Resultaten (72)
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International HRM / Druk 1
2019 || Paperback || M. de Bot || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Is an accessible guide to HRM in an international context;
- gives a complete overview of the field;
- offers immediate application of knowledge through engaging case studies.
An increasing number of organizations operate within an international context. An organization can send employees abroad, hire employees from abroad or outsource tasks to foreign companies. These international activities bring new challenges, especially when it comes to human resource management.
With International HR...
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Career happiness / Druk 2
Finding your bliss in life
2018 || Paperback || Gwen Fontenoy || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
O how we had dreams as a child..... how we were looking forward to the future.
Can you still remember those beautiful dreams?
Let's take all those dreams you ever dreamed and convert them into something tangible and real.
Find your way to that lovely feeling of purpose & fulfilment.
Find your bliss.
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Dare To Be Hired: The revolution for jobseekers
Building resilience through rejection and pressing on to get a job.
2020 || Paperback || Safira Van Toor || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
Why should you get hired?
You getting a job shouldn’t be based only on your experiences, achievements, GPA, type of prestigious university you graduated from or your nationality.
Look beyond those standard requirements and consider your uniqueness as well as your abilities and capabilities. Everyone has got a unique characteristic in them and what it takes to work; even the person people think is dumb could be an asset to a firm. Why? Because he or she being dumb is what make him or her u...
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Victorious series
2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnbestseller.nl
Hello dear reader,
how are you doing ?
I am doing good, and I am very excited
because I have translated all 10
books from my first series.
It has taken me some time to get it done,
because I have a business to run as you probably know, and a lot of greetingcards to sell.
Besides that I have also kept writing new books..
But by now I have only translated my first series into English, and I am very happy
to give you 10 books in this convenient
You receive :
book #1 Build your fortune
My Life Planner
Undated Organizer for Goal Setting, Planning and Productivity | 72-Weeks Personal Weekly and Monthly Agenda with Elegant and Minimalistic Aesthetics
2024 || Hardcover || Heuristica Design Studio || Mijnbestseller.nl
A planner specially designed for the goal setters. A planner with which you will have time to do everything. A planner you will fall in love with from the first second. It will aesthetically fit into your style and life. Perfect as a Gift.
This Planner contents:
- 2024-2026 Calendars;
- 6 Yearly Overview Pages ('To Buy', 'To Visit', 'To Eat', 'To Travel', 'To Read', 'To Watch');
- Celebrations Page;
- Dreams Page;
- Passwords Page;
- 12 Monthly Overview Pages;
- 12 Monthly Plans Pages;
- 6 We...
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Reimagine Teams
2023 || Paperback || Frank Brilman || Vakmedianet
Traditionele teamontwikkeling werkt al tientallen jaren niet meer. Reimagine Teams legt uit waarom niet en biedt een heldere roadmap om teams te bouwen waarmee u wél zakelijke doorbraakresultaten kunt halen. U leert aan de hand van een groot aantal casestudies hoe teams uit de hele wereld een zakelijke transformatie en cultuurverandering tot stand hebben weten te brengen – en dat in slechts drie tot zes maanden!
Reimagine Teams leert u hoe u accountable kunt zijn en doelen kunt bereiken, e...
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Infinitus Intellectus
The Book Club - Workbook
2020 || Paperback || Ewell Juliana || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Infinitus Intellectus - The Workbook.
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Vizualize to achieve succes
2024 || Paperback || Marleen Verkerk || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Discover the transformative power of visualization with this insightful guide. From enhancing creativity and problem-solving to achieving personal and professional goals, this book explores practical techniques and exercises to master the art of mental imagery. Dive into mind mapping, fantasy exploration, and role playing to stimulate innovative thinking and unlock hidden potentials. Whether you're seeking to overcome obstacles, cultivate resilience, or foster creativity, learn how visualizat...
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The End of HRM
A New Model for Work Organization
2022 || Paperback || Roeland van Laer || Warden Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Still far too often, HR policy is focused solely on permanent workers rather than on all workers in an organization. And that while large numbers of employees today have a different perspective on work. They work on temporary contracts, tied to organizations as self-employed professionals or external contractors. And yet these groups are systematically overlooked by HR policy, to the detriment of all parties involved.
It is up to HR to take on the challenges of the workforce of the future an...
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Cases in Human Resource Management
2023 || Paperback || Kimball || SAGE
This book provides students with insights into common challenges, dilemmas, and issues human resource managers face in the workplace.