
Phaidon Editors (39)
DK (26)
Summersdale Publishers (11)
» Toon alle opties (415)
William Shakespeare (11)
Philip Jodidio (9)
Dominic Bradbury (8)
Orange Hippo! (8)
gestalten (8)
Gestalten (7)
Chris van Uffelen (5)
David Andreu (5)
Flick (5)
Gabrielle Balkan (5)
Herman IJsseling (5)
Jean Jullien (5)
Lancar Ida-Bagus (5)
Laura Gyeney (5)
Marcel Szabó (5)
Petra Lea Láncos (5)
Philip Kotler (5)
Philip Matyszak (5)
Sam Brewster (5)
Smith (5)
Spencer Bailey (5)
The School of Life (5)
Atkinson (4)
C.R. Rao (4)
FUEL (4)
Fausto Gilberti (4)
Ferran Adrià (4)
Gisbert L. Brunner (4)
Glenn Adamson (4)
Gregory J. Boyle (4)
Hermawan Kartajaya (4)
Iwan Setiawan (4)
Kai-Uwe Schrogl (4)
Karrarikh Tor (4)
Klaas van Dokkum (4)
Martin Furholt (4)
Meagan Bennett (4)
Ory Dessau (4)
P.J. Blount (4)
Patrick Mauries (4)
Sam Lubell (4)
Sibylle Kramer (4)
The Silver Spoon Kitch... (4)
Williams (4)
elBullifoundation (4)
Alina Wheeler (3)
Alvesson (3)
Anne Sefrioui (3)
Architizer (3)
Becker (3)
Bird (3)
Bradbury (3)
Charlie Mackesy (3)
Claire Bingham (3)
Clark (3)
Cooper (3)
Dan Jones (3)
Dan Kainen (3)
Daniela Hofmann (3)
Daniela Santos Quartin... (3)
David Adjaye (3)
David J. Griffiths (3)
Denicolo (3)
Dusan Djukich (3)
Ernst Van Baar (3)
Ewell Juliana (3)
Field (3)
Frits Scholten (3)
Frost (3)
Hall (3)
Harrison (3)
J.W.B. Stark (3)
Johannes Müller (3)
Katharina Van Cauteren (3)
Macarena Abascal (3)
Maria Wunderlich (3)
Marina Abramovic (3)
Martin Gayford (3)
Martin Herbert (3)
Massimiliano Gioni (3)
Massimo Bottura (3)
Michael Bracewell (3)
Michael W. Mehaffy (3)
Morgan (3)
O'Reilly (3)
Pink (3)
Rafael Moro-Aguilar (3)
Reeves (3)
Reinout Rutte (3)
René Kok (3)
Rihanna (3)
Robert McCarter (3)
Sara Gillingham (3)
Scott (3)
Shackelford (3)
Stephen Moss (3)
Studio Piet Boon (3)
Tanja Masson-Zwaan (3)
Thomas (3)
Toby Musgrave (3)
W. Chan Kim (3)
Wiebke Kirleis (3)
Willem Remmelink (3)
Wodak (3)
Wright (3)
Zeigler-Hill (3)
teNeues Verlag (3)
Adam Allsuch Boardman (2)
Adrienne Stillman (2)
Afshin Ellian (2)
Agata Toromanoff (2)
Alexandra Green (2)
Alistair Moffat (2)
Andrew Martin (2)
Andrew Tuck (2)
Andrews (2)
André Bouwman (2)
Anna Pavord (2)
Anna Wintour (2)
Anne M Gilroy (2)
Annette Capel (2)
Antonia Macaro (2)
Antonis Klapsis (2)
Aron K. Barbey (2)
Attie Dotinga (2)
Bager-Charleson (2)
Barbara & Rene Stoelti... (2)
Bente Nyvad (2)
Bernard Marr (2)
Bottrill (2)
Breakwell (2)
Brett Berk (2)
Brian Gibson (2)
Brian R MacPherson (2)
Brooker (2)
Bruce Mau (2)
Bryant (2)
Bushnell (2)
Cameron (2)
Carol Kaufmann (2)
Carolina Amell (2)
Caroline Heitz (2)
Carolyne Larrington (2)
Catherine Ince (2)
Cayetano Cardelius (2)
Chatfield (2)
Christina Harrison (2)
Christos Kassapoglou (2)
Claudia Theune (2)
Colin Salter (2)
Conrad Lashley (2)
Conrad White (2)
Cook (2)
Corrie (2)
Cunningham (2)
Dan J. Stein (2)
Daniel K. Clegg (2)
Daren Starnes (2)
David Anderson (2)
David McCandless (2)
David Waugh (2)
Debbi Marco (2)
Deborah Hutton (2)
Debra N. Mancoff (2)
Delves-Yates (2)
Desmond Morris (2)
Dick van het Kaar (2)
Dikkie Scipio (2)
Donald West (2)
Douglas Fogle (2)
Douglas Skoog (2)
Ed Bruski (2)
Elcock (2)
Elian Bittencourt (2)
Elliott (2)
Ellis (2)
Els van Steijn (2)
Erich Gamma (2)
Erik Somers (2)
Ervand Abrahamian (2)
Etienne Tornier (2)
F. Holler (2)
Fashionary (2)
Fiske (2)
Floris Velema (2)
Forster (2)
Francesc Zamora Mola (2)
Frank Libertas (2)
Fred Feddes (2)
Freek Peters (2)
Freeman (2)
G. de Vries (2)
Gabor L. Hornyak (2)
Gala Mora (2)
Gallup (2)
Garry J. Shaw (2)
Gary Schwartz (2)
Geert Roskam (2)
Georg Northoff (2)
Germano Celant (2)
Gideon Schwartz (2)
Giles Sparrow (2)
Gill (2)
Giovanni Maciocia (2)
Glazzard (2)
Glen Baxter (2)
Gorard (2)
Gray (2)
Greg Goldin (2)
Gregor Weber (2)
Guy Bird (2)
Gwendolen Jull (2)
H.C. Theisens (2)
Hanlon (2)
Hannah Rogers (2)
Hans Ibelings (2)
Hans Vedder (2)
Hardie Grant Books (2)
Harold Kerzner (2)
Haski-Leventhal (2)
Haslam (2)
Helen Molesworth (2)
Helen Scales (2)
Helen Thompson (2)
Henk Schulte Nordholt (2)
Heslop (2)
Hetty Burgers (2)
Hilton Als (2)
Holland (2)
Howard (2)
Hrishikesh D. Vinod (2)
Hughes (2)
Huw Lewis-Jones (2)
Ian Buruma (2)
Inayat Khan (2)
Ingeborg Schwenzer (2)
Jaap Evert Abrahamse (2)
James H. Gilmore (2)
James Herriot (2)
James Stewart (2)
Jan Strybol (2)
Jane McMorland Hunter (2)
Janneane Blevins (2)
Jason Barlow (2)
Jeroen Lutters (2)
Jessica Bumpus (2)
Jessica Harrison-Hall (2)
Jo Lauria (2)
Joann Plockova (2)
Joanna Ebenstein (2)
Joe Pickard (2)
Joe Pulizzi (2)
Joel D. Ernst (2)
John B. Nezlek (2)
John Lewis-Stempel (2)
John M. Butler (2)
John McLevey (2)
John P. Kotter (2)
Jonathan Olivares (2)
Jones (2)
Joseph Jankovic (2)
Josh Tabor (2)
Joshua David Stein (2)
Joyce (2)
Jules Marshall (2)
Julia Lovell (2)
Julian Baggini (2)
Julian Bell (2)
Julie Pugeat (2)
Karen Waples (2)
Kathleen Miranda (2)
Kayvan Kian (2)
Kees Christiaanse (2)
Kellie Jones (2)
Kelly (2)
Ken Tarrant (2)
Kevin Duncan (2)
Kitchin (2)
Koen Ottenheym (2)
Koenraad Jonckheere (2)
Lamont (2)
Lars Hendrikman (2)
Laura May Todd (2)
Lisk Feng (2)
Lord (2)
Luc Amkreutz (2)
Lucien C. Haag (2)
Luuk Kramer (2)
M. D. Usher (2)
Magnus Nilsson (2)
Malloch (2)
Mansell (2)
Mara Cappelletti (2)
Marc G. Baaij (2)
Marcel Wanders (2)
Marcel Wolterinck (2)
Marcella H. Sorg (2)
Margaret Atwood (2)
Margaret Ray (2)
Marianne Julia Strauss (2)
Marisa R. Nucci (2)
Marjolein Visser (2)
Mark Holborn (2)
Martin Hinz (2)
Max Fraser (2)
May (2)
McNiff (2)
Medwell (2)
Michael B. Gotway (2)
Michael Cox (2)
Michael G. Haag (2)
Michael Petry (2)
Michael Putnam (2)
Michael Schuenke (2)
Michael Sullivan (2)
Michiel Meeusen (2)
Miller (2)
Miranda Aldhouse-Green (2)
Miranda J. Green (2)
Mooney (2)
Mélanie van der Hoorn (2)
Nana Fofi (2)
Naomi Pollock (2)
Nicholas Gill (2)
Noel Kingsbury (2)
O'Brien (2)
Ole Fejerskov (2)
Owen Hopkins (2)
Oxford University Muse... (2)
Parker (2)
Paul Williamson (2)
Payne (2)
Peacock (2)
Penny Craswell (2)
Peter Ackroyd (2)
Peter Allison (2)
Peter Marino (2)
Peter Van Oossanen (2)
Pico Iyer (2)
Pieter Walstra (2)
Piotr H. Kosicki (2)
Potter Gift (2)
Publishing (2)
Punch (2)
Pushpesh Pant (2)
Quentin Buvelot (2)
Ralf Daab (2)
Ralph Johnson (2)
Ralph Skea (2)
Rem Koolhaas (2)
Renee A. Mauborgne (2)
René Redzepi (2)
Richard Helm (2)
Richard Rogers (2)
Rick Relyea (2)
Rik Marselis (2)
Robbert Roos (2)
Robert Lacey (2)
Robert Novack (2)
Robson (2)
Rogers (2)
Rogerson (2)
Rose Kerr (2)
Roxane Gay (2)
Russell Hibbeler (2)
Saleem Watson (2)
Salma Hage (2)
Salmons (2)
Sam Grawe (2)
Sasja van der Vaart-Ve... (2)
Seedhouse (2)
Sergio Asensio Quesada (2)
Sharp (2)
Shon (2)
Sophia Wilhelmina (2)
Spiller (2)
Stanley Crouch (2)
Stefanie Schaefer-Di M... (2)
Steffen Nijhuis (2)
Stephen C. Lazarus (2)
Steven Blom (2)
Stuart Hyatt (2)
Sue Lowell Gallion (2)
Sullivan (2)
Susan Ogier (2)
Taschen (2)
Taylor Putnam (2)
Teresita Fernández (2)
Thijs Demeulemeester (2)
Thomas Bärnthaler (2)
Thomas Piketty (2)
Thomas van Gulik (2)
Todd M. Casey (2)
Tomi Ungerer (2)
Tony Kirkham (2)
Tyler Brule (2)
Ultan Guilfoyle (2)
Virginia Woolf (2)
Vos (2)
Wall (2)
Walsh (2)
Ward (2)
Wayne Franits (2)
Wayne Modest (2)
Wilkinson (2)
William R. Miller (2)
Wilson (2)
Wim Klooster (2)
Wim Pijbes (2)
Wim Vegt (2)
Yaakov Stern (2)
Yayoi Kusama (2)
Yoginâm (2)
teNeues (2)
van Nieuwerburgh (2)
Non-fictie informatief... (257)
Bouwkunst, architectuu... (253)
Geschiedenis algemeen (181)
» Toon alle opties (184)
Kunstgeschiedenis (148)
Sociologie algemeen (127)
Psychologie algemeen (123)
Economie en bedrijf al... (121)
Geneeskunde algemeen (104)
Algemene sociale weten... (96)
Kunst algemeen (84)
Archeologie (77)
Sociologie van beleids... (73)
Technische wetenschapp... (68)
Monografieën (kunst) (65)
Internationaal (publie... (58)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (56)
Natuur populair algeme... (53)
Beroepenvoorlichting (50)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (47)
Politicologie (45)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (41)
Filosofie algemeen (39)
Vormgeving en design (37)
Cultuur- en mentalitei... (36)
Literaire non-fictie a... (36)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (36)
Beeldende kunst (34)
Management algemeen (34)
Museumstudies (34)
Beeldende kunsttechnie... (29)
Fotografie, film, vide... (28)
Woninginrichting (26)
Psychotherapie en ande... (22)
Recht algemeen (20)
Verzamelen (20)
Didactiek (19)
Kunstbeleid- en manage... (19)
Biografieën podiumkun... (18)
Marketing (18)
Personeel en organisat... (18)
Mens en maatschappij a... (17)
Naslagwerken algemeen (17)
Sociale geografie alge... (17)
Wiskunde algemeen (17)
Cultuurwetenschappen a... (16)
Informatica algemeen (15)
Sociale psychologie (15)
Geschiedenis van de fi... (14)
Specialistische genees... (14)
Historische biografieÃ... (13)
Strafrecht en procesre... (13)
Oorlog en vrede (12)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (12)
Reclame (12)
E-commerce (11)
Gezondheid algemeen (11)
Leidinggeven, coachen (11)
Niet-westerse geschied... (11)
Organisatiepsychologie (11)
Biografieën van kunst... (10)
Functieleer (10)
Humor (10)
Kunsttheorie (10)
Natuurkunde algemeen (10)
Tentoonstellingscatalo... (10)
Toneel, - theater- en ... (10)
Algemene economie (9)
Biologie algemeen (9)
Scheikunde algemeen (9)
Kunstzinnige vorming a... (8)
Onderwijsvormen en sch... (8)
Politieke geschiedenis... (8)
Programmeertalen (8)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (8)
Taalkunde (8)
Arbeidspsychologie (7)
Doe-het-zelf (7)
Hobby's algemeen (7)
Maritiem (7)
Moderne geschiedenis (... (7)
Muziektheorie (7)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (7)
Toegepaste communicati... (7)
Vaderlandse geschieden... (7)
Vervoerstechniek (7)
Woninginrichting|Lifes... (7)
Agogiek (6)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (6)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (6)
Landinrichting (6)
Literatuurgeschiedenis... (6)
Tuinontwerpen (6)
Wijsgerige en historis... (6)
Assisterende beroepen ... (5)
Emancipatie (5)
Esoterie algemeen (5)
Geografische atlassen (5)
Jodendom (5)
Kunstmatige intelligen... (5)
Landbouwgeschiedenis (5)
Nieuwe geschiedenis (1... (5)
Ondernemingsrecht (5)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (5)
Technische en nautisch... (5)
Theater, film- en tele... (5)
Theologie algemeen (5)
Wetenschap (>12 jaar) (5)
kerk- en dogmengeschie... (5)
Biochemie (4)
Biografieën literaire... (4)
Bloemlezingen (4)
Bouwkunde (4)
Buitenlandse talen, le... (4)
Culturele antropologie (4)
Fysiotherapie (4)
Kunst en cultuur (<12 ... (4)
Laboratoriumtechniek (4)
Middeleeuwen (500-1500... (4)
Ontwikkelingspsycholog... (4)
Oosterse religies waar... (4)
Productie, inkoop, log... (4)
Regionale stadsgeschie... (4)
Taalonderwijskunde (4)
Tuinieren (4)
Accountancy en adminis... (3)
Algemene letteren (3)
Bedrijfsinformatietech... (3)
Computertechniek (3)
Creatief denken (3)
Economie, recht en bed... (3)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (3)
Europese overzeese exp... (3)
Gezondheidswetenschapp... (3)
Insecten|Specialistisc... (3)
Literaire fictie algem... (3)
Literatuurwetenschap (3)
Luchtvaart (3)
Milieugeografie (3)
Opvoeding van kinderen... (3)
Sociaal economische ge... (3)
Statistiek en methodol... (3)
Technische en nautisch... (3)
Verhalenbundels (3)
Alternatieve geneeswij... (2)
Arbeids- en sociale ze... (2)
Basisschool (2)
Bewegingstherapie, erg... (2)
Biografieën van music... (2)
Cultuursociologie (2)
Databases (2)
Datacommunicatie en ne... (2)
Elektrotechniek (2)
Engelse taal, letterku... (2)
Evolutie (2)
Fictie kinder- en jeug... (2)
Fotografie, film, vide... (2)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (2)
Informatica & manageme... (2)
Internationale financi... (2)
Jeugd (2)
Keuken per land en str... (2)
Kunst algemeen|Fotoboe... (2)
Landbouw en natuurlijk... (2)
Lifestyle algemeen|Won... (2)
Maritieme techniek (2)
Media en computercommu... (2)
Museumgidsen (2)
Muziek algemeen (2)
Muziekgeschiedenis (2)
Natuurbeheer (2)
Oorlog en vrede|Vaderl... (2)
Orthopedagogiek (2)
Overige religies (2)
Psychologische testen ... (2)
Regionale cultuur (2)
Reizen algemeen (2)
Solliciteren (2)
Spelen, spelletjes (2)
Sportgeneeskunde (2)
Talen algemeen (2)
Tandheelkunde (2)
Tekenen, schilderen, k... (2)
Theatertheorie en -tec... (2)
Theoretische natuurkun... (2)
Waargebeurde verhalen (2)
Wiskundige economie (2)
Woordenboeken (2)
2023 (981)
2024 (971)
2022 (411)
» Toon alle opties (27)

Resultaten (3868)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 103,55

Using Personal Judgement in Nursing and Healthcare

2023 || Hardcover || Seedhouse || SAGE

Rules and codes for healthcare professionals continue to proliferate yet are unable to offer practical advice in specific circumstances. To help balance official rules with the variable, unique human element, David Seedhouse and Vanessa Peutherer explain what personal judgement is and how it can be applied routinely and effectively in everyday decision-making in healthcare.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 118,75

Doing Coaching Research

2023 || Hardcover || Jackson || SAGE

An ideal introduction for trainees and practitioners looking to understand the what, the why, and the how of coaching research.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 181,45

The SAGE Handbook of Popular Music

2023 || Hardcover || Bennett || SAGE

This Handbook represents a timely and important contribution to popular music studies during a significant period of theoretical and empirical growth and innovation in the field.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 224,20

EEG Methods for the Psychological Sciences

2023 || Hardcover || Dickter || SAGE

This book provides an introduction to the technology and techniques of EEG in the context of social neuroscience research that will appeal to investigators (students or researchers) wishing to broaden their research aims to include EEG, and to those already using EEG but wishing to expand their analytic repertoire.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 171,00

Using Software in Qualitative Research: A Step-by-Step Guide / Druk 2

2023 || Hardcover || Silver || SAGE

This essential introduction to the practice and principles of CAQDAS helps readers to choose the most appropriate package for their needs and get the most out of the software once they are using it.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 211,85

Human Resource Development / Druk 2

2023 || Hardcover || McGuire || SAGE

McGuire's student-friendly introduction to the field of HRD provides a good balance of theory and practice.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 137,75

Social Work and Foster Care

2023 || Hardcover || Cosis Brown || Learning Matters

The child is placed at the heart of the text and it includes substantial chapters examining key pieces of legislation, law, policy frameworks and the overreaching theoretical and research evidence to support good practice and help students gain confidence whilst on placements.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 171,00

Understanding Research with Children and Young People

2023 || Hardcover || Clark || SAGE

Useful strategies and guidance for anyone needing to explore the practical and ethical issues around researching with children and young people.

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

An Introduction to the Physical Chemistry of Food

2014 || Hardcover || John N. Coupland || Springer

Familiar combinations of ingredients and processing make the structures that give food its properties. For example in ice cream, the emulsifiers and proteins stabilize partly crystalline milk fat as an emulsion, freezing (crystallization) of some of the water gives the product its hardness and polysaccharide stabilizers keep it smooth. Why different recipes work as they do is largely governed by the rules of physical chemistry.

This textbook introduces the physical chemistry essential to unde...

Leverbaar vanaf 31 januari

The Spitfire Pocket Manual


2017 || Hardcover || UK) Martin (University of Exeter Robson || Bloomsbury Publishing

Developed in 1938 from a Schneider trophy-winning design by the aeronautical engineer and designer R.J Mitchell, the Supermarine Spitfire went on to become the definitive Allied fighter of the Second World War, and ranks amongst the most famous aircraft of all time. This pocket manual presents an accessible collection of fascinating historical documents to help readers explore the technical and tactical developments relating to the design and use of this famous aircraft. Sources include the A...