Resultaten (36)
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Critical Ethnography
Method, Ethics, and Performance
2019 || Paperback || D. Soyini Madison || SAGE
Presenting a fresh new look at critical ethnography by emphasizing the significance of ethics and performance in the art and politics of fieldwork, this book celebrates the productive links between theory and method.
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Person-Centred Experiential Counselling for Depression
2019 || Paperback || David Murphy || SAGE
Focusing on humanistic counselling as evidence-based psychological intervention, this book is an essential read for those taking counselling for depression training or a humanistic counselling and psychotherapy course, as well as for those already working within the NHS and wish to enhance their practice.
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Smart Hybridity
Potentials and Challenges of New Governance Arrangements
2019 || Paperback || Joop Koppenjan e.a. || Eleven international publishing
In our current society, governments face complex societal issues that cannot be tackled through traditional governance arrangements. Therefore, governments increasingly come up with smart hybrid arrangements that transcend the boundaries of policy domains and jurisdictions, combine governance mechanisms (state, market, networks and self-governance), and foster new forms of collaboration. This book provides an overview of what smart hybridity entails and of its potentials and challenges. It in...
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The Approved Mental Health Professional's Guide to Mental Health Law
2019 || Paperback || Robert A Brown || SAGE
The fifth edition of Robert Brown's introduction to mental health law for health and social care professionals training to be Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMPHs).
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Critical Thinking and Professional Judgement for Social Work
2021 || Paperback || Lynne Rutter e.a. || SAGE
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Why Don't Women Rule the World?
Understanding Women's Civic and Political Choices
2021 || Paperback || J. Cherie Strachan e.a. || SAGE
Written by four leaders within the national and international academic caucuses on women and politics, Why Don't Women Rule the World? helps students to understand how the underrepresentation of women manifests within politics, and the impact this has on policy.
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The Praxis of Justice
Liber Amicorum Ivo Aertsen
2019 || Hardcover || Stefaan Pleysier e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The Praxis of Justice brings together original contributions on restorative justice centering on the work of Ivo Aertsen, Emeritus Professor of Criminology in the Faculty of Law, KU Leuven. The work of Ivo Aertsen has impacted not only his country, Belgium, but the whole world. In recognition of a worthy life, his friends and colleagues of different generations and from all around the world have created this Liber Amicorum, as a living testament to friendship and accomplishment. The contribut...
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Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling
2021 || Paperback || Bruno Castanho Silva e.a. || SAGE
This text uses an applied approach and graphical presentation style to offer a minimally technical overview of multilevel structural equation modelling, which combines two fields in applied statistics: multilevel modelling and structural equation modelling.
The Handbook of Journalism Studies / 2nd edition
2019 || Paperback || Karin Wahl-Jorgensen e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This second edition of The Handbook of Journalism Studies explores the current state of research in journalism studies and sets an agenda for future development of the field in an international context. The volume is structured around theoretical and empirical approaches to journalism research and covers scholarship on news production; news content; journalism and society; journalism and culture; and journalism studies in a global context. As journalism studies has become richer and more dive...
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Human Behavior Theory for Social Work Practice
2019 || Paperback || Terry L. Koenig e.a. || SAGE
Human Behavior Theory for Social Work Practice provides an in-depth examination of human behavior theories and helps students apply each theory to social work practice. Authors Terry Koenig, Rick Spano, and John Thompson cover a broad spectrum of theories—including ecological, psychological, and sociopolitical—before applying them to a wide range of case examples that represent different stages across the human lifespan. Drawing from their extensive knowledge and experience in social work...