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TU Delft Open (239)
morgen verzonden
Space Design for Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Summer
Passive cooling strategies for hot humid climates, inspired by Chinese vernacular architecture
2019 || Paperback || Xiaoyu Du || TU Delft Open
Space is the empty part of the building, but its volume is important for the activities of occupants. Architects define the general spatial structures of buildings mainly in the early design stages, and the spatial properties, the connection of the spaces and the boundary conditions of them are significant for the building function and performance. This research first clarified the relationship between spatial configuration of buildings, thermal environment and thermal comfort of occupants in...
morgen verzonden
Individually controlled noise reducing devices to improve IEQ in classrooms of primary schools
2020 || Paperback || Dadi Zhang || TU Delft Open
It is well-known that the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) at schools affects the health, comfort and performance of school children. Considering the need for a more effective way to improve both the IEQ in primary school classrooms and children’s satisfaction, along with the positive potential of individual control, this thesis aimed to propose a new way - individual control - to improve the IEQ in classrooms of primary schools and to increase children’s satisfaction in the Netherlands.
First the main IEQ problem in classrooms as well as IEQ perceptions and preferences of the school children were identified through literature and field studies. The outcome showed that noise was the main IEQ problem in classrooms of Dutch primary schools, children could be clustered in according to their IEQ perceptions and preferences, and the reported IEQ-improving actions of the teachers could not effectively improve the IEQ for each chil...
morgen verzonden
Control Shift
European Industrial Heritage reuse in review / Volume 1
2020 || Paperback || Theodora Chatzi Rodopoulou || TU Delft Open
This dissertation focuses on Industrial Heritage Reuse practice in Europe, with special emphasis on the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain and Greece. This vastly complex yet fascinating topic has not been studied holistically under the circumstances of the contemporary era. In the 21st century, Industrial Heritage Reuse is required to be more responsive, more sustainable, more inclusive and more value-driven than before. An enhanced approach for the transformation of industrial relics is...
morgen verzonden
Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker & Vincent Van Romondt
Modernism and national characteristics
2020 || Paperback || Abidin Kusno || TU Delft Open
In this booklet, the architectural theorist and Professor at York University Abidin Kusno discusses two lectures given by two influential professors in the former Dutch colony of Indonesia. The first one, ‘The aesthetics of architecture and the art of the moderns’, was given by C. Wolff Schoemaker in 1930. The second, entitled ‘Towards an Indonesian Architecture’, was delivered by Vincent Van Romondt in 1954. Schoemaker and Van Romondt held different views on the challenges of archite...
morgen verzonden
JFDE – Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, Volume 8 / Number 1 / 2020
European Perspectives
2020 || Paperback || Ulrich Knaack e.a. || TU Delft Open
morgen verzonden
Pearl River Delta: Scales, Times, Domains
A Mapping Method for the Exploration of Rapidly Urbanizing Deltas
2020 || Paperback || Liang Xiong || TU Delft Open
The research aims to provide an understanding of an urbanizing delta in which different scales, times, and domains are related to each other; and to examine how this understanding can be used in a planning and design process in a rapidly urbanizing delta. A mapping method is developed according to the key notions in the understanding of urban deltas, namely its systems, scales, and temporality. The systematic mapping approach was used to organize and analyze both short-term and long-term...
morgen verzonden
Cities in -interaction
Analysing the Dutch system of cities with computational methods
2021 || Paperback || Antoine Peris || TU Delft Open
Cities never function in isolation but as nodes in overarching systems characterised by flows of goods, people, and information. To fully understand the evolution of cities, a relational approach is needed, which investigates cities in relation to other cities and urban regions. While a significant part of urban system research has focused on aspects such as the concentration of populations and economic activities, the understanding of the actual networks connecting cities and their impact is...
morgen verzonden
Hybrid Intelligence in Architectural Robotic Materialization (HI-ARM)
Computational, Fabrication and Material Intelligence for Multi-Mode Robotic Production of Multi-Scale and Multi-Material Systems
2021 || Paperback || Sina Mostafavi || TU Delft Open
With increasing advancements in information and manufacturing technologies, there is an ever‑growing need for innovative integration and application of computational design and robotic fabrication in architecture. Hybrid Intelligence in Architectural Robotic Materialization (HI-ARM) provides methods and frameworks that target this need. HI-ARM introduces methodologies and technologies that incorporate computational, fabrication and material intelligence in integrated design-to-robotic-produ...
morgen verzonden
HISTORY URBANISM RESILIENCE VOLUME 04 - Planning and Heritage - Volume 4
|| Carola Hein || TU Delft Open
The 17th conference (2016, Delft) of the International Planning History Society (IPHS) and its proceedings place presentations from different continents and on varied topics side by side, providing insight into state-of-the art research in the field of planning history and offering a glimpse of new approaches, themes, papers and books to come. VOLUME 04: Planning and Heritage
morgen verzonden
Advancing the manufacture of complex geometry GFRC for today's building envelopes
|| Hardcover || Thomas N. Henriksen || TU Delft Open
Thin-walled glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC) panels are being used as the primary cladding material on many landmark buildings especially in the last decade. GFRC is an ideal material for building envelopes because it is durable, it can resist fire and the environmental impact is low compared to other materials, because the base materials used in the production of GFRC are widely available throughout the world. Thin-walled GFRC was initially developed as a cladding material in the 1970s...