Resultaten (31)
Management Consultancy / 2nd edition
2023 || Paperback || Joe O'Mahoney e.a. || Oxford University Press
Management Consultancy provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the consulting industry. The text uses theory as a basis for critical discussion, ensuring students fully understand the principal ideas behind consulting, as well the limitations. The authors' engaging and accessible writing style is combined with a wealth of real-world practical examples, which place management consultancy theory into the context of the business environment.
The book's strong critical perspective...
The History of Economic Thought / 2nd edition
A Reader
2013 || Paperback || Steven G Medema e.a. || Taylor & Francis
From the ancients to the moderns, questions of economic theory and policy have been an important part of intellectual and public debate, engaging the attention of some of history's greatest minds. This book brings together readings from more than two thousand years of writings on economic subjects. Through these selections, the reader can see first-hand how the great minds of past grappled with some of the central social and economic issues of their times and, in the process, enhanced our und...
Training in Interpersonal Skills / 6th edition
TIPS for Managing People at Work
2013 || Paperback || Stephen Robbins e.a. || Pearson
For undergraduate and graduate courses in organisational behaviour and human resources. An applied approach to developing and practicing interpersonal skills. By developing and practicing the material in Training in Interpersonal Skills, students can learn how to build productive relationships for any situation.
This text also helps students master the skills necessary for personal and organisational effectiveness such as self-management, communication, teaming, and problem solving. The sixth...
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Door het oog van de naald (Heruitgave)
excelleren in de volkshuisvesting
2013 || Paperback || J. Tilburg || www.mijnmanagementboek.nl
Unieke visies, uitdagende opvattingen en heldere stellingen over de toekomst van woningcorporaties.
Hoe ziet de toekomst van woningcorporaties eruit en hoe dragen medewerkers daaraan bij?
36 Deskundigen van binnen en buiten de volkshuisvesting vertellen hún verhaal. Een enquête onder corporatiemedewerkers geeft de noodzaak aan van binden en verbinden, de dialoog, kwaliteiten, kansen en vernieuwend leiderschap.
Het waartoe, waarom en hoe leest u in het boek "Door het oog van de naald, exce...
The Strategy Process / 5th edition
Concepts, Contexts, Cases
2013 || Paperback || Joseph Lampel e.a. || Pearson
'There are two people, and only two, whose ideas must be taught to every MBA in the world: Michael Porter and Henry Mintzberg.' - Forbes Magazine The Strategy Process is a truly original and authoritative strategy textbook. The author team of Mintzberg, Lampel, Quinn and Ghoshal introduce a richness of theory and practice into this text, offering an ideal introduction for those who want to develop a deep understanding of strategy. Now into its fifth edition, this text does not shy away from t...
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De vergruizing voorbij / druk Heruitgave
het project als verlangen
2013 || Paperback || Jan Postema || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
In dit "pamflet" betoogt de schrijver dat ons begrippenkader omtrent projectmanagement in essentie dateert uit de jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw. De keuzes die toen gemaakt werden bepalen hoe we nu tegen projecten aan kijken. Maar zonder dat we er erg in hadden is ons blikveld steeds kleiner geworden. Ofschoon we het gevoel hebben steeds meer te weten en te begrijpen. Onze retoriek heeft ons ogenschijnlijk verrijkt. Maar in werkelijkheid zorgt zij ervoor dat we in een steeds beperktere set a...
Business Environment in a Global Context / 2nd Edition
2013 || Paperback || Andrew Harrison || Oxford University Press
Andrew Harrison has expertly authored this engaging text on the business environment, offering theoretical rigour, along with a truly global focus, and an understanding of the economic dimensions of the subject. The text takes a unique approach exploring the business environment at different spatial levels (global, international, national, and regional), in different dimensions (culture, ethics, internationalization, markets, technology, and risk) and in the maingeopolitical regions (Europe, ...
Global Marketing Management / 8th International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Warren J. Keegan e.a. || Pearson
For courses in International Marketing and Global Marketing. This is the leading MBA text in international marketing-with comprehensive cases.
How to Become a Video Game Artist
2013 || Paperback || S Kennedy || Watson-Guptill Publications
Starting with the basics of game creation and a look at the artistic skills necessary to get started, this title offers key roles for creators - from concept artists to character animators to marketing artists and beyond. It also features interviews with video game art professionals who've worked for top gaming companies.
In How to Become a Video Game Artist, veteran video game designer Sam R. Kennedy provides the inside track on everything you need to forge a career in the world of video gam...
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Vrienden met de mammon / druk 1
de levensbeschouwelijke dimensie in de economie
2013 || Paperback || Paul van Geest e.a. || Vrije Uitgevers, De
Is de economie een proces van autonome wetten die zich gedragen als natuurwetten? Of speelt de human factor mee, in de vorm van keuzes, ethische afwegingen, en culturele en religieuze achtergronden? Lange tijd is aangenomen dat in de marktwerking 'de onzichtbare hand van God' aan het werk is en dat zelfsturing van de economie als vanzelf een goede maatschappij oplevert. Dit roept het beeld op van de economie als een zelfstandig voortbewegende kolos met eigen onveranderlijke wetten. Met deze m...