
Roel Grit (7)
Michel van Ast (6)
Alexander Osterwalder (4)
» Toon alle opties (128)
Ben Baarda (4)
Bert Hedeman (4)
Claire Miquel (4)
G.A.C. Aarts (4)
Haverkamp (4)
Jan Remmerswaal (4)
Magdalena Matussek (4)
Parviz Samim (4)
C. Phillips (3)
Cees Braas (3)
J.H. Blankespoor (3)
Jakop Rigter (3)
Justine van Lawick (3)
Kees Wessels (3)
Lambrecht Spijkerboer (3)
Lisette Munneke (3)
Marcel Spierts (3)
Michaela Perlmann-Balm... (3)
Nel Verhoeven (3)
Peter Epe (3)
Peter Teitler (3)
René van Kralingen (3)
Susanne Schwalb (3)
Walter Geerts (3)
Willem Koetsenruijter (3)
William Shakespeare (3)
Yves Pigneur (3)
A.A.F. Jochems (2)
A.J.P. van Strijp (2)
Alonso Sara Koller (2)
Anje Ros (2)
Ard Sprinkhuizen (2)
Arie Wilschut (2)
Augusto Boal (2)
B. Baarda (2)
Barbara C. Martin (2)
Basten Berg (2)
Ben Hamerling (2)
Bill Bryson (2)
Bill Burnett (2)
Brenda Westra (2)
C. Nunez (2)
C. van Loveren (2)
Christine Swankhuisen (2)
D.S. Moore (2)
Diaz Gutiérez (2)
Dick van Straaten (2)
Donna J. Duell (2)
Ellen Geerlings (2)
Encina Alonso Arija (2)
Esther Bakker (2)
Eugene Ionesco (2)
Eugenia de Guzmán Alo... (2)
Eveline Wouters (2)
Ferdie Migchelbrink (2)
Fridus van der Weijden (2)
G.P. MacCabe (2)
Gordon van der Avoort (2)
Gwenda Schlundt Bodien (2)
H.J. de Kloet (2)
Hans van der Hoeven (2)
Heleen Bos (2)
Hennie Boeije (2)
Herbert Wittel (2)
Hester Vermeulen (2)
Huib Koeleman (2)
IJ.D. Jüngen (2)
Ido Weijers (2)
J. Damen (2)
J.B.M. Kuks (2)
J.P. van Amerongen (2)
J.S.J. Veerkamp (2)
Jaap de Jong (2)
Jaap van der Grinten (2)
Jaime Corpas (2)
Jan Simek (2)
Jan Vanderwegen (2)
Jan van Rosmalen (2)
Jellema (2)
Jeroen Alessie (2)
Jo Bos (2)
Johan Toonstra (2)
Jos van den Bergh (2)
Juan Antonio Ramírez ... (2)
Jürgen Koppensteiner (2)
Karen Armstrong (2)
Kees van Overveld (2)
Ken Blanchard (2)
L. Doornbos (2)
L. Popma (2)
Leroy Wade (2)
Lida Nijgh (2)
M. Kindt (2)
M.J. Tervoort (2)
Marcelo Tano (2)
Mark Julsing (2)
Michael Schünke (2)
N.M. Knecht (2)
Natalie van Zeeland (2)
Nick van Dam (2)
Nico van der Sijde (2)
Oek de Jong (2)
Ortwin Hutten (2)
Otto de Loor (2)
P. Machielse (2)
Patricia Leavy (2)
Patricia van Slobbe (2)
Paul Carley (2)
Paula Bruice (2)
Petra Poelmans (2)
Petra van den Brom-Sni... (2)
Philip Kotler (2)
R. Nunez Mahdi (2)
R.O.B. Gans (2)
René Braam (2)
Ribas (2)
Rieke van Bemmel (2)
Rienk Stuive (2)
Roel Riepma (2)
Ruben Teitler (2)
Sandra F. Smith (2)
Sonja Ehlers (2)
T.O.H. de Jongh (2)
Tom Fischer (2)
Trynke Papa (2)
Various authors (2)
Y.M. Visscher (2)
Yvonne van Zaalen (2)
2021 (137)
2022 (125)
2020 (123)
» Toon alle opties (29)
Social Work (73)
Verpleegkunde (47)
International Business (40)
» Toon alle opties (194)
Leraar Duits (38)
Leraar Spaans (38)
Mondzorgkunde (38)
Integrale Veiligheidsk... (37)
Ondernemerschap & Reta... (37)
Technische Bedrijfskun... (37)
PABO (36)
Finance & Control (34)
Leraar Frans (34)
Logopedie (33)
Built Environment (32)
HBO-rechten (32)
Sociaal-Juridische Die... (32)
Commerciële Economie (31)
Teacher Education in G... (31)
Vaktherapie (30)
Leraar Engels (29)
Leraar Gezondheidszorg... (29)
Human Resource Managem... (28)
Leraar Nederlandse Geb... (28)
Teacher Education in S... (28)
Communicatie (27)
Medische Hulpverlening (27)
Pedagogiek (27)
Leraar Scheikunde (26)
Finance, Tax and Advic... (25)
Management in de Zorg (25)
Teacher Education in F... (25)
Bedrijfskunde (24)
Fysiotherapie (24)
Accountancy (23)
Leraar Nederlands (23)
Leraar Omgangskunde (23)
Bouwkunde (22)
Leraar Natuurkunde (22)
Leraar Techniek (22)
Tolk Nederlandse Gebar... (22)
Werktuigbouwkunde (22)
Chemische Technologie (21)
Biologie en Medisch La... (20)
Huidtherapie (20)
Leraar Aardrijkskunde (20)
Leraar Biologie (20)
Leraar Geschiedenis (20)
Tandprothetiek (20)
Ad Engineering (19)
Creative Business (17)
Engels (17)
Geschiedenis (17)
KOP-opleiding (17)
Teacher Education in E... (17)
Ad Pedagogisch Educati... (16)
Business IT & Manageme... (16)
Chemie (16)
Journalistiek (16)
Leraar Wiskunde (16)
Geneeskunde (15)
HBO-rechten Kandidaat-... (15)
Aardrijkskunde (13)
HBO-ICT (13)
Wiskunde (13)
Natuurkunde (12)
Nederlands (12)
Duits (11)
Engineering (11)
Facility Management (11)
Farmakunde (11)
Ad Health & Social Wor... (10)
Ad Maintenance & Mecha... (10)
Communication and Mult... (10)
Fysiotherapeut (10)
HBO - Rechten (10)
Mechatronica (10)
Orthoptie (10)
Pedagogisch Educatief ... (10)
Toegepaste Psychologie (10)
Bestuurskunde/Overheid... (9)
Frans (9)
Optometrie (9)
Ad Ondernemen (8)
Ad Sociaal Werk in de ... (8)
Automotive (8)
Electrical Engineering (8)
Leraar Basisonderwijs (8)
Maatschappijleer (8)
Mens en Techniek (8)
Tourism Management (8)
Ad Sales & Accountmana... (7)
Ad Schrijftolk (7)
Algemene- en Bedrijfse... (7)
Biologie (7)
Biologie, voeding & ge... (7)
Biomedisch Onderzoek (7)
Elektrotechniek (7)
Ergotherapie (7)
Hotel Management (7)
Maintenance & Mechanic... (7)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (7)
Sociaal Werk in de Zor... (7)
Theologie (7)
Ad Accountancy (6)
Ad Eventmanager (6)
Ad Ondernemerschap & R... (6)
Ad Sociaal Financiële... (6)
Forensisch Laboratoriu... (6)
Godsdienst & Levensbes... (6)
Industrieel Product On... (6)
Learning and Developme... (6)
Logistics Management (6)
Ad Human Resource Mana... (5)
Ad Software Developmen... (5)
Applied Science (5)
Bedrijfsmanagement MKB... (5)
Commercieel Management (5)
Informatica (5)
Master Leren en Innove... (5)
Sportkunde (5)
Vastgoed en Makelaardi... (5)
Ad Management in de Zo... (4)
Ad Online Contentcreat... (4)
Ad Smart technology (4)
Ad Social Work (4)
Bewegingstechnologie (4)
Biobased Chemie (4)
Biobased Chemische Tec... (4)
Food en Pharma (4)
Forensisch Chemisch On... (4)
Global Marketing en Sa... (4)
International Business... (4)
International Business... (4)
International Hotel & ... (4)
Maritiem Officier (4)
Marketing of Social Bu... (4)
Milieukunde (4)
Ondernemen (4)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (4)
Sales & Accountmanagem... (4)
Sportmarketing (4)
Vastgoedkunde (4)
Vertaalacademie (4)
Voeding en Dietetiek (4)
Watermanagement (4)
Ad Facility Management (3)
Ad Management (3)
Ad Pastoraal Werk (3)
Ad Zorg en Technologie (3)
Algemene Economie (3)
Bouwtechnische Bedrijf... (3)
Civiele Techniek (3)
Elektrotechniek en Tec... (3)
Fashion & Textile Tech... (3)
GL Bachelor DTO (3)
Lichamelijke Opvoeding (3)
Logistiek Management (3)
Maritieme Techniek (3)
Master Human-centered ... (3)
Smart technology (3)
Technische Natuurkunde (3)
Toegepaste Wiskunde (3)
Aarde en Klimaat (2)
Ad Bedrijfskunde (2)
Ad Crossmediale commun... (2)
Ad Diermanagement (2)
Ad E-commerce (2)
Ad Events & Experience... (2)
Ad Integraal BouwManag... (2)
Ad Logistiek Managemen... (2)
Ad Tuin- en Landschaps... (2)
Bachelor Vertalen Fran... (2)
Chemische Productinnov... (2)
Creative Marketing en ... (2)
Creative Media and Gam... (2)
Docent Beeldende Kunst... (2)
Educatief Professional... (2)
European Studies (2)
GL Master (2)
Geo Media & Design (2)
Industrial Engineering... (2)
Integraal Bouwmanageme... (2)
International Business... (2)
International Communic... (2)
International Event Ma... (2)
Management van de Leef... (2)
Managing New Retail (2)
Master Consultancy and... (2)
Master Speltherapie (2)
Pastoraal Werk (2)
Podotherapie (2)
Procesontwikkeling en ... (2)
Sociaal Financiële Di... (2)
SportMarketing en Mana... (2)
Technische Informatica (2)
Toegepaste Biologie (2)
Tuin- en Landschapsinr... (2)
Nederlands (723)
Engels (255)
Duits (39)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Management algemeen (58)
Geneeskunde algemeen (39)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (36)
» Toon alle opties (107)
Mens en maatschappij a... (30)
Economie en bedrijf al... (29)
Algemene sociale weten... (27)
Psychologie algemeen (21)
Recht algemeen (21)
Marketing (19)
Tandheelkunde (19)
Communicatiekunde alge... (18)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (18)
Mens en maatschappij H... (18)
Onderwijskunde (17)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (17)
Didactiek (16)
Specialistische genees... (16)
Taalkunde (16)
Welzijnswerk (15)
Literaire roman, novel... (14)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (14)
Literaire fictie algem... (13)
Logopedie (13)
Statistiek en methodol... (13)
Accountancy en adminis... (12)
Talen algemeen (12)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (11)
Scheikunde algemeen (11)
Filosofie algemeen (10)
Geschiedenis algemeen (10)
Technische en nautisch... (10)
Technische wetenschapp... (10)
Economie, recht en bed... (9)
Fysiotherapie (9)
Taalonderwijskunde (9)
(Instrumentele) vaardi... (8)
Duitse taal, letterkun... (8)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (8)
Literaire non-fictie a... (8)
Paramedisch algemeen (8)
Pedagogiek (8)
Biologie algemeen (7)
Leidinggeven, coachen (7)
Medische handboeken (p... (7)
Psychotherapie en ande... (7)
Fictie overig algemeen (6)
Orthopedagogiek (6)
Populaire fiction alge... (6)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (6)
Bouwkunde (5)
Engelse taal, letterku... (5)
Exacte vakken en infor... (5)
Fiscaal recht (5)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (5)
Informatica algemeen (5)
Journalistiek (5)
Personeel en organisat... (5)
Psychiatrie (5)
Wiskunde algemeen (5)
Bedrijfseconomie (4)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (4)
Gezondheidswetenschapp... (4)
Taal Hoger Onderwijs (4)
Toneel en theaterdans (4)
Anatomie en fysiologie (3)
Bouwkunst, architectuu... (3)
Computertechniek (3)
Gezondheid algemeen (3)
Interculturele communi... (3)
Internet (3)
Kunst algemeen (3)
Natuurkunde algemeen (3)
Ontwikkelingspsycholog... (3)
Sociologie algemeen (3)
Strafrecht en procesre... (3)
Strips algemeen (3)
Vormgeving en design (3)
Aardwetenschappen alge... (2)
Arbeids- en sociale ze... (2)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (2)
Biografieën literaire... (2)
Bloemlezingen (2)
Cel- en moleculaire bi... (2)
Energie (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Fictie kinder- en jeug... (2)
Franse taal, letterkun... (2)
Fysische geografie (2)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (2)
Informatica & manageme... (2)
Internationale ontwikk... (2)
Jeugd (2)
Klinische psychologie (2)
Landinrichting (2)
Literatuurwetenschap (2)
Medische biologie (2)
Medische woordenboeken (2)
Naslagwerken algemeen (2)
Non-fictie Vrije tijd ... (2)
Non-fictie informatief... (2)
Poëzie (2)
Programmeertalen (2)
Sociaal ruimtelijke we... (2)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (2)
Technische en nautisch... (2)
Technische en nautisch... (2)
Theater, film- en tele... (2)
Theologie algemeen (2)
Toegepaste communicati... (2)
Vaderlandse geschieden... (2)
Paperback (952)
Hardcover (105)
E-book via Bookshelf (3)
» Toon alle opties (5)

Resultaten (1083)

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

American Nations

A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

2023 || Paperback || Colin Woodard || Penguin

• A New Republic Best Book of the Year • The Globalist Top Books of the Year • Winner of the Maine Literary Award for Non-fiction •

Particularly relevant in understanding who voted for who in this presidential election year, this is an endlessly fascinating look at American regionalism and the eleven "nations" that continue to shape North America

According to award-winning journalist and historian Colin Woodard, North America is made up of eleven distinct nations, ea...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Embracing Complexity

Strategic Perspectives for an Age of Turbulence

2022 || Paperback || Jean G. Boulton || Oxford University Press

The book describes what it means to say the world is complex and explores what that means for managers, policy makers and individuals. The first part of the book is about the theory and ideas of complexity. This is explained in a way that is thorough but not mathematical.

It compares differing approaches, and also provides a historical perspective, showing how such thinking has been around since the beginning of civilisation. It emphasises the difference between a complexity worldview and the...

Levertijd: 10 werkdagen

Medical Microbiology / 9th edition

2020 || Paperback || Patrick R. Murray e.a. || Elsevier

The foremost text in this complex and fast-changing field, Medical Microbiology, 9th Edition, provides concise, up-to-date, and understandable explanations of key concepts in medical microbiology, immunology, and the microbes that cause human disease. Clear, engaging coverage of basic principles, immunology, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology help you master the essentials of microbiology?effectively preparing you for your coursework, exams, and beyond. A...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Teaching and Learning Languages / 1st edition

A practical guide to learning by doing

2012 || Paperback || Jemma Buck e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This publication provides essential reading for any language teacher. Pupil engagement in the language-learning process is key to success, and with this in mind the authors provide a comprehensive list of ideas as well as explaining the underlying principles of successful language-learning. Neil Jones, Assistant HeadteacherLearning a language, especially in a class or group, is an intensely practical subject.

Active participation by students is the key to successful language learning at any a...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Elements of Ecology / 9th Global Edition

2015 || Paperback || Robert Smith e.a. || Pearson

Elements of Ecology, Ninth Edition continues to explain ecological processes clearly and concisely, with a greater emphasis on the relevance of ecology to everyday life and the human impact on ecosystems. This dramatically revised edition discusses issues of human ecology throughout the text and provides a greater variety of opportunities for students to learn, practice, and develop quantitative and analytical skills. Current research examples and other content updates are supported by more ...

Vandaag besteld,
dinsdag verzonden

Optics / 5th Edition

2016 || Paperback || Eugene Hecht || Pearson

For courses in Optics A Contemporary Approach to Optics with Practical Applications and New Focused PedagogyHecht Optics balances theory and instrumentation and provides students with the necessary classical background through a lively and clear narrative. Optics, Fifth Edition is distinguished by three core imperatives: up-to-date content in line with the ever-evolving technological advances in the Optics field; a modern approach to discourse including studies on photons, phasors, and theory...

Vandaag besteld,
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Market Leader / 3rd Edition

Extra Pre-Intermediate Student's Book & eBook. With Online Practice, Digital Resources & DVD Pack

2020 || Paperback || David Cotton || Pearson

Market Leader Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers. New business skills lessons develop the business skills students need for working in business.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Lecture Notes - Radiology / 4th edition

2020 || Paperback || P. Patel || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Radiology Lecture Notes is a succinct yet thorough introduction to the essential imaging techniques used in various clinical situations. This fully revised and updated new edition presents the fundamental core knowledge of film interpretation, specialised radiological investigations, and procedures for imaging specific problems. The book explores common diseases and disorders complemented by good quality radiology images and full-colour illustrations.

Concise chapters, organised by body syste...

Vandaag besteld,
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Strategic Market Management / 12th edition

2024 || Paperback || Aaker || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Learn to identify, select, implement, and adapt market-driven business strategies for profitable growth in competitive markets

In Strategic Market Management, David Aaker and Christine Moorman deliver an incisive, practical, and up-to-date guide for identifying, selecting, implementing, and adapting market-driven business strategies in increasingly complex, dynamic, and crowded markets. The authors provide the concepts, frameworks, tools, and best practice case studies required to develop cap...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Think Like a UX Researcher / 1st edition

How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Shape Business Strategy

2019 || Paperback || David Travis || Taylor & Francis

This book aims to bridge the gap between UX content that is authoritative but at the same time easily digestible. It contains a series of essays on UX research. Although the book could be read from cover to cover, our assumption is that user researchers will dip in and out of the book, somewhat like a bedside or coffee-break reader.