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Ina ter Avest (2)
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Lambrecht Spijkerboer (2)
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Luuk de Bakker (2)
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Roger Baltus (2)
Rolf Touwen (2)
Ronald Hueskens-Donker (2)
Sally Elton-Chalcraft (2)
Sander van den Brink (2)
Sara van Duijn (2)
Sieb Kemme (2)
Suzanne van Norden (2)
Theo de Groot (2)
Tycho Malmberg (2)
White (2)
Willem Uittenbogaard (2)
2023 (60)
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Resultaten (268)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 31,30

Handboek Vakdidactiek PAV

Leren in samenhang

2020 || Paperback || Inge Placklé e.a. || Acco

Vakdidactiek Project Algemene Vakken – Leren in Samenhang – is een handboek voor (aspirant-)leerkrachten die Project Algemene Vakken (PAV) in arbeidsmarktgerichte opleidingen geven.

Wat is PAV? Welke plaats krijgt PAV binnen de vernieuwing van het secundair onderwijs? En hoe kan je geïntegreerd werken binnen bso? De antwoorden op die vragen en meer krijg je aangereikt in dit boek. Het biedt je een houvast om geïntegreerd werken binnen algemene vakken in het beroepsonderwijs te realiseren.

De auteurs stellen theoretische kaders en praktijkvoorbeelden voor om in team krachtige leeromgevingen te creëren voor elke leerling. Uitgangspunt is steeds de optimalisatie van het leren. De leerling, met zijn (beroeps)identiteit, is degene op wie je de leeromgeving afstemt. Bij het uittekenen van de leeromgeving staan authentieke en uitdagende leertaken centraal. De klemtoon ligt daarbij op 21ste-eeuwse vaardigheden. Er is ruime aandacht voor passende leerzorg, in de vorm van evalueren om te leren, differentiatie en coaching. Het geheel is ingebed in een positief en veilig leerklimaa...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

English Unlimited Intermediate Coursebook with e-Portfolio

2012 || Paperback || David Rea || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar

English Unlimited is a six-level (A1 to C1) goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. Through universal topics and activities, and a focus on intercultural competence as a 'fifth skill', this international coursebook helps learners become more sensitive, more effective communicators.

Teaching natural, dependable language, and with CEF goals at its core, it brings real life into the cl...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Coursebook with e-Portfolio

2010 || Paperback || Alex Tilbury || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar

English Unlimited is a six-level (A1 to C1) goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. Through universal topics and activities, and a focus on intercultural competence as a 'fifth skill', this international coursebook helps learners become more sensitive, more effective communicators.

Teaching natural, dependable language, and with CEF goals at its core, it brings real life into the cl...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Complete Advanced Student's Book with Answers with CD-ROM / 2nd edition

2014 || Hardcover || Guy Brook-Hart || Cambridge University Press

Complete Advanced provides thorough preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam. The Student's Book with answers fully prepares students to tackle each part of every exam paper. Unique grammar and vocabulary exercises train students to avoid common mistakes.

Exam information and advice boxes explain the requirements of the exam. Vocabulary and Grammar reviews, every two units, track progress. Speaking and Writing references focus on key skills required for the exam.

The CD-ROM supports mixed ability classes focusing on students' own particular areas of difficulty. Class Audio CDs, available separately, contain the recordings for the listening exercises. A full practice test is available online for teachers to access...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Macmillan English Grammar In Context - Advanced with Key

2018 || Paperback || S. Clarke || Macmillan

The Student's Book takes students from the traditional practice of grammar forms through to topic-based practice exercises. Grammar is clearing presented and explained at each level with review sections assessing student understanding and providing extra practice. The CD-ROM contains a glossary, extra practice for each unit and printable tests.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 95,95

The Essential Guide to SPaG in the Primary Classroom

2023 || Hardcover || Waugh || Learning Matters

This book shows trainees what they need to know to teach all areas of primary grammar. It explains how to support more able children and outlines what good teaching of each part of grammar looks like in the classroom.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 130,15

Primary Teaching / Druk 2

2023 || Hardcover || Carden || Learning Matters

Full coverage of the content of professional studies modules and goes beyond to support trainees on placements and in their learning on the course.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 38,95

Engaging, Motivating and Empowering Learners in Schools

2023 || Paperback || Hewitt || SAGE

This book gives you smart, pragmatic guidance backed by evidence-based research on how to engage and inspire in your teaching. It looks at both how you can influence and shape the learning that goes on in your classroom and how you can apply key lessons to your own professional development as a teacher.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 30,40

Lab Class: Professional Learning Through Collaborative Inquiry and Student Observation

2023 || Paperback || Cranston || Corwin

The Lab Class model helps teachers collaboratively plan, investigate, and develop solutions to a specific problem of practice by observing a host teacher's classroom through the eyes of students.

Direct beschikbaar

Rekenen-wiskunde in de praktijk - Onderbouw (e-book)

2014 || E-book via Bookshelf || Wil Oonk e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

- Onderwijspraktijk centraal bij vakdidactische ontwikkeling van studenten;

- afgestemd op de landelijke rekentoets;

- uitgebreide online ondersteuning.

Rekenen-wiskunde in de praktijk is een succesvolle serie vakdidactische studieboeken voor de pabo. De serie bestaat uit vier delen: onderbouw, bovenbouw, kerninzichten en verschillen in de klas. Centraal staat de vakdidactische ontwikkeling van de student, met als uitgangspunt de onderwijspraktijk.

Rekenen-wiskunde in de praktijk – bovenbou...