› Hogeschool Utrecht (7)
› EuroCollege (4)
› Haagse Hogeschool (HHS... (2)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (2)
Taylor & Francis (86)
Brand Positioning
Connecting Marketing Strategy and Communications
2020 || Paperback || Erik Kostelijk e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Brand Positioning is an English translation of an exceptionally well-renowned Dutch textbook, which provides a practical approach to analysing, defining and developing a brand's positioning strategy. Divided into three key parts, the book works step-by-step through the creation of an effective marketing strategy, combining an academic approach with the strategic and operational guidelines, tools and techniques required. Unlike other textbooks, it has a unique focus on the relationship between...
Auditing / 4th edition
Assurance and Risk
2016 || Paperback || W. Robert Knechel e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Focusing on auditing as a judgment process, this unique textbook helps readers strike the balance between understanding auditing theory and how an audit plays out in reality. The only textbook to provide complete coverage of both the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Auditing reflects the contemporary evolution of the audit process. New additions to the book include expert updates on key topics, such as the audit of account...
Lean for Sales
Bringing the Science of Lean to the Art of Selling
2016 || Hardcover || Sean Gillespie e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This groundbreaking book describes the Lean journey as it extends to a business area that is mission critical, yet has been virtually untouched by the Lean transformation. Lean for Sales: Bringing the Science of Lean to the Art of Selling provides sales professionals, and their management teams, with a structured, fact-based approach to boosting sales close rates and delivering improved business value to customers. The time-tested Lean selling techniques described in this book have been prove...
Sales Management
Analysis and Decision Making
2019 || Paperback || Thomas N. Ingram e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This tenth edition of Sales Management continues the tradition of blending the most recent sales management research with the real-life "best practices" of leading sales organizations. The authors teach sales management courses, and interact with sales managers and sales management professors on a regular basis. Their text focuses on the importance of employing different sales strategies for different customer groups, as well as integrating corporate, business, marketing, and sales strategies.
Sales Management includes coverage of the current trends and issues in sales management, along with numerous real-world examples from the contemporary business world that are used throughout the text to illuminate chapter discussions. Key changes in this edition include:Updates in each chapter to reflect the latest sales management research, and leading sales management trends and practices;Revised end-of-chapter cases;Revised ethical dilemma boxes;All new chapter opening vignettes about well-known companies that illustrate key topics from that chapter; andNew or updated comments from sales managers in "Sales Management in the 21st Century" boxes. An online instructor's manual with test questions and PowerPoints is available to adopters...
The History of Economic Thought / 2nd edition
A Reader
2013 || Paperback || Steven G Medema e.a. || Taylor & Francis
From the ancients to the moderns, questions of economic theory and policy have been an important part of intellectual and public debate, engaging the attention of some of history's greatest minds. This book brings together readings from more than two thousand years of writings on economic subjects. Through these selections, the reader can see first-hand how the great minds of past grappled with some of the central social and economic issues of their times and, in the process, enhanced our und...
Managing Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2015 || Paperback || Paul Trott e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Managing Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation is the first textbook for non-business based entrepreneurship courses, focussed on students with a background in science and technology. Its comprehensive, rigorous and yet accessible approach originates from the authors considerable experience mentoring students as they turn their technological ideas into real-life business ventures.
The text is separated into three parts providing a roadmap for successful entrepreneurial projects:Part I fo...
Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video
2023 || Paperback || David K. Irving e.a. || Taylor & Francis
vandaag verzonden
A Short Guide to Political Risk
2021 || Paperback || Robert McKellar || Taylor & Francis
In a competitive and increasingly internationalised business world, many companies rely on the high risk/reward ratio of operating in unstable areas. Those companies willing to engage in emerging or developing countries can often be exposed to a politically volatile environment over which they have little control. Political risk, therefore, is one of the most hazardous challenges that an international business can face.
In A Short Guide to Political Risk you will find a business-centric intro...
Organization Design / 3rd edition
The Practitioner's Guide
2018 || Paperback || Naomi Stanford || Taylor & Francis
Organization Design looks at how to (re)design an organizational system in order to increase productivity, performance and value, and provides the knowledge and methodology to design an adaptive, agile organization capable of handling the kind of continuous organizational change that all businesses face. The book clarifies why and how organizations need to be in a state of readiness to design or redesign, and emphasizes that people as well as business processes must be part of design consider...
Business in Latin America / 2nd edition
Strategic Opportunities and Risks
2023 || Paperback || Fernando Robles e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Business in Latin America provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the business environment of this dynamic and challenging region. The book begins with an overview of the most important macroenvironments shaping the region’s opportunities and risks, while the second part focuses on the business strategies that respond to those opportunities and risks. Capturing the dynamism of this region, this new edition provides a thorough and nuanced understanding of the commonalities and diff...