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Resultaten (1798)

Direct beschikbaar

Introduction to Materials Management / 8th edition (e-book)

2016 || E-book via Bookshelf || Steve Chapman e.a. || Pearson

For all courses in Materials Management, Production, Inventory Control, and Logistics taught in business and industrial technology departments of community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities. Understand all elements of production planning and control, and how they fit together with Introduction to Materials Management. Clearly written and exceptionally user-friendly, this text covers all the essentials of modern supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control system...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Economics for Business / 9th edition

2022 || Paperback || John Sloman e.a. || Pearson

Why study Economics for BusinessGood economic decision making is fundamental to the success of business Economic decisions lie at the heart of business. Economics is all about the choices between alternatives and how to weigh up their costs and benefits. Studying this book will help you understand such choices and how to make them successfully when you take up a job or perhaps run your own business.

Businesses need to make choices of what and how much to produce, what techniques to use, who t...

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Human Resource Management (e-book)

2021 || E-book via Bookshelf || Derek Torrington e.a. || Pearson

Human Resource Management, 11th Edition, by Torrington, Hall, Taylor and Atkinson is praised for its comprehensive scope of topics, coverage of important HRM issues and succinctness. It is a great introduction to human resources for students pursuing undergraduate business and management courses, as well as those on CIPD accredited courses. Human resource management helps those aspiring to or working in HR or management roles.

The eleventh edition has been thoroughly updated with th...

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Principles of Managerial Finance / Brief 8th Global Edition

2019 || Paperback || Chad Zutter e.a. || Pearson

For introductory courses in managerial finance. Help students apply financial concepts to solve real world problems with a proven teaching and learning framework The Teaching and Learning System -- a hallmark feature of Principles of Managerial Finance, Brief -- weaves pedagogy into concepts and practice, giving students a roadmap to follow through the text and supplementary tools. The 8th Edition, Global Edition, concentrates on the material students need to know in order to make effective f...

Vandaag besteld,
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Principles of Marketing / 8th European edition

2019 || Paperback || Phil T. Kotler e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Create market value through innovative customer connections and engagement Principles of Marketing, 8th European Edition, by Kotler et al. admirably covers a wide range of theoretical concepts and practical issues and accurately reflects the fast-moving pace of marketing in the modern world - examining traditional aspects of marketing and blending them with modern and future concepts. The authors of this European Edition present fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-...

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Exploring Strategy (e-book)

2022 || E-book via Bookshelf || Richard Whittington e.a. || Pearson

Understand basics and develop expertise to think and behave like a managerExploring Strategy, 12th Edition, by Whittington, Angwin, Regner, Johnson and Scholes has long been the essential introduction to strategy for the managers of today and tomorrow and has sold over one million copies worldwide. From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals, charities to government agencies, this book raises the big questions about organisations - how they prosper, how they grow, how they innovate an...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Financial Accounting: An International Introduction / 7th Edition

An International Introduction

2022 || Paperback || David Alexander e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Financial Accounting: An International Introduction 7th Edition is an essential textbook for undergraduates and MBA students worldwide taking a first course in financial accounting. It is the ideal book for you if you have little prior knowledge, or are new to this subject area. The book retains the clear writing style and unique international focus which led to the success of previous editions.

This approach enables the teaching of financial accounting in a way that is not country-specific. ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Mentoring Manual

2021 || Paperback || Julie Starr || Pearson

As a mentor you must be many things: role model, expert, advocate, cheerleader, enforcer and friend. Plus, you must make a positive, lasting difference to the knowledge, skills and prospects of your mentee.

So, being a mentor is a big responsibility. But with The Mentoring Manual, getting it right is easy.

Based on methods developed - and proven - in business, this highly practical book will show you how mentoring works, take you step-by-step through everything you need to know and do, and ...

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Digital Marketing / 8th edition

Strategy, implementation and practice

2022 || Paperback || Dave Chaffey e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

"I have used this book in all its editions since first publication with my undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is a core text for all the students, because it provides the detail they require at an academic level. Importantly it is a book for the practitioner to use too - which is why we use it on our postgraduate practitioner programmes.

We make a copy available to every student in the University. No other text comes close and literally thousands of our graduates have benefitted from...