Resultaten (64)
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Doing Cultural Studies / Druk 2
2023 || Hardcover || du Gay || SAGE
A long-awaited second edition of this classic cultural studies textbook. A seminal text brought right up to date for a new generation of students and teachers.
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Sex, Drugs and Rock ’n’ Roll in Rembrandt’s Time
2024 || Paperback || Benjamin Roberts || Amsterdam University Press
Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll in Rembrandt’s Time focuses on the generation of rich young men that grew up in the seventeenth century in the Dutch Republic. These men had more money to spend on clothes, music, and recreation than the generation before them. This fascinating account of male adolescence in the Dutch Republic reveals how young men including Rembrandt van Rijn disregarded conservative values and rebelled against the older generation, and consequently created a new youth culture ...
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Living with the Spirits - Vivre avec les esprits
Shamanism in Mongolia - Le chamanisme en Mongolie
2022 || Hardcover || Diane De Clerck || Stichting Kunstboek
Dit boek nodigt de lezer uit om de rijke, zeer gevarieerde en - in onze ogen - zelfs uitbundige Mongoolse sjamanistische materiële cultuur te ontdekken. Mongolië is, samen met Siberië, een van de landen waar het sjamanenkostuum de meest opvallende uiting van het sjamanisme is. Deze kostuums en de sjamanistische voorwerpen zijn zeer belangrijke elementen in het sjamanistische denken aangezien deze 'geestengewaden' de sjamaan in staat stellen om contact te maken met voogdijgeesten en sjamani...
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Central Nigerian Art Revisited
Mumuye and Surrounding Peoples
2022 || Hardcover || Jan Strybol || Stichting Kunstboek
In voorgaande studies wees Jan Strybol er op dat de beeldhouwkunst in Noord-Nigeria - in tegenstelling tot wat doorgaans aangenomen wordt - een grote bloei kende. Houtsculpturen trof men zowat overal aan, met uitzondering van een gedeelte van het Hoge Noorden. In deze studie onderzoekt de auteur vooreerst de sculpturale tradities van een aantal volkeren in Centraal-Nigeria, meer bepaald van het Jos-Plateau en van de vallei van de Midden-Benue tot aan het brongebied van de Taraba-rivier. Deze ...
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Humanity's End As A New Beginning
World Disasters in Myths
2021 || Paperback || Mineke Schipper || Leporello Uitgevers
World Disasters in Myths
MINEKE SCHIPPER, Essay and Selected Myths
‘A work of shared fate and hope’
Long before scholars started wondering and worrying about The End, storytellers provided their own answers in myths. How long will people be allowed to continue handling the earth and their fellow men without respect, before the gods are going to intervene? And what will happen to us humans? Will fire from h...
The Open Door to Hidden Paganism
Abraham Rogerius’s Account of South Indian Hinduism (1651): Critical Introduction, Dutch Text, and Annotated English Translation
2025 || Paperback || Benjamin Leathley || Leiden University Press
This book presents the first-ever English translation of 'The Open Door to Hidden Paganism', one of the earliest and most detailed studies of South Indian Hinduism. Written in 1651 by Abraham Rogerius, a Dutch East India Company clergyman and missionary, it offers an unexpectedly balanced account of the customs and traditions of the South Indian Brahmins. This made it a cornerstone of early European Indology.
In addition to the Dutch original, this edition includes a full English translation...
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Understanding New Media / Druk 2
2023 || Hardcover || Siapera || SAGE
Critical, broad and extensively researched, Understanding New Media remains the essential guide to the new media world, with expanded coverage of key topics, including digital participation, extreme pornography and online radicalization and engaging case studies on topics such as selfies, trolling and gaming addiction.
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Media Solidarities: Emotions, Power and Justice in the Digital Age
2023 || Paperback || Nikunen || SAGE
Combining social and political theory, Media Solidarities explores social change, social justice and how the media shapes our understanding of ourselves. Using relevant and rich examples, this text investigates emerging forms of media solidarities in the digital era.
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What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Fake News?
2023 || Hardcover || Anstead || SAGE
A short, innovative book that uses examples and evidence from around the world to analyse the concept of fake news and outline what we know about it, before proposes what we should do about this dangerous phenomenon.
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Digital Media and Society / Druk 2
2023 || Hardcover || Lindgren || SAGE
Cutting-edge student exploration of what it means to live in a digital society. Introduces key concepts and research essential for digital media, social media and media/data and society modules.