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SAGE (1285)

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met 5% korting 61,75

Methodology: Who Needs It?

2023 || Paperback || Hammersley || SAGE

In this confrontational text Martyn Hammersley looks at the key issues in current social research methodology, it is a must-read for those interested in the state of this field.

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met 5% korting 52,25

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research

2023 || Paperback || Norman K. Denzin e.a. || SAGE

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met 5% korting 163,40

The SAGE Handbook of Family Communication

2023 || Hardcover || Turner || SAGE

A comprehensive examination of family communication theory and research. Leading scholars expand the definition of family, address recent shifts in culture, and cover important new topics, including families in crisis, families and governmental policies,social media, and extended families.

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The American Drug Culture

2023 || Paperback || Weinberg || SAGE

The American Drug Culture uses sociological and other perspectives to examine drug and alcohol use in U.S. society. Arranged topically rather than by drug categories, the book explores diverse aspects of drug use, including popular culture, sexuality, legal and criminal justice systems, other social institutions, and mental and physical health.

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met 5% korting 92,15

An Introduction to Text Mining: Research Design, Data Collection, and Analysis

2023 || Paperback || Ignatow || SAGE

This is the ideal introduction for students seeking to collect and analyze textual data from online sources. It covers the most critical issues that they must take into consideration at all stages of their research projects.

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met 5% korting 92,15

Qualitative Dissertation Methodology: A Guide for Research Design and Methods

2023 || Paperback || Durdella || SAGE

Drawing from the challenges the author has seen in supervising dissertation students, the book breaks down the dissertation chapter into smaller pieces, providing specific and detailed advice on how to frame the chapter, identify a research setting, work with data sources, develop data collection instruments, articulate a data analysis procedure, and adopt a reflexive stance on research roles.

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met 5% korting 124,45

Interaction Effects in Linear and Generalized Linear Models: Examples and Applications Using Stata

2023 || Hardcover || Kaufman || SAGE

Offering a clear set of workable examples with data and explanations, Interaction Effects in Linear and Generalized Linear Models is a comprehensive and accessible text that provides a unified approach to interpreting interaction effects.

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met 5% korting 172,90

Howard T. Tokunaga / Druk 2

2023 || Paperback || Tokunaga || SAGE

Fundamental Statistics is designed not to just teach students how to calculate statistics, but how to interpret the results of statistical analyses in light of a research hypothesis, and to communicate the results and interpretations to a broader audience.

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Literacy and Education / Druk 2

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A guide to current theory on literacy with practical application for the classroom.

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Making Sense of Reality: Culture and Perception in Everyday Life

2023 || Paperback || DeNora || SAGE

An accomplished and thought provoking study of everyday 'reality' and how we represent, perceive and experience it. With examples throughout, it offers readers an exciting new way of understanding identity, perception and culture.