
Nori Art Coloring (37)
Marleen Verkerk (29)
Jasmin Hajro (18)
» Toon alle opties (482)
Hugo Elena (13)
Kenneth D. Bolden (12)
Smith (12)
Dhr HugoElena (11)
Jones (11)
Chen Yu (10)
Wu Zhongwei (10)
Phaidon Editors (9)
Thomas (9)
Jolley (8)
Piet van der Voort (8)
Williams (8)
Cooper (7)
Perry Pierik (7)
Atkinson (6)
Becker (6)
Denicolo (6)
Evelyn Samuel (6)
Flick (6)
Harrison (6)
Kati Gonzalez (6)
MacInnes (6)
Mark Janes (6)
Plato (6)
Turner (6)
Wright (6)
Anderson (5)
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Brown (5)
Clark (5)
Frank Libertas (5)
Gottlieb (5)
Johnson (5)
Miller (5)
Reeves (5)
Rob Coolen (5)
Roberts (5)
Scott (5)
Allan (4)
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Cook (4)
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Elcock (4)
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Gregory J. Boyle (4)
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Ir. H.C. Theisens (4)
Joseph Kwabena Osei (4)
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Philip Kotler (4)
Privitera (4)
Russell Hibbeler (4)
Stefanie Schaefer-Di M... (4)
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van Nieuwerburgh (4)
yvonne meerstra (4)
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Charles Horngren (3)
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Duncan Angwin (3)
Eleonoor Jap Sam (3)
Field (3)
Gary Armstrong (3)
Gerry Johnson (3)
Gisbert L. Brunner (3)
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Gray (3)
Greenstein (3)
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Hall (3)
Harvey (3)
Haski-Leventhal (3)
Hopkins (3)
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Jemimah Steinfeld (3)
Justin Wolfers (3)
Kara (3)
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Kitchin (3)
Konstantin Serebrov (3)
Layder (3)
Lee (3)
Liana J.F. Romeijn (3)
Lord (3)
Martin (3)
McNiff (3)
Medwell (3)
Murphy (3)
Myhill (3)
Nana Fofi (3)
Nutbrown (3)
Parker (3)
Peter DeMarzo (3)
Peters (3)
Richard Templar (3)
Rogers (3)
Salmons (3)
Shackelford (3)
Spiller (3)
The Open Group (3)
Tracy L. Tuten (3)
Van Haren Learning Sol... (3)
Wall (3)
Ward (3)
Werner Rupprecht (3)
Wodak (3)
Zeigler-Hill (3)
Zwiers (3)
A. Rutter (2)
Abby Osborne (2)
Abernathy (2)
Adrian Thornhill (2)
Alain de Botton (2)
Alastair Bonnett (2)
Alex Cobham (2)
Ali Abdaal (2)
Ali Malik (2)
Alice Roegholt (2)
Allen (2)
Allison-Napolitano (2)
Anderton (2)
Andrews (2)
Ann Davis (2)
Anna Jackman (2)
Anne M. R. Agur (2)
Aron K. Barbey (2)
Arthur Stonehill (2)
Ashman (2)
Asya Pereltsvaig (2)
Bager-Charleson (2)
Baratta (2)
Barbara van Mierlo (2)
Barell (2)
Barker (2)
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Barr (2)
Barry Render (2)
Battersby (2)
Bazeley (2)
Beckley (2)
Beighton (2)
Beirman (2)
Bell (2)
Ben Mezrich (2)
Bender (2)
Benzo (2)
Bernardo Urbani (2)
Bert Demarsin (2)
Blessings (2)
Booth (2)
Bors (2)
Borthwick (2)
Breslin (2)
Brett Berk (2)
Brett Caraway (2)
Brigitte L. Nacos (2)
Brooker (2)
Bryant (2)
Buckler (2)
Burton (2)
Bush (2)
C. William Thomas (2)
CQ Researcher (2)
Cameron (2)
Campbell (2)
Carden (2)
Carola Hein (2)
Caroline Heitz (2)
Carroll (2)
Cath Sullivan (2)
Cayetano Cardelius (2)
Cazaly (2)
Charles Dickens (2)
Chartered College of T... (2)
Chatfield (2)
Christian Henderson (2)
Chuck Munson (2)
Claire Bingham (2)
Combe (2)
Coomber (2)
Corcoran (2)
Corrie (2)
Courtland Bovee (2)
Crawford (2)
Crawley (2)
Cullen (2)
Cunningham (2)
Curtis (2)
Dan J. Stein (2)
Dan Nadel (2)
Danny Pieters (2)
Davey (2)
David Adjaye (2)
David Eiteman (2)
David Harley (2)
David Waugh (2)
David Welch (2)
Davies (2)
Davis (2)
Dawson (2)
De Bruyckere (2)
DeNora (2)
DeWitt (2)
Deacon David J.D. Loch... (2)
Dean Garratt (2)
Deslandes (2)
Dewe (2)
Dhr Hugo Elena (2)
Dimitar Shterionov (2)
Duke (2)
Durdella (2)
Edgar Allan Poe (2)
Edmonds (2)
Eichsteller (2)
Elliott (2)
Emily Finch (2)
Evans (2)
Everett (2)
Farrell (2)
Fearnley (2)
Felt (2)
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Fichtman Dana (2)
Finlay (2)
Fisher (2)
Forster (2)
Fredrik Hamer (2)
Friedrich Paulsen (2)
Gamble (2)
Garmston (2)
Garvey (2)
Gaudet (2)
Georg Northoff (2)
Gert R. Rebergen (2)
Gill (2)
Gobo (2)
Goldfinger (2)
Gopee (2)
Gorard (2)
Grit Roel (2)
Guy Bird (2)
Guy Brook-Hart (2)
H.C. Theisens (2)
Hanafi (2)
Hanlon (2)
Hannah van Zanten (2)
Hans Baars (2)
Hans Ibelings (2)
Hargreaves (2)
Harris (2)
Haslam (2)
Henk W. Volberda (2)
Heslop (2)
Hill (2)
Hoath (2)
Holosko (2)
Holtbrugge (2)
Horton (2)
Hughes (2)
Ian Lynam (2)
Ignatow (2)
Inkson (2)
Ivan Patrick Liesdek (2)
James (2)
James Abdey (2)
James W. Kalat (2)
Jason Barlow (2)
Jasper Merijn Timmer (2)
Jatinder S. Sidhu (2)
Jay Heizer (2)
Jennifer Johns (2)
Jens Waschke (2)
Jeroen Kraaijenbrink (2)
Joana R. Pereira (2)
Johannes Müller (2)
John Sloman (2)
John Thill (2)
Johns (2)
Jonathan Berk (2)
Jonathan Crawshaw (2)
Jones-Smith (2)
Joost Vogtländer (2)
Joseph Albahari (2)
Josephine Munch Rasmus... (2)
Joyce (2)
Judi Nath (2)
Jule Hintzbergen (2)
Julier (2)
Karin Doull (2)
Karwan Fatah-Black (2)
Kayvan Kian (2)
Keeley (2)
Kees Hintzbergen (2)
Keming Yang (2)
Kenneth Laudon (2)
Kevin F. Steinmetz (2)
Kevin Yoka (2)
Kingston-Hughes (2)
Kirk (2)
Koen Berghuijs (2)
Konrad Ott (2)
L. Käppel (2)
L. Schmidt (2)
Lahman (2)
Lamont (2)
Laura Anne Winter (2)
Laura Gyeney (2)
Learning Through Lands... (2)
Leicester (2)
Liam Ralph (2)
Lian Verkerk (2)
Lievi Van Acker (2)
Lindgren (2)
Linsley (2)
Linton (2)
Love (2)
Luisa M. Trindade (2)
Majid Yar (2)
Malloch (2)
Mansbach (2)
Mansell (2)
Marcel Szabó (2)
Maria Wunderlich (2)
Mark Saunders (2)
Mark Tarrant (2)
Martin Furholt (2)
Martin Hinz (2)
Martin S. Hagger (2)
Maund (2)
McGloin (2)
McLaughlin (2)
McStay (2)
Michael Moffett (2)
Michael Rowe (2)
Mills (2)
Mimi Zeiger (2)
Mooi Standing (2)
Mooney (2)
Moore (2)
Morag Kersel (2)
Morris (2)
Muijs (2)
Murawski (2)
Murji (2)
Murray (2)
Myers (2)
Nadja Sorgarde (2)
Nassauer (2)
Natasha Lindstaedt (2)
Neaum (2)
Neil Brodie (2)
Newman (2)
O. Nakoinz (2)
Olivier Nieuwenhuyse (2)
Opie (2)
P.J. van der Voort (2)
Paddison (2)
Parrott (2)
Patience (2)
Patrick Regner (2)
Paul Woldhek (2)
Pawan Budhwar (2)
Payne (2)
Pearson (2)
Pepin van Roojen (2)
Pernecky (2)
Peter Atkins (2)
Petra Lea Láncos (2)
Philip Baker (2)
Philip Lewis (2)
Pink (2)
Pinto (2)
Popham (2)
Portes (2)
Prior (2)
Punch (2)
Quinten De Coene (2)
Quinton (2)
Rachael Squire (2)
Rafico Ruiz (2)
Ramona Francina (2)
Raymond Schoeman (2)
Reinhard Bernbeck (2)
Rexx Language Associat... (2)
Richard Phillips (2)
Richard Whittington (2)
Richards (2)
Richardson (2)
Rick Honings (2)
Rick M. A. Hollen (2)
Rigby (2)
Robson (2)
Rogerson (2)
Roosje de Leeuwe (2)
Rutter (2)
Ryan Espersen (2)
SOM (2)
Saldana (2)
Salkind (2)
Sarah Riley (2)
Schedlitzki (2)
Schulz (2)
Seedhouse (2)
Seymour (2)
Sharp (2)
Shaw (2)
Shon (2)
Sigmund Gronmo (2)
Silverman (2)
Silvio Lorusso (2)
Simon (2)
Simonsen (2)
Skrbis (2)
Slater (2)
Solomon (2)
Spapé (2)
Spencely (2)
Spencer (2)
Spencer Bailey (2)
Stacy Pyett (2)
Stefan Fafinski (2)
Stefan Svenningson (2)
Stephen Gibson (2)
Stephen Moss (2)
Stephen Robbins (2)
Steven Heller (2)
Stones (2)
Studio Piet Boon (2)
Sue (2)
Sullivan (2)
Susan Ogier (2)
Suter (2)
Swanson (2)
Sweeney (2)
Teresita Fernández (2)
The School of Life (2)
Themin Suwardy (2)
Tight (2)
Tong (2)
Trenoweth (2)
Vos (2)
Walker-Gleaves (2)
Walsh (2)
Walter Harrison (2)
Warden (2)
Warwick-Booth (2)
Waters-Davies (2)
Wayne Modest (2)
Webber (2)
Weinberg (2)
Welch (2)
Wendy Jenkins (2)
Wendy Tietz (2)
Wickens (2)
Wilkinson (2)
Yaakov Stern (2)
Zhao (2)
van Bilsen (2)
van Wormer (2)
xian (2)
Sociologie algemeen (254)
Sociologie van beleids... (211)
Beroepenvoorlichting (176)
» Toon alle opties (171)
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Onderwijs en opvoeding (119)
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Algemene sociale weten... (84)
Kunst algemeen (80)
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Politicologie (61)
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Vormgeving en design (23)
Bouwkunde (21)
Cultuurwetenschappen a... (20)
Politieke geschiedenis... (20)
Filosofie algemeen (19)
Toegepaste communicati... (18)
Biografieën literaire... (17)
Gezondheidswetenschapp... (15)
Informatica & manageme... (15)
Kunstbeleid- en manage... (15)
Strafrecht en procesre... (15)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (15)
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Wijsgerige en historis... (15)
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Fotografie, film, vide... (14)
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Internationaal (publie... (13)
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Reclame (12)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (11)
Gezondheid algemeen (11)
Organisatiepsychologie (11)
Stadssociologie (11)
Woninginrichting (11)
Esoterie algemeen (10)
Literaire non-fictie a... (9)
Oudheid (tot 500) (9)
Theologie algemeen (9)
Biografieën van kunst... (8)
Kunstgeschiedenis (8)
Landinrichting (8)
Ontwikkelingspsycholog... (8)
Sociale psychologie (8)
Naslagwerken algemeen (7)
Niet-westerse geschied... (7)
Productie, inkoop, log... (7)
Taalkunde (7)
Wetenschap (>12 jaar) (7)
Psychologische testen ... (6)
Taal BVE-sector (MBO +... (6)
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Algemene economie (5)
Assisterende beroepen ... (5)
Creatief denken (5)
Cultuursociologie (5)
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Informatica algemeen (5)
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Jeugd (3)
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Anatomie en fysiologie (2)
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Onderwijskunde (2)
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Seksualiteit (2)
Sociale en historische... (2)
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Taal Hoger Onderwijs (2)
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Resultaten (3162)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Your life has a meaning

81 reminders that will inspire you and broaden your way of thinking

2023 || Paperback || Kevin Yoka || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

This book is a collection of 81 inspiring and thought-provoking reminders, written by Kevin

Yoka. Kevin Yoka is a Belgian writer and storyteller. Who studied at the university of Ku Leuven.

In this book he shares some valuable lessons and inspiring reminders he has learned

throughout his journey at Ku Leuven.

Learned lessons about friendship, love and mental

wellness, through kindness and empathy.

One thing is sure. After reading this book, you will be inspired and know that nothing in your


Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden


2023 || Paperback || Marleen Verkerk || Brave New Books

Self-discipline is the ability to control one’s own thoughts, feelings, and actions in pursuit of long-term goals and values. It involves regulating one’s own behavior in order to achieve personal and professional objectives, despite distractions, temptations, or other obstacles. Self-discipline requires persistence, determination, and the ability to delay gratification.

This book will teach you how to maintain your focus and make consistent progress towards your goals, while also avoidi...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The Essays

2023 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books

Frank Libertas was in Kiev during the US-lead Maidan-revolte in February 2014 en this inspired him to write down his experiences and personal observations what really happened behind the scene. In this complex geopolitical forcefield the tensions were rising so high that Frank seriously feared for a total escalation between NATO and Russia after de coup d'etat in Kiev. On the 17th of July 2014 the MH17 airplane of Malaysian Airways was shot down above the Eeastern part of Ukraine and this co...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Darkly Divine

Grayscale Coloring Book

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

Unleash your inner artist with the Darkly Divine Grayscale Coloring Book – a captivating collection of 48 high-quality grayscale illustrations that beckon you into a world where elegance meets the ethereal. This adult coloring book takes you on a mesmerizing journey through intricate gothic-like portraits and paintings, inviting you to infuse them with your unique creative energy.

Dive into the shadows, rediscover the joy of coloring, and let your imagination soar as you explore the darkly ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Arabian Nights

Grayscale Coloring Book

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through the enchanting world of "1001 Arabian Nights" with the "Arabian Nights - Grayscale Coloring Book." This captivating collection features 55 single-sided grayscale illustrations, each inspired by the rich and timeless tales from the classic anthology of Middle Eastern folklore.

Inside this book, you will discover a realm of imagination and wonder. Each illustration brings to life the intricate and exotic world of "1001 Arabian Nights," from the adventures...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Everything Gothic

Grayscale Coloring Book

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

Enter the enchanting world of 'Everything Gothic Grayscale Coloring Book.' Featuring 54 single-sided grayscale coloring pages, this book invites you to immerse yourself in a diverse array of gothic themes. From captivating portraits of gorgeous gothic women or men with their cat or raven companion, to hauntingly beautiful depictions of bleeding hearts, gothic architecture, and eerie cemetery scenes – each page unveils a different facet of the gothic aesthetic. The rich grayscale tones provi...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Relax and Renew

een mindful kleurboek met kalmerende citaten

2023 || Paperback || Dhr HugoElena || Brave New Books

Op zoek naar een manier om te ontspannen en te ontstressen na een lange dag? Mindfulness kleurboeken voor volwassenen bieden een creatieve uitlaatklep die ontspanning en mindfulness bevordert. Deze kleurboeken bevatten ingewikkelde patronen en ontwerpen waarmee je je kunt concentreren op het huidige moment en kunt deelnemen aan een meditatieve activiteit. Of je nu een doorgewinterde artiest bent of gewoon iets nieuws wilt proberen, mindfulness-kleurboeken bieden een therapeutische ervaring di...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Animal Heads Mandala's

Mindfulness kleurboek

2023 || Paperback || Hugo Elena || Brave New Books

Het kleurboek de Animal Heads Mandala's is een verbluffende verzameling ingewikkelde ontwerpen die de schoonheid van het dierenrijk en de meditatieve kwaliteiten van mandala's samenbrengt. Elke pagina van dit kleurboek heeft een prachtig getekende dierenkop, omgeven door een betoverend mandalapatroon.

Terwijl je elke pagina inkleurt, zul je merken dat je in een staat van rust en ontspanning wordt getrokken, omdat de ingewikkelde ontwerpen en patronen je aanmoedigen om je geest te concentreren...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Monstrous Mandala's

Mindfulness kleurboek

2023 || Paperback || Hugo Elena || Brave New Books

Het Monstrous Mandalas Coloring Book is een spannende en fantasierijke verzameling ingewikkelde ontwerpen met mandala's met een monsterthema. Elke pagina van dit kleurboek heeft een uniek en gedetailleerd mandala-ontwerp, gevuld met griezelige wezens en spookachtige motieven, die een leuke en boeiende manier bieden om je creativiteit te ontdekken en je liefde voor alles wat griezelig en monsterlijk is te omarmen.

Terwijl je elke pagina inkleurt, word je getransporteerd naar een wereld van ang...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Old Greek Stories

2023 || Paperback || James Baldwin || The Greek School

"Old Greek Stories" is a collection of Greek myths and legends retold by James Baldwin. The book includes tales of gods and goddesses, heroes and monsters, as well as famous events from Greek history and culture. Baldwin's engaging writing style brings these stories to life for readers of all ages, from the adventures of Jason and the Argonauts to the labors of Hercules, and the Trojan War. The book also includes informative introductions and notes that provide context and background informat...