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Resultaten (118)
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A Timeless Vale / druk 1
Archaeology and related essays of the Jordan Valley in honour of Gerrit van der Kooij on the occasion of his sixty-fifty birthday
2009 || Paperback || Eva Kaptijn || Universiteit Leiden hodn Leiden Universi
Dit eerbetoon aan Gerrit van der Kooij biedt een rijke en gevarieerde collectie van archeologische en aanverwante essays over de Jordaanvallei.
De Jordaanvallei was en is nog steeds een plaats van vele facetten: een barrière maar ook een demografisch centrum, een steppe regio, alsmede een vruchtbare landbouwzone en een gebied met een mix van verschillende etnische groepen, culturen en ideeën. Het gebied vormt een rijke bron van informatie voor wetenschappers van verschillende disciplines en...
The Biology of Rocky Shores / 2 Revised Edition
2020 || Hardcover || Colin Little e.a. || Oxford University Press
This new edition offers a concise but comprehensive introduction to rocky shore ecology and has been completely revised and updated throughout. It describes the diverse biota (invertebrates, vertebrates, seaweeds, seagrasses and microalgae) that inhabit rocky shores, and the factors that determine their distributions, abundances and interactions. The book discusses the latest research on processes that control community structure, utilizing a global range of examplesfrom a wide range of shore...
Modern Japan
A Very Short Introduction
2009 || Paperback || Christopher Goto-Jones || Oxford University Press
Japan is arguably today's most successful industrial economy, combining almost unprecedented affluence with social stability and apparent harmony. Japanese goods and cultural products are consumed all over the world, ranging from animated movies and computer games all the way through to cars, semiconductors, and management techniques. In many ways, Japan is an icon of the modern world, and yet it remains something of an enigma to many, who see it as a confusing montage of the alien and the fa...
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Principles and Techniques
2009 || Hardcover || Daphne Koller e.a. || MIT Press Ltd
A general framework for constructing and using probabilistic models of complex systems that would enable a computer to use available information for making decisions.
Governmental Accounting Made Easy / 2nd edition
2009 || Hardcover || W Ruppel || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Government Accounting Made Easy provides a simplified background and discussion of a broad range of governmental accounting topics. The book guides the reader in understanding how these individual topics come together to form a whole, under the new Governmental Accounting Standards Board 34 (GASB 34) financial reporting model.
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Case Study Research in Practice
2009 || Paperback || Helen Simons || SAGE
Case Study Research in Practice is a guide to the theory and practice of case study research, instructing the reader in how to construct, conduct and communicate the story of the subject of their research.
Life Cycle Costing for Engineers
2009 || Hardcover || B.S.Dhillon || Taylor & Francis
Cradle-to-grave analyses are becoming the norm, as an increasing amount of corporations and government agencies are basing their procurement decisions not only on initial costs but also on life cycle costs. And while life cycle costing has been covered in journals and conference proceedings, few, if any, books have gathered this information into an easily accessible resource. Eliminating the need to consult many different sources, Life Cycle Costing for Engineers brings together up-to-date li...
Elementary Statistics for Geographers / 3rd edition
2009 || Hardcover || James E. Burt e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Widely adopted, this uniquely comprehensive text introduces the techniques and concepts of statistics in human and physical geography. Unlike other texts that gloss over the conceptual foundations and focus solely on method, the book explains not only how to apply quantitative tools but also why and how they work. Students gain important skills for utilizing both conventional and spatial statistics in their own research, as well as for critically evaluating the work of others.
Most chapters a...
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Uitgaven vanwege het Instituut voor Ondernemingsrecht, Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen Recasting worker involvement
recent trends in information, consultation and co-determination of worker representatives in a Europeanized arena
2009 || Paperback || Thomas Blanke || Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.
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mastering the art of giving and receiving feedback
2009 || Paperback || Marieta Koopmans || Uitgeverij Thema
Do you tend to keep your comments about others to yourself? Is there a difference between giving feedback to an employee, a colleague or your boss? Do you avoid complimenting others or praising them for their efforts?
Many people would answer these questions with a resounding yes. They are uncomfortable dealing with feedback and would rather sidestep the issue entirely. But open, honest communication enables others to learn and grow, which ultimately improves their performance in the fut...