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Taylor & Francis (38)
Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver
2014 || Hardcover || David Riley e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Through examples and analogies, Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver introduces computational thinking as part of an introductory computing course and shows how computer science concepts are applicable to other fields. It keeps the material accessible and relevant to noncomputer science majors. With numerous color figures, this classroom-tested book focuses on both foundational computer science concepts and engineering topics.
It covers abstraction, algorithms, logic, graph th...
Using R for Introductory Statistics
2023 || Hardcover || John Verzani || Taylor & Francis
The second edition of a bestselling textbook, Using R for Introductory Statistics guides students through the basics of R, helping them overcome the sometimes steep learning curve. The author does this by breaking the material down into small, task-oriented steps. The second edition maintains the features that made the first edition so popular, while updating data, examples, and changes to R in line with the current version.
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language
2014 || Paperback || David Kemmerer || Taylor & Francis
Language is one of our most precious and uniquely human capacities, so it is not surprising that research on its neural substrates has been advancing quite rapidly in recent years. Until now, however, there has not been a single introductory textbook that focuses specifically on this topic. Cognitive Neuroscience of Language fills that gap by providing an up-to-date, wide-ranging, and pedagogically practical survey of the most important developments in the field.
It guides students through al...
Social Psychology / 4th edition
Fourth Edition
2014 || Paperback || Eliot R. Smith e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This textbook is the only major introduction to social psychology that provides a conceptually and thematically integrated approach to the science of social behavior, showinghow the major topics and themes in the discipline are deeply interconnected. As such, it provides a uniquely rich, meaningful, and logical appreciation of human social behavior that students can relate to the world around them and apply to their own lives. Throughout, there are explanations of how social processes are int...
Introducing Islam / 2nd edition
2014 || Paperback || New Zealand) William E. (University of Canterbury Shepard || Taylor & Francis
Just what is Islam and what does it mean to be a Muslim in the world today? Since the events of 9/11 and 7/7, Islam has become one of the most controversial and misunderstood religions in the world. Introducing Islam encourages students to put aside their preconceptions and explore this fascinating religion. William Shepard traces the history of Islam from its origins in the life and career of Mohammed, through its classical expressions, to its interactions with the West in the modern world.
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An Introduction to Community Development / 2nd Edition
2014 || Paperback || Rhonda Phillips e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Beginning with the foundations of community development, An Introduction to Community Development offers a comprehensive and practical approach to planning for communities. Road-tested in the authors' own teaching, and through the training they provide for practicing planners, it enables students to begin making connections between academic study and practical know-how from both private and public sector contexts. An Introduction to Community Development shows how planners can utilize local e...
Children / 3rd edition
Rights and Childhood
2014 || Paperback || David Archard || Taylor & Francis
Children: Rights and Childhood is widely regarded as the first book to offer a detailed philosophical examination of children's rights. This fully revised and updated edition is ideal reading for advanced studies across Philosophy, Social Work, Law, Childhood Studies, Politics, and Social Policy.
The Science of Social Influence
Advances and Future Progress
2014 || Paperback || Anthony R. Pratkanis || Taylor & Francis || ook als eBook
The contributions to this volume capture the thrill of current work on social influence, as well as providing a tutorial on the scientific and technical aspects of this research. The volume teaches the student to:Learn how to conduct lab, field and case research on social influence through example by leading researchersFind out about the latest discoveries including the status of research on social influence tactics, dissonance theory, conformity, and resistance to influenceDiscover how seemi...