Nai010 uitgevers publishers (105)

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the production of cyclespace in our minds and our cities

2017 || Paperback || Steven Fleming || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Nederlanders gebruiken de fiets in combinatie met de trein om regio's onderling te verbinden. Andere landen gebruiken de fiets om historische stadscentra weer leefbaar te maken. Maar wat als het fietsen zou worden ingezet als het organiserende hoofdprincipe voor stedelijke groei en nieuw te ontwerpen gebouwen?

Het boek laat zien dat steden die in de toekomst de meeste verbindingen bieden, dezelfde steden zijn die fietsverkeer verkiezen boven lopen en openbaar vervoer. Deze steden zijn niet al...

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Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature

Literary Methods in Architectural Education

2018 || Paperback || Bruno Gil e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on architecture and literature.This journal is a vehicle for the Writingplace platform to continue its exploration of the relationship between architecture and literature, which has already resulted in the publication of Writingplace: Investigations in Architecture and Literature in 2016.

Each issue of the journal will focus on themes central to the fruitful relationship betwe...

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Mei architecten

Mei Architects and Planners

2022 || Paperback || Robert Winkel e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

For Dutch please see below

- Englisch -

The fiercely social and vigorously innovative Mei realizes trend-setting buildings in the Netherlands and abroad. This Rotterdam-based architecture firm has built up an idiosyncratic oeuvre in which respect for the environment is central.

This first overview shows works of the past 25 years. From the 1995 modular Smarthouse to the wooden residential building Sawa that is currently being developed: they all display a fascination with intelligent building...

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OASE Journal for Architecture #109

On Modernity and Timelessness

2021 || Paperback || Tom Avermaete e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

For English see below

De architectuurgeschiedenis wordt vaak gelezen in termen van periodes met een eigen zeitgeist, in stromingen met een eigen architectuurtaal. Wat betekent het om afscheid te nemen van het concept van de zeitgeist en in plaats daarvan een cyclisch model van geschiedenis te hanteren? In de jaren 1970 en 1980 werd dit vraagstuk meestal beschouwd vanuit elkaar ogenschijnlijk uitsluitende moderne, anti-moderne en post-moderne posities. Deze scheidslijnen werden ook direct verb...

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met 5% korting 28,45

Reflect / 3 De capsulaire beschaving / druk 3

over de stand in het tijdperk van de angst

2015 || Paperback || L. De Cauter e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

De opkomst van de capsulaire beschaving is een doemscenario dat zich voor onze ogen voltrekt, zonder dat we er erg in hebben. Door de snelheid van onze technologie, de suburbanisering van onze dagelijks leven en de schrijnende dualisering van onze maatschappij, voelen we ons gedwongen ons terug te trekken in de capsules van onze voertuigen, in architecturale cocons of urbanistische enclaves: malls, gated communities, pretparken. Sinds 11 september, de oorlog in Irak en de War on Terrorism, ka...

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Rotterdam groene stad

de 100 groenste plekken van Rotterdam

2016 || Paperback || Marieke de Keijzer e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

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City Made Building the Productive City

2018 || Paperback || Bram Aerts e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

This book documents the most recent realizations of urban factory facilities in Flanders designed by the upcoming architecture studio TRANS. In Flanders three recently built factory facilities showcase the potential of bringing manufacturing back to the city. Nina Rappaport (Yale University) and Job Floris (Monadnock architects) put these projects designed by Ghent-based architects TRANS into context.

Interviews with CEOs and policymakers give a 'behind the scenes' insight on the co-productio...

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Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 2

Inscriptions: Tracing Place

2018 || Paperback || Rosa Ainley e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on architecture and literature.

This journal is a vehicle for the Writingplace platform to continue its exploration of the relationship between architecture and literature, which has already resulted in the publication of Writingplace: Investigations in Architecture and Literature in 2016.

Each issue of the journal will focus on themes central to the fruitful relationship betw...

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OASE 102 Scholen & docenten

De opleiding tot architect / The Education of an Architect

2019 || Paperback || Christophe Van Gerrewey e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Architectural training seems to be more difficult to organize than ever before. After May 1968, education was radically democratized, or at least that was the intention. However, the 1999 Bologna Declaration radically changed the structure of architecture schools as well. Is there any tradition left to hand down to students? What skills do they need before they can enter the job market? And how about the kind of knowledge that may not be practical, but is nevertheless necessary to fully under...

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Imagination and Participation

Next Step in Public Library Architecture

2021 || Paperback || Joyce Sternheim e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

How can the public library fulfil its classic social mission in our individualized and sometimes fragmented society? And how does such a library fit into the urban public space, in which commerce and consumption seem to reign supreme? This requires innovative architecture, the strength of imagination and the willingness to think countercyclically.

In Imagination and Participation librarians Rob Bruijnzeels and Joyce Sternheim examine the most important transitions in public library work. They...