
Paperback (6)
Hardcover (2)

Resultaten (9)

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Straight-Line Leadership / Druk 3 (Heruitgave)

2024 || Hardcover || Dusan Djukich || Straight-Line Coaching Europe

Straight-Line Leadership is Dusan Djukich's lang verwachte introductie in de krachtige wereld van Straight-Line Coaching. Hij onthult in dit boek wat er exact nodig is voor een krachtig persoonlijk en zakelijk leven.

Of je nu een CEO, eigenaar van een klein bedrijf, sporter, of iemand bent die een verschil wil maken, je leert krachtige distincties die je onmiddellijk kunt toepassen om uitdagingen op te lossen en nieuwe resultaten te creëren. Daarnaast word je bedreven in het ondersteunen va...

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Sacred Pledge

2024 || Paperback || Catharina Beijer || Futuro Uitgevers

This creative and inspirational workbook invites you to unfold your potential in a way that serves you and the world around you. The book starts with an inner journey and questions you about your origins, dreams and obstacles that stand in the way of your dreams. It leads you from your deepest desires to the path of the heart, where you build your inner strengths and compassion. From there, transformation takes place in a greater wisdom.

The paths described in this book intend to be a roadmap...

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Leadership Unraveled

Handbook for Leaders in a Polarizing World

2024 || Paperback || Stefan Lameire e.a. || Pelckmans uitgevers

"A lot of different flowers make a bouquet" is an Islamic proverb that beautifully reflects our society and our organizations. Never before have so many different cultures and generations lived and worked together and never before have we been so aware of the differences in our "being" and "thinking." But how can we build bridges between these differences instead of further fueling polarization?

Leadership to the rescue!

Leadership Unraveled starts from the belief that everyone can develop th...

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True Leaders Deliver

An Essential Guide to Mission Success

2024 || Paperback || Peter Corijn || Owl press

GREAT BUSINESS LEADERS FOCUS ON DELIVERING RESULTS. THEY WANT TO WIN AND MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD. BUT HOW TO GET THERE?That’s the subject of Peter Corijn’s acclaimed book. Based on extensive executive experience and research, the core pillars that lead to mission success are revealed. The author not only provides a compelling explanation of the “what”, but also offers crucial guidance on the “how” of creating and capturing value in the marketplace. Lots of proven...

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Cultural calling cards / Druk 2

The cultural awareness game

2024 || Cards || Jim Morris || Uitgeverij Thema || met inkijkexemplaar

We live and breathe our culture. It defines a large part of who we are. It shapes our values and beliefs. We are our culture; it is our CALLING CARD.

This game is the ideal icebreaker for multicultural groups and teams. The idea is to learn about each other's culture by sharing information about your own culture and asking others about their culture. Fun, interactive and guaranteed to deliver insight and discussion.

Wij leven en ademen onze cultuur. Het definieert een groot deel van wie we zi...

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Inner Stance

Distinctions for living a faster, stronger, more effective life.

2024 || Hardcover || Dusan Djukich || Straight-Line Leadership Group B.V.

Inner Stance is geschreven door Dusan Djukich, uitgegeven door Straight-Line Leadership International.

Eindelijk is het zover. Het allereerste Inner Stance boek, geschreven door de legendarische coach Dusan Djukich, is vanaf nu in het Engels verkrijgbaar. Dit boek is bedoeld om de koers van je eigen leven te bepalen. Het heft terug in handen te nemen.

In dit boek zet de auteur diverse distincties uiteen die direct verbonden zijn met prestaties in het leven en het bedrijfsleven. Deze distincti...

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Dare to Lead

Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

2024 || Paperback || Brene Brown || Ebury Publishing

Over the past seven years, she found that leaders in organisations ranging from small entrepreneurial start-ups and family-owned businesses to non-profits, civic organisations and Fortune 50 companies, are asking the same questions: How do you cultivate braver, more daring leaders?

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Future-Fit Leadership

Boost your happiness in life, authenticity in leadership, and success in business

2024 || Paperback || Marco Scheele e.a. || Warden Press || met inkijkexemplaar

Future-Fit Leadership is for entrepreneurs and business leaders who are committed to bringing spirituality into the business. It is written for those who know that they must find new ways to create value for themselves, their teams, their organisations, and society.

This book lays out a new spiritually-inspired leadership framework that shows you how to boost your happiness in life, authenticity in leadership, and success in business. It offers actionable insights, accountability-based coachi...

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met 5% korting 28,49

Servant Leadership

2024 || Paperback || Roeland Broeckaert || Lannoo

A great player doesn't necessarily make the best coach. So why should a hard-driving professional automatically be an effective manager? As an executive, you juggle challenges on a daily basis. What deserves your attention, and what doesn't? You want to delegate, but you find some tasks difficult to let go of. You see the differences between your employees, but you also want to treat everyone equally.

And hiring new employees - how do you decide? Servant-Leadership offers a clear and workable...