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European Intellectual Property Law
2022 || Paperback || Paul || Oxford University Press
European Intellectual Property Law offers a full account of the main areas of substantive European intellectual property law - including the law of copyright and related rights, patents and plant variety rights, trademarks, design rights, and rights in data and information.
Maritime Law / 5th edition
2020 || Paperback || Yvonne Baatz || Taylor & Francis
Now in its fifth edition, this authoritative guide covers all of the core aspects of maritime law in one distinct volume. Maritime Law is written by a team of leading academics and practitioners, each expert in their own field. Together, they provide clear, concise and fully up-to-date coverage of topics ranging from bills of lading to arrest of ships, all written in an accessible and engaging style.
As English law is heavily relied on throughout the maritime world, this book is grounded in E...
International Human Rights Law / 4th edition
2022 || Paperback || Daniel Moeckli e.a. || Oxford University Press
Written by leading experts in the field, this textbook explores the essentials of international human rights law, from foundational issues to substantive rights and systems of protection. A variety of perspectives bring this subject to life, making International Human Rights Law the ideal companion for students of human rights.
European Labour Law
2023 || Paperback || Teun Jaspers e.a. || Intersentia
This book provides for a comprehensive overview of the various areas of European labour law: fundamental rights, free movement of workers and posting, equal treatment, a-typical forms of employment, collective bargaining and collective agreements, restructuring of enterprises and health and safety.
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Praktisch Staatsrecht / Druk 5
2022 || Paperback || Y.M. Visscher || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Behandelt het staatsrecht zoals je dit dagelijks tegenkomt;
- leest prettig en is zeer toegankelijk;
- korte tussenvragen en actuele voorbeelden verhelderen de theorie.
De macht van de staat lijkt soms onbegrensd. In Praktisch Staatsrecht blijkt dat ook de staat gebonden is aan regels en rekening moet houden met rechten en vrijheden van burgers.
Praktisch Staatsrecht geeft op toegankelijke wijze inzicht in de organisatie van het Koninkrijk, de rol van de staat en de positie van burgers. Het...
Birds' Modern Insurance Law
2020 || Paperback || Professor John Birds || Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Birds? Modern Insurance Law presents a concise yet analytical explanation of the fundamental principles of insurance law. Written in an accessible and straightforward manner the work covers everything from the history of insurance and regulation, through to the various forms of insurance such as life, and liability.
How Mediation Works
Theory, Research, and Practice
2022 || Paperback || Stephen B. Goldberg || Emerald Publishing Limited || ook als eBook
How Mediation Works will introduce management and law students as well as businesses to this art of conflict resolution from the behavioral perspective, while also providing a valuable resource to continuing education programs, mediation training, and lawyers to familiarize clients with the mediation process.
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A Basic Guide to International Business Law / Druk 6
2022 || Paperback || H. Wevers LLM || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- An accessible introduction to international business law and European law;
- offers an understanding of potential legal problems in international business;
- comes with a variety of additional study materials available online.
A Basic Guide to International Business Law aims to give students an understanding as well as practical knowledge of legal problems arising in the area of international business, and to equip them with the skills needed to prevent and tackle these problems.
All chapte...
Inleiding Sport en Recht / Druk 2
|| Paperback || Marco Mosselman || Arko Sports Media BV
De toegenomen juridisering van de samenleving in combinatie met de steeds grotere financie
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Ethiek en recht in kort bestek / Druk 5
2020 || Paperback || Edward Schotman || Boom uitgevers Den Haag || met inkijkexemplaar
In Ethiek en recht in kort bestek worden kort de belangrijkste stromingen in de ethiek belicht en de relatie die deze stromingen hebben met het recht. Het is geschreven voor HBO-Rechten studenten. Het uitgangspunt van het boekje is de gedachte dat inzicht in de ethiek hen zal helpen het recht beter te begrijpen. Daarnaast is het leuk en waardevol om iets van ethiek te weten. Ethiek stimuleert het denken over wie je bent of wilt zijn en het verruimt de blik op de wereld.
Het eerste hoofdstuk i...