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Resultaten (338)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Principles of Managerial Finance with MyFinanceLab eText / 16th Edition

2021 || Paperback || Chad Zutter e.a. || Pearson

For introductory courses in managerial finance. Using financial concepts to solve real-world problems with a proven teaching and learning framework The Teaching and Learning System - a hallmark feature of Principles of Managerial Finance - weaves pedagogy into concepts and practice, giving students a roadmap to follow through the text and supplementary tools. The 16th Edition concentrates on the material students need to know in order to make effective financial decisions in an increasingly c...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Power Electronics: A First Course / 2nd edition

Simulations and Laboratory Implementations

2022 || Hardcover || Ned Mohan e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd || ook als eBook

POWER ELECTRONICS A FIRST COURSE Enables students to understand power electronics systems, as one course, in an integrated electric energy systems curriculum Power Electronics A First Course provides instruction on fundamental concepts related to power electronics to undergraduate electrical engineering students, beginning with an introductory chapter and moving on to discussing topics such as switching power-poles, switch-mode dc-dc converters, and feedback controllers. The authors also cove...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works

Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works

2022 || Hardcover || Ash Maurya || O'Reilly

We're building more products today than ever before, but most of them fail--not because we can't complete what we want to build but because we waste time, money, and effort building the wrong product. What we need is a systematic process for quickly vetting product ideas and raising our odds of success. That's the promise of Running Lean.

In this inspiring book, Ash Maurya takes you through an exacting strategy for achieving product/market fit for your fledgling venture. You'll learn ideas an...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Ten types of innovation / 1st edition

The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs

2020 || Paperback || Larry Keeley e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Innovation principles to bring about meaningful and sustainable growth in your organization Using a list of more than 2,000 successful innovations, including Cirque du Soleil, early IBM mainframes, the Ford Model-T, and many more, the authors applied a proprietary algorithm and determined ten meaningful groupings the Ten Types of Innovation that provided insight into innovation. The Ten Types of Innovation explores these insights to diagnose patterns of innovation within industries, to identi...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Head First Java / 3rd Edition

A Brain-Friendly Guide

2020 || Paperback || Kathy Sierra e.a. || O'Reilly

What will you learn from this book? Ready to learn Java? This book combines puzzles, strong visuals, mysteries, and soul-searching interviews with famous Java objects to engage you in many different ways. It's fast, it's fun, and it's effective. And despite its playful appearance, Head First Java is serious stuff: a complete introduction to object-oriented programming and Java.

You'll learn everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics. The new third edition brings the book up-to-date f...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

L'Atelier B1

Méthode de français

2020 || Paperback || Marie-Noëlle Cocton || Didier

L'atelier niveau B1 : l'action et la médiation au coeur de l'unité ! Envie de participer à une dynamique collective, bienveillante et rassurante ? Cultivez la coopération et partagez une expérience collective du faire ensemble Notre conviction : Un apprenant autonome progresse mieux ! Comme dans un atelier de fabrication, nos outils occupent une place de choix NOUVEAU ! La Fabrique des mots, de la grammaire, des verbes et des sons : une double page de réflexion collective et d'applicati...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Netzwerk neu A1.2. Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

2019 || Paperback || Stefanie Dengler e.a. || Klett Sprachen

Netzwerk neu führt junge Erwachsene lebendig und zielsicher zu den Niveaus A1, A2 und B1 und bereitet auf die Prüfungen Start Deutsch 1 und 2, Goethe-Zertifikat A2, telc Deutsch A2, Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer, ÖSD A1, A2, Goethe-/ÖSD-Zertifikat B1 und Zertifikat Deutsch vor.

Der Teilband A1.2 beinhaltet sowohl den Kurs- als auch den Übungsbuchteil.

- Authentisches Sprachhandeln durch lerneraktivierende Aufgaben

- Beispiele zu gesprochener Sprache von Anfang an


Levertijd: 16 werkdagen

Fundamentals of Business Process Management / 2nd edition

2019 || Paperback || Marlon Dumas e.a. || Springer

This textbook covers the entire Business Process Management (BPM) lifecycle, from process identification to process monitoring, covering along the way process modelling, analysis, redesign and automation. Concepts, methods and tools from business management, computer science and industrial engineering are blended into one comprehensive and inter-disciplinary approach. The presentation is illustrated using the BPMN industry standard defined by the Object Management Group and widely endorsed by...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 89,25

Bedrijfseconomie voor het besturen van organisaties / Druk 8

2022 || Paperback || André Heezen || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

- Standaardwerk op het gebied van bedrijfseconomie;

- zeer toegankelijk door de praktische opzet;

- nadruk op het bijbrengen van bedrijfseconomisch inzicht.

Bedrijfseconomie voor het besturen van organisaties behandelt verschillende bedrijfseconomische vraagstukken – zoals het maken van een balans- en liquiditeitsbegroting – aan de hand van werkelijke gegevens van bestaande ondernemingen. Daarbij wordt niet alleen rekening gehouden met bedrijfseconomische argumenten, maar ook met commerci...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 80,70

Business marketing / Druk 7

2022 || Paperback || Kees Gelderman e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

- Combineert traditionele kennis van business marketing met nieuwe trends en ontwikkelingen in o.a. online marketing;

- uitgebreid, praktijkgericht en overzichtelijk;

- met veel extra online ondersteuning.

Business marketing combineert op overzichtelijke wijze de meer traditionele en praktische kennis van business marketing, over het koopgedrag van organisaties, marktonderzoek en segmentatie, met de nieuwste inzichten op het gebied van online marketing. Thema’s die daarbij worden behandeld ...