
2018 (7)
2021 (7)
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» Toon alle opties (6)
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Sidestone Press Dissertations (44)

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Indigenous Ancestors and Healing Landscapes

Cultural Memory and Intercultural Communication in the Dominican Republic and Cuba

|| Hardcover || Jana Pešoutová || Sidestone Press Dissertations

This book presents new interpretations of current healing practices in Cuba and the Dominican Republic juxtaposed against the European colonization of the Caribbean after 1492. By combining data from critical historical analyses and ethnographic fieldwork, this research examines current healing landscapes and their historical background in both countries.

This dissertation situates the continuous importance of non-institutional healing practices within the rich symbolism of Cuban and Dominican...

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Determining Prehistoric Skin Processing Technologies

The macro and microscopic characteristics of experimental samples

2020 || Hardcover || Theresa Emmerich Kamper || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The importance of skin processing technologies in the history and expansion of humankind cannot be overstated, yet these technologies can be difficult to identify in the archaeological record. This research outlines the development of a systematic, non-destructive method for identifying the tanning technologies used to produce prehistoric skin artefacts. The approach combines extensive archaeological research and over 25 years of the author's personal tanning experience.

The method employs obs...

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Goddesses of Akragas

A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily

2019 || Hardcover || Gerrie van Rooijen || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The terracotta figurines from Akragas (Agrigento) with their chubby faces, splendid furniture, and rich adornments, depict a prosperous life in the late sixth and early fifth century BCE. The extensive jewellery on the figurines contains strikingly large fibulae appliques fastening pectoral chains with several sorts of pendants. They are modelled after existing items. The form of the jewellery items changed fast, influenced by different peoples and changing fashions, which can be compared wit...

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Tripolye Typo-chronology

Mega and Smaller Sites in the Sinyukha River Basin

2021 || Hardcover || Liudmyla Shatilo || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The Tripolye phenomenon, which displays a specific artefact complex and an extraordinary settlement layout, is also known for its so-called ‘mega sites’. Five of the largest ‘mega’ or giant settlements measure between 150-320 ha in size. These, and other big settlements, are concentrated in the Sinyukha River Basin, which is a central part of modern Ukraine. In this region, more than 100 different Tripolye sites are known.

The chronology of this region is the key to understanding not ...

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Hortfunde der Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit

Ein prozesslogischer Paradigmawechsel

2021 || Hardcover || José Eduardo de Medeiros || Sidestone Press Dissertations

In dieser Dissertation hat José Eduardo M. de Medeiros einen neuen theoretischen Ansatz mit der Untersuchung konkreter Probleme in der Bronze- und Eisenzeitforschung Mitteleuropas in Einklang gebracht. Das ursprüngliche Ziel war die Untersuchung der Schmuckhorte der Spätbronzezeit in Frankreich. Aber eine anfängliche Beschäftigung mit der Literatur zu den Hortfunden der Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit führte zu der Einsicht, dass die Grundlagen prähistorischer Interpretation einer krit...

Vandaag besteld,
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Thirdspace in Assyrien und Urartu

Eine Archäologie der Sinne und Subalternität in der Eisenzeit in Nordmesopotamien

2023 || Hardcover || Vera Egbers || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Wie lässt sich Subalternität in der Vergangenheit untersuchen, wenn heute fast ausschließlich Hinterlassenschaften der Eliten erhalten sind? Warum lohnt sich eine solche Untersuchung und wo führt sie hin? Diesen Fragen wird in dem vorliegenden Buch über die Beziehung von Assyrien und Urartu im eisenzeitlichen Nordmesopotamien (ca. 9. bis 7. Jh. v.u.Z.) nachgegangen. Denn zwischen den kriegerischen Nachbarn gab es eine Vielzahl Deportierter und Kriegsgefangener, deren Erfahrungen und Leb...

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Palma Fragmenting the Chieftain – Catalogue

2017 || Hardcover || Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof || Sidestone Press Dissertations

There is a cluster of Early Iron Age (800-500 BC) elite burials in the Low Countries in which bronze vessels, weaponry, horse-gear and wagons were interred as grave goods. Mostly imports from Central Europe, these objects are found brought together in varying configurations in cremation burials generally known as chieftains' graves or princely burials. In terms of grave goods they resemble the Fürstengräber of the Hallstatt Culture of Central Europe, with famous Dutch and Belgian examples b...

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Flintknapping from the Lateglacial to the Early Holocene

The Belgian Scheldt valley sites of Ruien and Kerkhove

2024 || Hardcover || Hans Vandendriessche || Sidestone Press Dissertations

This book discusses the lithic technology of the neighboring sites of Ruien and Kerkhove (Belgium). The Final-Palaeolithic occupation of Ruien took place during the harsh climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas. The Early and Middle Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from Kerkhove on the other hand lived in the temperate and forested environments of the subsequent Early Holocene period. The aim of this work is more precisely to gain a better understanding of how the practice of flintknapping evolve...

Leverbaar vanaf 27 maart 2025
met 5% korting 114,00

Archäologie der Republik Freies Wendland

Zu einer kritischen Archäologie der Zeitgeschichte

2025 || Hardcover || Attila Dézsi || Sidestone Press Dissertations

In Zeiten zunehmender Krisen und Konflikte möchte diese Studie Orte der Demokratiegeschichte und Momente der Hoffnung auf eine alternative Zukunft aufzeigen. Die Republik Freies Wendland, ein im Mai 1980 von Landwirt*innen und Anwohner*innen in Niedersachsen bei Gorleben gegründetes Protestdorf, wird archäologisch untersucht, um seine Bedeutung über den bloßen Widerstand gegen ein Atommüllendlager hinaus zu verstehen. Das Dorf diente als Ort präfigurativer Politik und als Demonstration...

Vandaag besteld,
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Megalithic monuments and social structures

comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies

|| Hardcover || Maria Wunderlich || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Megalith building constitutes not only a past, but also a recent phenomenon, which is still practised today. The documentation and interpretation of recent megalith building traditions is offering potential aid in the interpretation of prehistoric monuments. Fieldwork in Sumba and Nagaland set up a frame to answer questions such as: Who is buried in the megalithic tombs and what kind of commemoration is connected to megalithic monuments? How are socioeconomic characteristics of the associated...