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Resultaten (1603)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The Message of the Son of Man

2022 || Paperback || Edwin A. Abbott || Importantia Publishing

The Message of the Son of Man examines the phrase “the Son of Man,” found frequently throughout the New Testament, often from Jesus himself; and in the Old Testament, used by the prophets. It offers deep analysis and insight into the Old and New Testaments, specifically referred at this phrase, and it real meaning in Jesus Christ context.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 15,19

Think Like an Adman, Don't Act Like One

2022 || Paperback || David Snellenberg || BIS Publishers

Advertising is far more than a 30-second commercial on TV. It’s everything you do to lure people into different behaviours, into other perspectives, or different opions. You’re advertising all day long. For yourself, your company or brand. Your NGO, political party or school. Your neighbourhood, city or country. In every conceivable way. By telling stories. Or twisting the facts. By making some things seem more attractive and others uglier. By sketching out an alternative. By stimulating ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Language of Sound – in colour - Volume 3

2022 || Hardcover || Karrarikh Tor || Dark World International

Music Theory: The Language of Sound, reveals the secrets of the guitar and bass guitar. It can be scary to get into music theory for a guitarist or bassist but this is a great place to start. You will never need another chord book or theory book again. The Language of Sound teaches you how to build chords from the root and play melodies in any Key. The graphics tie the fretboards of a guitar and bass guitar to the piano keyboard and sheet music, making it a valuable tool not just for guitaris...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

How Safety Works

Apply 52 Proactive Safety Principles to create an outstanding Safety Culture and Performance

2022 || Paperback || Geert Hulshof || Wingstar Institute

How Safety Works

The most common way to improve safety is to learn from our mistakes and through progressive insight. But then something usually has to happen first with the risk of injury or damage. That is exactly what we want to avoid. Nobody wants an incident or accident. Reactive safety management is necessary but obviously not enough.


In this book, you will learn how to carry out activities to prevent unwanted perf...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

WM-21 solyom / druk 1

2022 || Paperback || Edwin Hoogschagen || Violaero

When Hungary got involved in the second world war, the WM-21 Sólyom (Falcon) was the only Hungarian designed and manufactured plane in service with the Hungarian Royal Airforce. It was in widespread service as reconnaissance plane starting from 1938 onwards. In June of 1941, the machines failed to make in impression, mainly because of accidents and technical issues. The planes were diverted to the training role and were still used as such by May 1945.

The Sólyom story starts in 1927, with t...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Certified PM2 Foundation by Open pm2 Group Courseware

2022 || Paperback || Laurent Kummer || Van Haren Publishing

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Why now? ENG

2022 || Paperback || Michael Humblet || Lannoo

Verkoop is ingrijpend veranderd in de laatste jaren. Maar zijn je verkopers dat ook? Hoe is het gesteld met je verkoopstechnieken? Naast digitale schaalbaarheid ligt de snelheid en ritme van verkoop helemaal anders dan een tijd geleden. Succesvolle ondernemingen hebben manieren gevonden om hiermee om te gaan en er zelfs op te anticiperen. Dit boek bouwt op ervaring met meer dan 350 ondernemingen die aan hun verkoopsstrategie hebben gesleuteld. Het toont de ideale architectuur van ieder salesv...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Fighting Sargas in Bhāravi’s Kirātārjunīya I

A translation of Sargas XV-XVII under the guidance of Mallinātha’s Ghaṇṭāpatha by JAN MARCUS ZWAAN

2022 || Paperback || Jan Marcus Zwaan || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

Indian poetry of the classical style, kāvya, has been long ignored by western Indologists. Nowadays opinion slowly tends to change in favour of this rather extreme poetry. Bhāravi's Kirātārjunīya, the poem treated in this volume is part of the tradition of epic poems or mahākāvyas. Six are recognized. The Kirātārjunīya marks the beginning of a new style of Indian poetry and represents one of the best written in this tradition. The plot is taken from the Mahābhārata.

The authors of...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

An introduction to friendliness (mettā)

Emotional intelligence and freedom in the Pāli discourses of the Buddha

2022 || Paperback || Andrea Sangiacomo || University of Groningen Press

Friendliness (mettā in Pāli) is an emotional and intentional attitude of goodwill and non-aversion towards all sentient beings, including oneself. It is rooted in both feeling and understanding. In the Pāli discourses of the Buddha, friendliness is repeatedly stressed and encouraged for its numerous benefits. It supports and develops a form of emotional intelligence and provides an ideal pathway to explore deeper aspects of one’s experience and their philosophical implications. Friendlin...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Methodical Design explained

Insights into the methodical design process as it is applied in companies.

2022 || Hardcover || Laurens Van Lieshout || Mijnbestseller.nl

How to develop a product?

Practice has shown that many participants in the design teams are not aware of the complete design process. The participants usually have a specialized task. Knowledge of the entire design process is lacking.

This book provides insight into the methodical design process as it is applied in companies.

Why this book?

As lead engineer and project leader I often had to explain to the team members what their role is in the design. Also, the manufacters, who were involved ...