary ideas in method and methodology from global experts
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Mixed Methods in Health Sciences Research
A Practical Primer
2014 || Paperback || Curry || SAGE
Packed with illustrations from the health sciences literature, the book shows students how to design, conduct, review, and use mixed methods research findings. Throughout the book, real-world examples and insights from mixed methods researchers provide unique perspectives on every aspect of mixed methods research.
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Qualitative Online Interviews
Strategies, Design, and Skills
2014 || Paperback || Salmons || SAGE
Putting an emphasis on using in-depth interviews in qualitative research, this book shows readers how to expand the scope of their research