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This is Sparta
2023 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
The history of Sparta is legendary. The author starts his journey in 1888 BC in a small settlement on the Peloponnese to continue via the route Sparta Rotterdam 1888 to the present-day hamlet of Sparta. The gods put you on the horse only to ruthlessly knock you off again. This book traces the early history of Sparta up to the foundation of the city-state of Sparta in roughly 1100 BC and then continues this historical journey through the many highs and lows of the city-state that inspired awe...
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Su un filo di seta
I cinesi stanno arrivando
2024 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
Le relazioni geopolitiche cambieranno in modo significativo nei prossimi decenni. Da Shanghai a Rotterdam, i 2/3 della popolazione mondiale saranno collegati da un'infrastruttura all'avanguardia e ad ampio raggio attraverso la più grande terraferma del mondo. Nei prossimi anni la Cina farà passi da gigante in campo economico e si prevede che supererà gli Stati Uniti. Poiché gli Stati Uniti non vorranno essere da meno sulla scena mondiale, le tensioni geopolitiche e persino i conflitti mil...
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Liliyana Gadyka
2024 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
La bella ciudad de Kiev también tiene algunos inconvenientes. Debido a sus bajos salarios y a su pobre economía, se ha desarrollado allí una auténtica industria en la que mujeres señuelo extremadamente atractivas se han especializado en desvestir financieramente por completo a hombres occidentales desprevenidos. En no pocas ocasiones, la amante resulta ser una estafadora profesional que trabaja con cómplices criminales para vaciar los bolsillos de turistas y buscadores de fortuna. Frank...
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Liliyana Gadyka
2024 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
La bella città di Kiev ha anche qualche inconveniente. A causa dei bassi salari e della debolezza dell'economia, qui si è sviluppata una vera e propria industria in cui esche femminili estremamente attraenti si specializzano nella completa spogliazione finanziaria di ignari uomini occidentali. Non di rado, l'amante si rivela essere un'artista della truffa che lavora con complici criminali per svuotare le tasche di turisti e uomini in cerca di fortuna. Frank Libertas trascina il lettore nell...
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The Essays
2020 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Frank Libertas was in Kiev during the Maidan-revolte in February 2014 en this inspired him to write down his experiences and personal observations what really happened behind the scene. In this complex geopolitical forcefield the tensions were rising so high that Frank seriously feared for a total escalation between NATO and Russia, which was later confirmed by president Putin. On the 17th of July 2014 the MH17 airplane of Malaysian Airways was shot down above the Eeastern part of Ukraine an...
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De Geschiedenis van Kiev-Rus
niet alle dromen zijn bedrog
2020 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
In deze kroniek vernoemd naar de 3 broers die Kiev zouden hebben gesticht wordt de geschiedenis van deze bijzondere stad geschetst vanaf de oude Steentijd tot heden. Dit grensland bevindt zich thans op een breukvlak en heeft alles in zich om een succes te worden of helemaal te falen. In de 11e eeuw was Kiev de parel van Europa en de hoofdstad van het rijk Kiev-Rus. In 1240 werd deze stad met pakweg 50.000 inwoners met de grond gelijk gemaakt door Baku Khan, de kleinzoon van Dzjenkis Khan. De ...
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Postmodern Inquisition in the Netherlands
2023 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
In Jenevercity, Mayor Pearl-chain is in dire straits, accused of cronyism, abuse of power and creating a culture of fear. The democratically elected heavyweights of the city council fly in the integrity agency You Call and We Deliver to deal with her "independently and thoroughly". The heads of this bureau, Long Jake, Ant and Colt, will piggyback her. Ex-journalist Tick is working overtime in his anonymous and vicious internet forum, constantly spewing thousands of smears, slanders and Indian...
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Sobre un hilo de seda
Vienen los chinos
2023 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
Las relaciones geopolíticas van a cambiar significativamente en las próximas décadas. De Shanghai a Rotterdam, dos tercios de la población mundial están conectados por una infraestructura de vanguardia y de gran amplitud a través de la mayor masa terrestre del mundo. China va a adquirir un impulso económico considerable en los próximos años y se espera que supere a Estados Unidos. Como Estados Unidos no querrá jugar un papel secundario en la escena mundial, las tensiones geopolític...
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Sur un fil de soie
Les Chinois arrivent
2023 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
Les relations géopolitiques vont changer de manière significative au cours des prochaines décennies. De Shanghai à Rotterdam, les deux tiers de la population mondiale sont reliés par une infrastructure ultramoderne et très ramifiée à travers la plus grande masse continentale du monde. La Chine va prendre un essor économique considérable dans les années à venir et devrait dépasser les États-Unis. Comme les États-Unis ne voudront pas jouer les seconds rôles sur la scène mondial...
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Num fio de seda
Os chineses estão a chegar
2023 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books
De geopolitieke verhoudingen gaan de komende decennia sterk veranderen. Vanaf Shanghai tot Rotterdam wordt via een hypermoderne, breed vertakte infrastructuur over de grootste landmassa ter wereld met 2/3 van de wereldbevolking aan elkaar verbonden. China gaat de komende jaren flink economisch aan de weg timmeren en zal zo is de verwachting de VS gaan overvleugelen. Welke strategische koers gaat Europa varen? Omdat de VS geen 2e viool op het wereldtoneel zal willen spelen liggen geopolitieke ...