Resultaten (35)
Verzorgingssociologie (e-book)
visies op samenleven en zorg
2014 || E-book via Bookshelf || Willem Visser || Coutinho
Individualisering is met het streven naar succes, glamour en geluk, maar ook met stress, depressie en afnemende zorg een kenmerk van deze tijd. Maar wat bindt mensen en hoe zien zij de zorg naar elkaar, nu en in de toekomst?
'Verzorgingssociologie' onderzoekt deze kernvragen aan de hand van vijf benaderingen:
- het structureel functionalisme/de systeemtheorie,
- het symbolisch interactionisme/de etiketteringstheorie,
- de disciplineringstheorie,
- de kritische theorie,
- de civilisatietheorie.
Studenten leren ontwikkelingen en probleemsituaties in de zorg, hulp- en dienstverlening vanuit verschillende invalshoeken te analyseren en in een brede context te plaatsen. Ook leren zij professioneel aan te sluiten bij nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de verzorgingsstaat, de risicomaatschappij en de civil society. In een laatste hoofdstuk staat modernisering met paradoxen als schaalvergroting en schaalverkleining, verafhankelijking en verzelfstandiging, conditionering en deconditionering centraal...
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The Social Thought of Erving Goffman
2014 || Paperback || Jacobsen || SAGE
This new volume in the Social Thinkers series serves as an introduction to the life, work, and ideas of Erving Goffman.
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Surviving Your Dissertation
A Comprehensive Guide to Content and Process
2014 || Paperback || Rudestam || SAGE
Giving guidance on issues from ways to improve your writing, to identifying your learning preferences, to dealing with emotional blocks, this text presents you with expert advice on the entire dissertation process.
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Sociologists in Action on Inequalities
Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
2014 || Paperback || White || SAGE PUBN
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Best Practices in Logistic Regression
2014 || Paperback || Osborne || SAGE
This book explores the fun things researchers can do with logistic regression, explicates and simplifies the confounding complexities of understanding what logistic regression is, and provides evidence-based guidance as to what the best practices in performing logistic regression are.
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Sociology of the Sacred
Religion, Embodiment and Social Change
2014 || Hardcover || Mellor || SAGE
In a powerful reframing of debates about secularization and the revitalization of religion, Shilling and Mellor develop the concept of habitus to explore the significance of the religious body in social structures. A powerful argument about how religious and secular forms of the sacred underpin major conflicts in the world today.
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100 Questions (and Answers) About Tests and Measurement
2014 || Paperback || Frey || SAGE
An introductory text for students new to the concepts of social science measurement.
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The SAGE Handbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference
2014 || Hardcover || Best || SAGE
Covering both general and advanced aspects of multivariate methods, this handbook focuses on regression analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal data with an emphasis on causal analysis and provides readers with an introduction to and exploration of a large range of techniques.
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A Survivor's Guide to R
An Introduction for the Uninitiated and the Unnerved
2014 || Paperback || Gaubatz || SAGE
Focussing on applied knowledge and providing straightforward coverage of R objects and functions, this introduction helps students with little or no background in statistics or programming to develop real-world R skills.
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Youth and Generation
Rethinking change and inequality in the lives of young people
2014 || Paperback || Woodman || SAGE
A thought provoking and engaging exploration of contemporary youth studuies, with a focus on change and inequality in young lives in the emerging Asian century.