Oxford University Press (22)
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?
How eighteenth-century science disrupted the natural order
2015 || Hardcover || Susannah Gibson || Oxford University Press
Since the time of Aristotle, there had been a clear divide between the three kingdoms of animal, vegetable, and mineral. But by the eighteenth century, biological experiments, and the wide range of new creatures coming to Europe from across the world, challenged these neat divisions. Abraham Trembley found that freshwater polyps grew into complete individuals when cut.
This shocking discovery raised deep questions: was it a plant or an animal? And this was not the only conundrum. What of cora...
New Hart's Rules
The Oxford Style Guide
2014 || Hardcover || Oxford University Press || Oxford University Press
For over a hundred years, Hart's Rules has been the authority on style, helping writers and editors prepare copy for publication. The latest edition of this guide has been updated for the twenty-first century using the resources of Oxford Languages and with the advice of publishing experts. Twenty-one chapters give information on all aspects of writing and of preparing copy for publication, whether in print or electronically.
New Hart's Rules gives guidance on a broad range of topics includin...