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2024 (454)
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Resultaten (3174)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

The AutPlay® Therapy Handbook

Integrative Family Play Therapy with Neurodivergent Children

2024 || Paperback || Robert Jason Grant || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

The AutPlay Therapy Handbook provides a thorough explanation and understanding of AutPlay Therapy (an integrative family play therapy framework) and details how to effectively implement AutPlay Therapy for addressing the mental health needs of autistic and neurodivergent children and their families.

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Seriously Therapeutic Play with LEGO®

The Guidebook for Helping Professionals

2024 || Paperback || Canada) Manitoba Ltd. Kristen (Brickstorming Klassen e.a. || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

LEGO® bricks are a staple in many child and play therapists’ offices, and Seriously Therapeutic Play with LEGO® shows therapists and counselors how to integrate LEGO® in a therapeutically valuable way.

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maandag verzonden

No Bullshit Therapy

How to engage people who don’t want to work with you

2024 || Paperback || Australia) La Trobe University Jeff (The Bouverie Centre Young || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Do you have clients who do not want to be helped? Clients who don't trust you, your profession, or your service. Clients who don’t want to change, despite needing to and despite your best efforts. Then No Bullshit Therapy (NBT) is for you! Most simply, NBT is about being authentic.

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Learning From Experience

2024 || Paperback || Wilfred Bion || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

A remarkable and brilliant work by a fascinating psychoanalyst and thinker, Learning From Experience continues to inspire psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. This Routledge Classics edition includes a new Foreword by Robert Hinshelwood.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Becoming an Effective Family Therapist

Research, Practice, and Case Stories

2024 || Paperback || Peter Rober || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

This book explores the link between the effectiveness of the family therapist and the complexity of the therapeutic relationship.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications

2020 || Paperback || John R. Anderson || Macmillan

An introduction to how we know what we know about the mind

Cognitive Psychology 9th edition takes students to the forefront of the field and introduces them to key discoveries of cognitive psychology. With accessible and clear explanations, Anderson shows students how mental processes are investigated and how we know what we know about the mind. Experimental data, sample stimuli, brain images, and research tasks woven throughout the text give students a real understanding of how research is c...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Psychology in Everyday Life (International Edition)

2023 || Paperback || David G. Myers e.a. || Macmillan

Think critically, consider diverse perspectives, and improve your everyday life.

Best-selling authors David Myers' and Nathan DeWall’s briefest introduction to psychology speaks to all students, with no assumptions made in the vocabulary, examples, or presentation. The manageable and effective chapters help students apply psychological concepts to their own lives in meaningful and engaging ways.

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

The Art of Listening

2000 || Paperback || Erich Fromm || Bloomsbury Publishing

This collection of talks and seminars given by Erich Fromm between 1964 and 1980 deal with the issues between analyst and analysand, which go to the heart of the psychoanalytic process. For Fromm, the analyst is his or her own next patient, as the patient becomes his or her analyst.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 55,10

Affect and Emotion

A New Social Science Understanding

2012 || Paperback || Margaret Wetherell || SAGE

Emotion is an important topic in social science. This work - from a leading voice in the field - not only accessibly outlines the research from different fields, but is the first to pull it together to propose an agenda setting proposal for a definitive approach.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 38,95

Research Methods and Design in Psychology

2011 || Paperback || Richardson e.a. || SAGE

A core text on research methods and design providing learning and skills support for all undergraduate psychology students.