Resultaten (14)
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Expecting Excellence in Urban Schools: 7 Steps to an Engaging Classroom Practice
2023 || Paperback || Jabari || Corwin
A guide offering seven comprehensive steps to create instruction and a classroom culture that engages students intellectually, emotionally, and behaviorally.
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The Media City: Media, Architecture and Urban Space
2022 || Paperback || Scott McQuire || SAGE
In response to lecturer demand, this is a paperback edition of Scott McQuire's critically acclaimed exploration of the social spaces of modern cities.
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Shared Cities Atlas
Post-socialist Cities and Active Citizenship in Central Europe
2019 || Paperback || David Crowley e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For English please see below
Shared Cities Atlas onderzoekt het nieuwe, wereldwijde 'deelparadigma' in de architectuur en de publieke sfeer aan de hand van zeven steden in Centraal-Europa. Door het in kaart brengen van huidige en nieuwe praktijken van delen, wordt het fenomeen gecontextualiseerd en geduid.
De ideeën van het 'recht op de stad', van gemeenschappelijke toegang tot middelen en van een ‘stedelijke commons' - staan centraal in het hedendaagse architectuurdiscours. Het illustreer...
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Cities and Economic Change: Restructuring and Dislocation in the Global Metropolis
2023 || Hardcover || Paddison || SAGE
A interdisciplinary, student focused exploration of contemporary global urban economies. It covers the theoretical alongside the empirical, with boxed examples and suggested reading and websites for every chapter.
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Doing Global Urban Research
2023 || Paperback || Harrison || SAGE
This book unpacks the challenge of how to make sense of urban complexity. With contributions from key global scholars, it explores various methodological approaches including Comparative Urbanism, Social Network Analysis and Data Visualisation.
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The New Minority
People without a Migration Background in the Superdiverse City
2023 || Paperback || Maurice Crul e.a. || VU University Press
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City Rhythm
2018 || Paperback || Caroline Nevejan e.a. || Multi Actor Systems, Delft University of Technology
Rhythm is fundamental to life. Rhythm can be perceived in the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars. Rhythm makes our hearts tick and defines our breath, in and out. And even the smallest particle in a microbe is part of rhythmic movements. Rhythm in activities is important for culture, for religion, and for sports, schools and hospitals for example. Yet in social situations, social analyses and in social policymaking, rhythm is not considered as a space of analyses or a space of design.
City Rhythm explores the potential of using rhythm analyses in the physical world and related data domain for enhancing social safety in neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. Rhythm in the physical world happens both in space as well as in time. Rhythm in data can connect to location (instead of persons), thus circumventing the issue of privacy. However, because the data addresses specific times and places, nonetheless the data still addresses significant social issues...
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Unmasking Masculinities: Men and Society
2023 || Paperback || Morris || SAGE
Unmasking Masculinities: Men and Society is a new anthology that provides a fresh and comprehensive introduction to the field of critical masculinity studies.
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Building Student Resilience, K 8: Strategies to Overcome Risk and Adversity
2023 || Paperback || Simon || Corwin
This book details how to work positively with at-risk students to increase student engagement and develop teacher-student relationships to boost achievement.
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Key Concepts in Urban Studies / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Gottdiener || SAGE
A long awaited, fully-revised edition of this popular, inter-disciplinary student guide to urban studies.