
Nannette Ripmeester (22)
A.M. Ripmeester (7)
Paul van Kempen (5)
» Toon alle opties (103)
Henk Fuchs (4)
Perry Pierik (4)
Rene Luijk (4)
René Luijk (4)
Rieke Wynia (4)
Rudolf Steiner (4)
Twan Huys (4)
Vera Lukassen (4)
Archie Pollock (3)
Elle van Lieshout (3)
Erik van Os (3)
Henk van der Linden (3)
J. van Drongelen (3)
Joe Rubino (3)
Joop Soonieus (3)
Joseph Cavanna (3)
Jules L. Ellis (3)
Lina Zedelius (3)
Mister Jack (3)
Mohamed El-Fers (3)
Priscilla van Lierop (3)
Rene Hombergen (3)
Ruud van den Belt (3)
Stephen Robbins (3)
A.G. Sciarone (2)
Ad Maas (2)
Agaath Koudstaal (2)
Alias Pyrrho (2)
Anton Kruft (2)
Anton Zandhuis (2)
Ard Sprinkhuizen (2)
Bert Snel (2)
Bert Stoop (2)
Bjarne Stroustrup (2)
Brené Brown (2)
Carla van Beers (2)
Claudia Mariele Wulf (2)
Clegg (2)
Daniël Goleman (2)
David Penney (2)
Denicolo (2)
Eliyahu M. Goldratt (2)
Eric Corijn (2)
Eric Kollen (2)
Eugene McLaughlin (2)
Francien Schoordijk (2)
Frederike Huygen (2)
Geert Hulshof (2)
Guus Martens (2)
Han Berghs (2)
Hans Kruger (2)
Hans ten Dam (2)
Hans van der Meer (2)
Harris (2)
Heine Wind (2)
Herbert Wittel (2)
I. Helsloot (2)
Jacobien Beeker (2)
Jacques-Matthieu de Jo... (2)
Jan Hein Mooren (2)
Jan Jonker (2)
Jan van Bon (2)
Joan Elkerbout (2)
John McLeod (2)
Jolet Plomp (2)
Jos Oonincx (2)
Jules E. Ellis (2)
L.W. Naudts (2)
Leo Balai (2)
M. Demaret (2)
M. Fullan (2)
M.P. Rosillo (2)
Margot Scholte (2)
Mari Paz Rosillo (2)
Marjan Dorresteijn (2)
Marleen Tienstra (2)
Martine Demaret (2)
Maurits van der Mersch (2)
Michael Mandersloot (2)
Monique Hulsbergen (2)
N.G.A. Kamminga (2)
Nicky Heijne (2)
Nico Braas (2)
Nicole Muller (2)
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvan... (2)
P. Maccotta (2)
P.J. Meijer (2)
Patricia Maccotta (2)
Petra Biemans (2)
Rahman Syaifoel (2)
Remko van der Pols (2)
Ria van der Knaap (2)
Robert Lemm (2)
Rosanne de Bruin (2)
Samuli Schielke (2)
Sandra Guarda (2)
Stephanie Kaars (2)
Stuart Hall (2)
Suzet Volders (2)
Sven Hassel (2)
Wieke Pot (2)
William Gijsen (2)
Yvonne van de Voort (2)
Nederlands (1182)
Engels (363)
Frans (6)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Psychologie algemeen (89)
Geschiedenis algemeen (66)
Management algemeen (64)
» Toon alle opties (153)
Filosofie algemeen (61)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (51)
Algemene sociale weten... (46)
Mens en maatschappij a... (39)
Verhalenbundels (34)
Waargebeurde verhalen (31)
Economie en bedrijf al... (29)
Geneeskunde algemeen (28)
Esoterie algemeen (25)
Sociologie algemeen (24)
Solliciteren (24)
Non-fictie informatief... (23)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (22)
Literaire non-fictie a... (22)
Theologie algemeen (21)
Politicologie (18)
Bijbels (16)
Biografieën literaire... (16)
Bouwkunst, architectuu... (16)
Psychotherapie en ande... (15)
Gezondheid algemeen (14)
Leidinggeven, coachen (14)
Naslagwerken algemeen (14)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (14)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (13)
Marketing (13)
Sociologie van beleids... (13)
Kunst algemeen (12)
Opvoeding van kinderen... (12)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (11)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (11)
Gebundelde literaire c... (10)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (9)
Communicatiekunde alge... (9)
Recht algemeen (9)
Taalkunde (9)
Talen algemeen (9)
Cultuur- en mentalitei... (8)
Moderne geschiedenis (... (8)
Ondernemingsrecht (8)
Welzijnswerk (8)
Antroposofie (7)
Beroepenvoorlichting (7)
Fotografie, film, vide... (7)
Informatica algemeen (7)
Technische wetenschapp... (7)
Vormgeving en design (7)
Biologie algemeen (6)
Exacte vakken en infor... (6)
Godsdienstwijsbegeerte... (6)
Personeel en organisat... (6)
Politieke geschiedenis... (6)
Sportverhalen (6)
Strafrecht en procesre... (6)
Accountancy en adminis... (5)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (5)
Buitenlandse talen, le... (5)
Exacte vakken en infor... (5)
Hobby's algemeen (5)
Literaire essays (5)
Management algemeen|Ec... (5)
Natuurkunde algemeen (5)
Orthopedagogiek (5)
Praktische filosofie (5)
Regionale stadsgeschie... (5)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (5)
Technische en nautisch... (5)
Vaderlandse geschieden... (5)
Algemene economie (4)
Engelse taal, letterku... (4)
Evolutie (4)
Fiscaal recht (4)
Gebundelde columns en ... (4)
Humor (4)
Kunstgeschiedenis (4)
Kunsttheorie (4)
Luchtvaart (4)
Onderwijskunde (4)
Overige religies (4)
Specialistische genees... (4)
Statistiek en methodol... (4)
Taal BVE-sector (MBO +... (4)
Taalonderwijskunde (4)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (4)
Agogiek (3)
Arbeids- en sociale ze... (3)
Archeologie (3)
Bedrijfseconomie (3)
Didactiek (3)
Exacte vakken en infor... (3)
Franse taal, letterkun... (3)
Historische biografie... (3)
Humanistiek (3)
Informatica & manageme... (3)
Literatuurwetenschap (3)
Logopedie (3)
Muziekgeschiedenis (3)
Nieuwe geschiedenis (1... (3)
Oudheid (tot 500) (3)
Pedagogiek (3)
Programmeertalen (3)
Psychiatrie (3)
Sociale geografie alge... (3)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (3)
Tandheelkunde (3)
Wiskunde algemeen (3)
Assisterende beroepen ... (2)
Beeldende kunst (2)
Bijbelwetenschappen (2)
Computercursussen (2)
Creatief denken (2)
Duitse taal, letterkun... (2)
E-commerce (2)
Economie, recht en bed... (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Fictie kinder- en jeug... (2)
Film en televisie (2)
Fysiotherapie (2)
Gezondheidswetenschapp... (2)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (2)
Informatica & manageme... (2)
Internationaal (publie... (2)
Journalistiek (2)
Klinische psychologie (2)
Landinrichting (2)
Letterkunde (2)
Literaire fictie algem... (2)
Literaire non-fictie a... (2)
Literatuurgeschiedenis... (2)
Middeleeuwen (500-1500... (2)
Natuur populair algeme... (2)
Onderwijsvormen en sch... (2)
Oorlog en vrede (2)
Oorlogs- en verzetsrom... (2)
Oosterse religies waar... (2)
Organisatieantropologi... (2)
Paramedisch algemeen (2)
Pastoraat (2)
Politieke en culturele... (2)
Regionale cultuur (2)
Relaties(boeken over e... (2)
Spaanse taal, letterku... (2)
Stadssociologie (2)
Systeemanalyse en -the... (2)
Taal Hoger Onderwijs (2)
Taalbeheersing (2)
Tentoonstellingscatalo... (2)
Theater, film- en tele... (2)
Toegepaste communicati... (2)
Toepassingsgerichte wi... (2)
True crime (2)
Zwangerschap en opvoed... (2)
kerk- en dogmengeschie... (2)

Resultaten (1574)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen


The science of medicine design

2013 || Paperback || Philip Denton || Integrated Foundations Of Pharmacy

Taking medication is a common occurrence for many people, whether it is to soothe an aching head, regulate blood sugars, or to treat life threatening conditions, such as HIV or cancer. In the UK alone, over 900 million prescriptions are dispensed every year. Overseeing all of this are pharmacists: experts in medicines and their use.

The Integrated Foundations of Pharmacy series supports those who are at the beginning of their journey to become a pharmacist. The reader will begin to understand...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Community Psychology / 5th edition

2013 || Paperback || John Moritsug e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Community Psychology, 5/e focuses on the prevention of problems, the promotion of well-being, empowerment of members within a community, the appreciation of diversity, and an ecological model for the understanding of human behavior. Attention is paid to both “classic” early writings and the most recent journal articles and reviews by today’s practitioners and researchers. Historical and alternative methods of effecting social change are explored in this book, with the overall theme that...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Business of Sport Management / 2nd edition

2013 || Paperback || John Beech || Pearson

Over the first decade of the 21st century the scale and importance of the commercial sport industry has increased dramatically and rapidly. This timely second edition of the ground-breaking text The Business of Sport Management has been comprehensively revised, updated and significantly expanded in scope to meet the needs of today's sports management students, and equip future managers with the tools they need to succeed. Elegantly blending theory with practice, the text looks first at the di...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

UI is Communication

How to Design Intuitive, User Centered Interfaces by Focusing on Effective Communication

2013 || Paperback || Everett N. McKay || Elsevier

User interface design is a challenging, multi-disciplinary activity that requires understanding a wide range of concepts and techniques that are often subjective and even conflicting. Imagine how much it would help if there were a single perspective that you could use to simplify these complex issues down to a small set of objective principles. In UI is Communication, Everett McKay explains how to design intuitive user interfaces by focusing on effective human communication.

A user interface ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The History of Economic Thought / 2nd edition

A Reader

2013 || Paperback || Steven G Medema e.a. || Taylor & Francis

From the ancients to the moderns, questions of economic theory and policy have been an important part of intellectual and public debate, engaging the attention of some of history's greatest minds. This book brings together readings from more than two thousand years of writings on economic subjects. Through these selections, the reader can see first-hand how the great minds of past grappled with some of the central social and economic issues of their times and, in the process, enhanced our und...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment

2013 || Paperback || Cristobal Kay || Taylor & Francis

Upon its publication in 1989, this was the first systematic and comprehensive analysis of the Latin American School of Development and an invaluable guide to the major Third World contribution to development theory. The four major strands in the work of Latin American Theorists are: structuralism, internal colonialism, marginality and dependency. Exploring all four in detail, and the interconnections between them, Cristobal Kay highlights the developed world’s over-reliance on, and partial ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science / 3rd edition

2013 || Paperback || Aviva Petrie e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

New edition of a highly successful student textbook. An introductory text for the complete novice in statistics, starting with very basic concepts. It enables students to handle numerical data and critically appraise the statistical methodology in veterinary and animal science literature.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Training in Interpersonal Skills / 6th edition

TIPS for Managing People at Work

2013 || Paperback || Stephen Robbins e.a. || Pearson

For undergraduate and graduate courses in organisational behaviour and human resources. An applied approach to developing and practicing interpersonal skills. By developing and practicing the material in Training in Interpersonal Skills, students can learn how to build productive relationships for any situation.

This text also helps students master the skills necessary for personal and organisational effectiveness such as self-management, communication, teaming, and problem solving. The sixth...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Marketing Plan Handbook / 5th edition

Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Marian Wood || Pearson

For marketing courses that focus on creating a marketing plan. A step-by-step guide to creating a customized marketing plan. The Marketing Plan Handbook is the only planning handbook to guide readers, step-by-step, through the complete development of a realistic, customized marketing plan.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Calculus For Biology and Medicine / 3rd edition

2013 || Paperback || Claudia Neuhauser || Pearson

For a two-semester or three-semester course in Calculus for Life Sciences. Calculus for Biology and Medicine, Third Edition, addresses the needs of students in the biological sciences by showing them how to use calculus to analyze natural phenomena-without compromising the rigorous presentation of the mathematics. While the table of contents aligns well with a traditional calculus text, all the concepts are presented through biological and medical applications.

The text provides students with...