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Resultaten (341)
maandag verzonden
het verhaal van een CEO
2015 || Hardcover || Arvid Buit || Uitgeverij Thema
Ontmoet Dirk Wahlberg: CEO van een multinational, bizar succesvol, een echte familieman, rijk en superslim. Alle ingredi
maandag verzonden
Het Monster van de Sloterplas
2015 || Hardcover || Fred Martin e.a. || Driehoek, Stichting De
De Sloterplas ligt in het hart van Amsterdam Nieuw-West. En Nieuw-West heeft de plas in zijn hart gesloten. Hoewel relatief jong, is het kunstmatige meer omgeven met verhalen en legenden.In dit boek leest u over de geschiedenis van het gebied waarin de Sloterplas werd uitgegraven, over de oude historie van de plas zelf, en vooral over de beroemdste bewoner van het 35 meter diepe water: Het Monster!Fred Martin tekende voor de feiten;Jan-Paul van Spaendonck putte uit zijn herinneringen;Anthonie...
maandag verzonden
Nexus De terugkeer van Europa
haar tranen, daden en dromen
2015 || Hardcover || Rob Riemen e.a. || Stichting Nexus Instituut
De Europese Unie is Europa niet. Het is een Economische Unie, een bureaucratie verdwaald in haar kapitalistische waarden, alwaar de Europese ziel uit verdwenen is en tal van spoken uit een destructief verleden weer binnentreden. Europa daarentegen is de nu alom vergeten prinses, ontvoerd door Zeus vermomd als stier; een drenkelinge die op Kreta aanspoelde, waar zij de trotse moeder werd van een groots, humanistisch beschavingsideaal, bedacht en bezongen door denkers en dichters, verwezenlijkt...
Pathology and Intervention in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
2015 || Hardcover || Alberta David J. e.a. || Elsevier
Design and implement a rehab program on your own with Pathology and Intervention in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition. Part of Magee's popular Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series, this pathology text for physical therapists provides clear guidance on patient management relative to specific musculoskeletal pathology, injury, and illness - all based on a sound understanding of basic science and principles of practice. It focuses on the specific pathologies most often seen in the cli...
Disrupt / 2nd edition
Think the Unthinkable to Spark Transformation in Your Business
2015 || Hardcover || Luke Williams || Pearson
Master a complete five-step program for identifying and executing on disruptive business opportunities! Now updated and even more effective, Luke Williams' Disrupt, Second Edition combines the design industry's most powerful "disruptive thinking" techniques with real business implementation discipline. Drawing on his pioneering experience innovating at the legendary frog design (and teaching innovation at NYU), Williams shows exactly how to generate and execute on a steady stream of disruptiv...
Communicating Across Cultures Student's Book With Audio Cd
2015 || Hardcover || Bob Dignen || Cambridge University Press
This is a series of innovative courses from leading business English authors. Titles cover core business skills such as Presentations, Negotiations and Meetings as well as newer areas that focus on current trends in business and management. The series is aimed at intermediate and upper-intermediate students (CEF B1/B2).
Across the series we aim to provide learners with the key skills they will need in their daily working life and future careers. These courses can be used as stand-alone short ...
maandag verzonden
Jutaku: Japanese Houses
Japanese Houses
2015 || Hardcover || Naomi Pollock || Phaidon
Quirky, surprising and entertaining - with more than 400 houses, Jutaku is architecture at the speed of Japan.Frenetic. Pulsating. Disorienting. Japan's contemporary culture is constantly in flux. In stark contrast to the centuries old imperial architecture of Kyoto, recent Japanese architectural practices have ushered in an era of continuous experimentation.With 400 houses, one house per page, one image per house, Jutaku: Japanese Houses is a fast-paced, "quick hit" shock to the system that ...
Introduction to Probability
2015 || Hardcover || Mark Daniel WARD e.a. || Macmillan
Unlike most probability textbooks, which are only truly accessible to mathematically-oriented students, Ward and Gundlach’s Introduction to Probability reaches out to a much wider introductory-level audience. Its conversational style, highly visual approach, practical examples, and step-by-step problem solving procedures help all kinds of students understand the basics of probability theory and its broad applications. The book was extensively class-tested through its preliminary edition, ...
maandag verzonden
Owning the World of Ideas
Intellectual Property and Global Network Capitalism
2015 || Hardcover || David || SAGE
A critical and interdisciplinary exploration of the role of international copyright in today's global, networked economy.
Basics of PET Imaging / 3rd edition
Physics, Chemistry, and Regulations
2015 || Hardcover || Gopal B. PhD Saha || Springer
The Third Edition of this classic text presents the basic concepts of PET imaging technology. Topics include basic physics of PET imaging; detectors, scanners and data collection; storage, display, and PACS; PET radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals; reimbursement for PET procedures; and performance of PET studies. This revised edition is thoroughly updated and includes information on new PET scanning detectors and PET/MRI scanners; PET/MRI data acquisition; software packages; recently devel...