Resultaten (43)
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Feedback cards / Druk 2 (Heruitgave)
The game for giving and receiving feedback
2020 || Game || Axelle de Roy || Uitgeverij Thema
The game for giving and receiving feedback
Feedback is a gift – a gift that enables you to learn, to change, to develop. Yet almost everyone finds it hard to give and to receive feedback.
The Feedback Cards provide an accessible and positive way to give and receive feedback. The cards can be used as a learning tool during (feedback) training sessions and are greatly suitable for teambuilding and all kinds of meetings.
The Feedback Cards are also available in Dutch: Feedbackkaarten deel 1 en 2.
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Researching Power, Elites and Leadership
2022 || Paperback || Christopher Williams || SAGE
A comprehensive new text from a leading authority, this book consolidates the hows and whys of elite and leadership studies.
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The Motivation Game
Engelse versie Inspiratiespel
2023 || Cards || Peter Gerrickens e.a. || Gerrickens, Uitgeverij
The Motivation Game is de Engelstalige versie van het Inspiratiespel.
The purpose of The Motivation Game is to get people talking about what inspires and motivates them from within. The game consists of 140 cards, divided into four groups:
* Activities (55 cards). These cards help you find an answer to questions such as: What do I enjoy doing? What gives me energy? Examples include: ‘teaching’, ‘being creative’ and ‘operating machines’.
* Inspirations (17 cards). These cards help you...
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Fancy Meeting Me Here
all about Core Qualities
2022 || Hardcover || Daniel Ofman || Core Quality International
Daniel Ofman
Fancy Meeting Me Here!
Using Core Quadrants to Discover and Develop Your Core Qualities
Are you aware:
- That by nature we all have core qualities?
- That your core qualities ‘color’ all that you do or see?
- That your core qualities are inspirational to yourself and others?
- That problems are often caused by improper balance of core qualities?
- That you can solve such problems by knowing about your core qualities?
- That the Core Quadrant® instantly illuminates your qua...
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True Leaders Deliver
An Essential Guide to Mission Success
2024 || Paperback || Peter Corijn || Owl press
GREAT BUSINESS LEADERS FOCUS ON DELIVERING RESULTS. THEY WANT TO WIN AND MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD. BUT HOW TO GET THERE?That’s the subject of Peter Corijn’s acclaimed book. Based on extensive executive experience and research, the core pillars that lead to mission success are revealed. The author not only provides a compelling explanation of the “what”, but also offers crucial guidance on the “how” of creating and capturing value in the marketplace. Lots of proven...
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Systemic coaching
Systemic work without the constellation
2021 || Paperback || Jan Jacob Stam e.a. || Noorderlicht, Het || met inkijkexemplaar
Coaching is not reserved for those who have ‘coach’ on their business cards. We all coach in some way or another.
Although they may call it differently, parents, teachers, entrepreneurs, managers, therapists and consultants, they all coach often.
In Systemic coaching you learn how to apply your knowledge and skills from constellations in one-to-one situations.
In every system people are a part of, there are patterns and trauma’s. Some are obstructive. Systemic coaching can give you kno...
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The SAGE Handbook of Leadership
2023 || Hardcover || Bryman || SAGE
A one-stop reference on the state of leadership, encompassing macro, political, philosophical, psychological and cultural perspectives, with contributions from a 'who's who' of scholars in leadership studies.
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Project Management
2023 || Hardcover || Clegg || SAGE
With a focus on value creation, the text takes readers through project management from start to finish.
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Napoleonic Leadership: A Study in Power
2023 || Paperback || Jones || SAGE
Marking the anniversary of Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, the authors explore the relationship between power and leadership through power modes based on Napoleon's career.