Taylor & Francis (17)
Macroeconomics in Context / 4th edition
2022 || Paperback || Neva Goodwin e.a. || Taylor & Francis
4th edition has more emphasis on inequality, ownership structures, financialization, the changing nature of work, and global as well as economy-wide change and uncertainty. Several chapters include discussion on the impacts of COVID-19 on economic well-being and other macroeconomic outcomes like health and labour markets. General updates, including new data, new exercises and discussion questions. The first three chapters of 3rd edition have now been condensed to two chapters in the 4th editi...
Ethics and Economics
An Introduction to Free Markets, Equality and Happiness
2021 || Paperback || Johan Graafland || Taylor & Francis
This textbook applies economic ethics to evaluate the free market system and enables students to examine the impact of free markets using the three main ethical approaches: utilitarianism, principle-based ethics, and virtue ethics.
Philosophy of Social Science / 2nd edition
A Contemporary Introduction
2022 || Paperback || Mark Risjord || Taylor & Francis
Philosophy of Social Science: A Contemporary Introduction examines perennial questions of philosophy through engaging the empirical study of society. Questions of normativity concern the place of values in social scientific inquiry. Questions of naturalism concern the relationship between the natural and the social sciences.
And questions of reductionism ask how social institutions relate to the people who constitute them. This accessible text offers a comprehensive overview of debates in the...
Introduction to Energy Analysis / 3rd edition
2020 || Paperback || Kornelis Blok e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This textbook provides an introduction to energy analysis for those students who want to specialise in this challenging field. In comparison to other textbooks, this book provides a balanced treatment of complete energy systems, covering the demand side, the supply side, and the energy markets that connect these. The emphasis is very much on presenting a range of tools and methodologies that will help students find their way in analysing real world problems in energy systems.
This new edition...
Systems Engineering
A Systemic and Systematic Methodology for Solving Complex Problems
2021 || Paperback || Joseph Eli Kasser || Taylor & Francis
This book will change the way you think about problems. It focuses on creating solutions to all sorts of complex problems by taking a practical, problem-solving approach. It discusses not only what needs to be done, but it also provides guidance and examples of how to do it.
The book applies systems thinking to systems engineering and introduces several innovative concepts such as direct and indirect stakeholders and the Nine-System Model, which provides the context for the activities perform...
International Political Economy
Sixth Edition
2018 || Paperback || Thomas Oatley || Taylor & Francis
Broadly viewing the global economy as a political competition that produces winners and losers, International Political Economy holistically and accessibly introduces the field of IPE to students with limited background in political theory, history, and economics. This text surveys major interests and institutions and examines how state and non-state actors pursue wealth and power. Emphasizing fundamental economic concepts as well as the interplay between domestic and international politics, ...
Development Economics / 2nd edition
Theory and Practice
2021 || Paperback || Alain de Janvry e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Chapter dedicated to the history of development economics thought, which is integral to a student fully understanding the evolution of development economics (and which is absent from most other texts) // Authored by two of the biggest names in development economics globally. // Includes extensive discussions on data and studies using the randomized control trial approach, which is widely used in development research nowadays // Each chapter contains "take-home messages"; boxes; "concepts seen...
Sustainable Logistics
How to Address and Overcome the Major Issues and Challenges
2022 || Paperback || Joanna Domagala e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Logistics refers to the processes that start with resources and their acquisition, storage, and transportation to their destination. The concept is crucial in business -- particularly for the manufacturing sector -- to understand, manage, and control how resources are handled and progress through the whole supply chain. Now, there is a strong trend to focus on sustainability and eco-friendly solutions in logistics.
Processes based on both technology and management need innovations and detaile...
Research Methods for Operations and Supply Chain Management / 3rd edition
2023 || Paperback || Christer Karlsson || Taylor & Francis
Research Methods for Operations and Supply Chain Management, third edition, is a toolkit of research approaches primarily for advanced students and beginner researchers, but also a reference book for any researcher in operations and supply chain management (OSCM). Many students begin their careers in research limited by the one or few approaches taken by their department. The concise, accessible overviews found here equip them with an understanding of a variety of methods and how to use them,...
The Routledge Companion to Innovation Management
2020 || Paperback || Jin Chen e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Innovation contributes to corporate competitiveness, economic performance and environmental sustainability. In the Internet era, innovation intelligence is transferred across borders and languages at an unprecedented rate, yet the ability to benefit from it seems to become more divergent among different corporations and countries. How much an organization can benefit from innovation largely depends on how well innovation is managed in it.
Thus, there is a discernible increase in interest in t...