Resultaten (38)
The Everyday Writer with Exercises
2022 || Ringband || Andrea A. Lunsford || Macmillan
The best tool for practicing language awareness
The best tool for practicing language awareness. The Everyday Writer with Exercises is an open invitation to develop awareness about the language we choose and use to write about topics we care about. Andrea Lunsford, with new contributing authors, offers a student-friendly companion that builds the skills, habits, and strategies college writers need to make decisions—to make something happen in the world—every day. They invite us to learn, ...
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Mindful coloring
2023 || Ringband || Centrale Uitgeverij Deltas
Maak je hoofd even leeg met dit prachtige boek vol inspirerende kleurplaten. Kleur de tekeningen in met je kleurpotloden of fineliners en kom helemaal tot rust. Ideaal om mindful en creatief bezig te zijn en even heerlijk te ontspannen! De tekeningen zijn gedrukt op kwaliteitsvol papier om doordrukken te voorkomen.
Faites le vide dans votre tête grâce à ce magnifique livre rempli d'images à colorier. Coloriez les dessins avec vos crayons ou feutres de couleur et retrouvez calme et sérén...
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Mijn maagverkleining
Logboek, Dagboek en Planner
2024 || Ringband || Denise Jansen || IkVerhaal
Ik ben Denise Jansen, 25 jaar en sta op het punt mijn leven drastisch te veranderen.
Ik heb het boek ‘Mijn Maagverkleining’ geschreven, omdat ik hiervoor in een traject zit. Ik zocht iets
voor houvast, iets waarin ik mijn traject bij kon houden en als steuntje in de rug voor als ik het even
niet meer weet. De zoektocht naar zo’n boek was geen succes. Daarom heb ik het zelf ontworpen.
Ik hoop dat mijn boek je helpt om je vooruitgang bij te houden en je te concentreren op wat echt
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Mijn Zwangerschapsjournal
Hou alle mooie momenten van je zwangerschap bij
2023 || Ringband || Mama Baas || Lannoo
Of het nu gaat om de eerste echo, het kloppen van het hartje of de cravings, de zwangerschap is een periode met heel veel indrukken en unieke ervaringen. Met deze Zwangerschapsjournal biedt Mama Baas de oplossing om deze allemaal op een mooie manier bij te houden.
Een mooie en praktische agenda waarin je gemakkelijk de vordering van jouw zwangerschap kunt vastleggen. Boordevol interessante vragen, ruimte om zelf notities te maken, stickers om de bladzijden op te fleuren en plaats om foto's en...
Pronunciation Games
2023 || Ringband || Mark Hancock || Cambridge University Press
Pronunciation Games is a teacher's resource book containing photocopiable pronunciation games for use in the classroom. Each unit contains an enjoyable activity designed to raise learners' awareness of an aspect of English pronunciation. The activities are suitable for use with a wide range of levels and focus on pronunciation points ranging from individual sounds and word stress to sentence stress and intonation.
The Teacher's Pages provide clear instructions for conducting each game, backgr...
Concise Guide to APA Style / 7th edition
2019 || Ringband || American Psychological Association || American Psychological Association || ook als eBook
Concise Guide to APA Style, Seventh Edition is the official APA Style resource for students. Designed specifically for undergraduate writing, this easy-to-use pocket guide is adapted from the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. It provides complete guidance for new writers on effective, clear, and inclusive scholarly communication and the essentials of formatting papers and other course assignments.
New to This Edition: full color throughoutcon...
Norton Anthology of Western Music / 8th edition
Volume One: Ancient to Baroque
2024 || Ringband || J. Peter Burkholder e.a. || WW Norton & Co
The definitive survey, combining current scholarship with a vibrant narrative. Carefully informed by feedback from dozens of scholars, it remains the book that students and teachers trust to explain what’s important, where it fits and why it matters. Peter Burkholder weaves a compelling story of people, their choices and the western musical tradition that emerged.
From chant to hip-hop, he connects past to present to create a context for tomorrow’s musicians.
The Muscle Test Handbook
Functional Assessment, Myofascial Trigger Points and Meridian Relationships
2013 || Ringband || Joseph Shafer e.a. || Elsevier
Especially prepared for the international audience, the English language edition of this highly successful handbook describes Professional Applied Kinesiology muscle testing procedures. A departure from the classic understanding of muscle testing for weakness and rehabilitation, these procedures can be used for detecting more subtle, functional abnormalities. Included within the chapters are stretch tests and post-isometric relaxation procedures for the hypertonic, shortened muscle.
Muscle an...
In Conversation with Exercises
A Writer's Guidebook
2022 || Ringband || Mike Palmquist e.a. || Macmillan
For every kind of writer you need to be.
In Conversation with Exercises starts with the idea that good writing isn’t a single, static thing. This rhetorically-driven, genre-based handbook prepares college writers to write in different ways for different courses, professional contexts, and civic and everyday scenarios. It helps them to be every kind of writer – one who slips in and out of a range of roles, writing situations, and conversations. It gives novice writers the versatility and c...
Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis
2025 || Ringband || Randolph H. Pherson e.a. || SAGE
The Third Edition of Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis showcases sixty-six structured analytic techniques-nine new to this edition-that represent the most current best practices in intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, and business analysis.