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Foundation Maths (e-book)

2022 || E-book via Bookshelf || Anthony Croft e.a. || Pearson

Deepen and broaden subject knowledge to set yourself up for future success Foundation Maths 7th Edition by Croft and Davison has been written for students taking higher and further education courses who may not have specialised in mathematics on post-16 qualifications, and who require a working knowledge of mathematical and statistical tools. By providing careful and steady guidance in mathematical methods along with a wealth of practice exercises to improve your maths skills, Foundation M...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Genetics / 7th edition

A Conceptual Approach

2024 || Paperback || Benjamin Pierce || Macmillan

Genetics: A Conceptual Approach engages students by focusing on the big picture of genetics concepts and how those concepts connect to one another. The Seventh Edition Digital Update continues its mission by expanding upon the pedagogy, tools, and online resources that have made this title so successful.

New question types, more learning guidelines for students, and an updated art program round out a powerful text, and improvements to the online resources in Macmillan Learning’s Achieve giv...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Microbiology / 6th edition

An Evolving Science

2023 || Paperback || Joan L. Slonczewski e.a. || Norton & Company

The Sixth Edition of Microbiology: An Evolving Science inspires students to engage with the most cutting-edge research in the field through new digital tools and a transparent pedagogical framework. New research examples from two themes-the microbiome and global impacts-show students why microbiology is exciting and relevant, while an objectives-led framework helps them understand and apply concepts before, during, and after class.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos / 2nd Edition

With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering

2015 || Paperback || Steven H. Strogatz || Taylor & Francis

This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. The presentation stresses analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric intuition. The theory is developed systematically, starting with first-order differential equations and their bifurcations, followed by phase plane analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations, and culminating with the Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, renormalizatio...

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The Science of Spin

The Force Behind Everything – From Falling Cats to Jet Engines

2024 || Paperback || Roland Ennos || Oneworld Publications

It’s time to stop thinking in straight lines…

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Nodding Off

The Science of Sleep from Cradle to Grave

2024 || Paperback || Alice Gregory || Bloomsbury Publishing

The science of our slumber, from the different stages of sleep and how our sleeping patterns change throughout our lives, to what happens when things go wrong.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Rise of the Network Society / 2nd Edition

With a new preface

2009 || Paperback || Manuel Castells || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

A little over a decade since its first publication, the hypotheses set out in Manuel Castells' groundbreaking trilogy have largely been verified. In a substantial new preface to the first volume in the series, Castells demonstrates, in the light of major world trends, how the network society has now fully risen on a global scale.

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The Ascent of Gravity

The Quest to Understand the Force that Explains Everything

2024 || Paperback || Marcus Chown || Orion Publishing Co

Why the force that keeps our feet on the ground holds the key to understanding time and the origin of the universe

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Data Science Design Manual / 1st edition

2017 || Hardcover || Professor Steven S. Skiena || Springer || ook als eBook

This engaging and clearly written textbook/reference provides a must-have introduction to the rapidly emerging interdisciplinary field of data science. It focuses on the principles fundamental to becoming a good data scientist and the key skills needed to build systems for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. The Data Science Design Manual is a source of practical insights that highlights what really matters in analyzing data, and provides an intuitive understanding of how these core...

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De Akasha-ervaring

wetenschap en het kosmisch geheugenveld

2010 || Paperback || Ervin Laszlo || VBK Media || met inkijkexemplaar

Het gevoel dat we onderling en met het universum verbonden zijn is niet nieuw. Traditionele volkeren waren zich bewust van immateriële connecties en ze maakten deel uit van hun dagelijks leven. De moderne wetenschap ontkent deze connecties en gelooft alleen in dat wat zichtbaar is of wetenschappelijk bewezen. Twintig vooraanstaande deskundigen op het terrein van psychiatrie, natuurkunde, filosofie, antropologie, bijna-doodervaring en spiritualiteit vertellen over hun ervaring en interactie m...