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Resultaten (411)
maandag verzonden
World Political Map 1 : 20 000 000
2013 || Paperback || Craenen National Geographic
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Happiness at work / druk 1
2013 || Paperback || Onno Hamburger e.a. || Boom
`If you`re ready to create a culture of engagement and connectedness at your company, this is one to read.` - Jenn Lim, CEO and Chief Happiness Officer at Delivering Happiness`
People who feel happy at work are keen to learn, creative, productive, self-confident and equipped to deal with changes and stress. Flourishing at work doesn't just make things more pleasant. It's good for you, your colleagues and your company.
The authors invite you to use the happiness compass to determine which steps ...
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Aquatic Oligochaeta of the Netherlands and Belgium
2013 || Paperback || Ton van Haaren e.a. || KNNV Uitgeverij
Het eerste naslagwerk over de zoet- en brakwater borstelwormen van Nederland en België. Biedt een schat aan ecologische en taxonomische achtergrondinformatie en bevat een nieuwe, gebruiksvriendelijke determinatiesleutel. Met meer dan 300 foto's en illustraties. Onmisbaar voor aquatisch ecologen en waterkwaliteitsbeheerders.
Borstelwormen, of oligochaeten, zijn een grote en gevarieerde groep van ongewervelden. Veruit de meeste oligochaeten in onze streken leven in zoet of brak water: maar lie...
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Looking for work in Belgium (ND)
2013 || Paperback || Nannette Ripmeester e.a. || Expertise in Labour Mobility B.V.
Does working abroad appeal to you? Does it sound like a great adventure or a perfect get away from your home country? Or perhaps the opportunity to experience a new country and a new culture? Do not underestimate the situation: career hunting abroad requires more than translating your CV! Different cultures all require their own approach.
An ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach will not work. Stop sending out hundreds of more or less similar applications every week. Each job, employer and count...
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Looking for work in India
2013 || Paperback || A.M. Ripmeester e.a. || ELM
Does working abroad appeal to you? Does it sound like a great adventure or a perfect get away from your home country? Or perhaps the opportunity to experience a new country and a new culture? Do not underestimate the situation: career hunting abroad requires more than translating your CV! Different cultures all require their own approach.
An ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach will not work. Stop sending out hundreds of more or less similar applications every week. Each job, employer and count...
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Looking for work in ... Looking for work in Switzerland
2013 || Paperback || Nannette Ripmeester || ELM
Does working abroad appeal to you? Does it sound like a great adventure or a perfect get away from your home country? Or perhaps the opportunity to experience a new country and a new culture? Do not underestimate the situation: career hunting abroad requires more than translating your CV! Different cultures all require their own approach. An `one-size-fits-all' approach will not work. Stop sending out hundreds of more or less similar applications every week. Each job, employer and country ne...
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Looking for work in ... Looking for work in Singapore
2010 || Paperback || A.M. Ripmeester e.a. || ELM
Does working abroad appeal to you? Does it sound like a great adventure or a perfect get away from your home country? Or perhaps the opportunity to experience a new country and a new culture? Do not underestimate the situation: career hunting abroad requires more than translating your CV! Different cultures all require their own approach.
An ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach will not work. Stop sending out hundreds of more or less similar applications every week. Each job, employer and count...
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Looking for work in international organisations / Druk 2
2013 || Paperback || Nannette Ripmeester e.a. || ELM
Does working abroad appeal to you? Does it sound like a great adventure or a perfect get away from your home country? Or perhaps the opportunity to experience a new country and a new culture? Do not underestimate the situation: career hunting abroad requires more than translating your CV! Different cultures all require their own approach. An `one-size-fits-all approach will not work. Stop sending out hundreds of more or less similar applications every week. Each job, employer and country nee...
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Looking for work in Greece / druk 1
2013 || Paperback || Nannette Ripmeester e.a. || Expertise in Labour Mobility B.V.
Does working abroad appeal to you? Does it sound like a great adventure or a perfect get away from your home country? Or perhaps the opportunity to experience a new country and a new culture? Do not underestimate the situation: career hunting abroad requires more than translating your CV! Different cultures all require their own approach.
An ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach will not work. Stop sending out hundreds of more or less similar applications every week. Each job, employer and count...
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Cornelis van Eesteren / druk 1
2013 || Paperback || Sandra Guarda || Thoth, Uitgeverij
The celebrated Dutch architect and urban planner Cornelis van Eesteren is most famous for his work on the Amsterdam General Extension Plan (AUP), dating from 1934 and implemented after the Second World War, and for his role as the chairman of the International Congress for Modern Architecture (CIAM) from 1930 to 1947. He was a pioneer, and a highly influential figure of modernist urbanism. During his less known 'coming-of-age' years in the 1920s, an exceptionally exciting period in the cultur...