Oxford University Press (21)
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Competition and Antitrust Law
A Very Short Introduction
2021 || Paperback || Ariel Ezrachi || Oxford University Press
Competition is responsible for much of the prosperity around us. Competitive markets deliver lower prices, better quality, abundance of choice, and increased innovation. But while competition benefits the consumers, it can prove challenging to producers and sellers, who need to constantly improve to stay in business. As a result, sellers may sometimes look for ways to dampen the competitive process.
Our antitrust and competition laws are designed to address these risks and safeguard consumer ...
The Oxford Handbook of Project Management
2021 || Paperback || Peter W.G. Morris e.a. || Oxford University Press
The Oxford Handbook of Project Management presents and discusses leading ideas in the management of projects. Positioning project management as a domain much broader and more strategic than simply 'execution management', this Handbook draws on the insights of over 40 scholars to chart the development of the subject over the last 50 years or more as an area of increasing practical and academic interest. It suggests we could be entering an emerging 'third wave' of analysis and interpretation fo...
European Union Law / 3rd edition
2021 || Paperback || Robert Schutze || Oxford University Press
A comprehensive and critical textbook, Schütze's European Union Law uses a distinctive three-part structure to examine the constitutional foundations, legal powers, and substantive law of the European Union. Written in a uniquely engaging style, and full of illuminating analyses, this book provides a thorough and modern guide to the study of the European law. Visual and pedagogical support is offered by the book's numerous diagrams and tables that clarify key concepts and processes, and a pr...
Measurements and their Uncertainties
A practical guide to modern error analysis
2021 || Paperback || Thomas Ifan || Oxford University Press
This short guide to modern error analysis is primarily intended to be used in undergraduate laboratories in the physical sciences. No prior knowledge of statistics is assumed. The necessary concepts are introduced where needed and illustrated graphically. The book emphasises the use of computers for error calculations and data fitting.
morgen verzonden
Introduction to International Development / 4th edition
Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice
2021 || Paperback || Paul A. Haslam e.a. || Oxford University Press
The most comprehensive introduction to international development, with chapters by leading experts who explore the field's most pressing issues and debates. Introduction to International Development is a collection of contributed chapters comprised of original essays by leading experts from a variety of disciplines. With four new chapters and the most up-to-date content on the global COVID-19 pandemic, this fully revised edition continues to give students a foundational overview to the field ...
morgen verzonden
International Law: A Very Short Introduction
A Very Short Introduction
2021 || Paperback || Vaughan Lowe || Oxford University Press
International law lies at the heart of our interaction with the global community. It protects rights, imposes duties, and establishes a framework for the conduct of almost every social, political, and economic activity. Vaughan Lowe explains the basic structural principles of international law, and looks at its potential and its limitations.
Animal Behavior / 3rd edition
Concepts, Methods, and Applications
2021 || Paperback || Shawn E. Nordell e.a. || Oxford University Press
EMPHASIZES CONCEPTS. Animal Behavior: Concepts, Methods, and Applications, Third Edition, uses broad organizing concepts to provide a framework for understanding the science of animal behavior. In an engaging, question-driven style, Shawn E. Nordell and Thomas J. Valone offer readers a clear learning progression for understanding and evaluating empirical research examples. FOCUSES ON METHODOLOGY AND THE PROCESS OF SCIENCE. Featured studies illustrate each concept and emphasize the experimen...
morgen verzonden
How Languages are Learned / 5th edition
2021 || Paperback || Patsy Lightbown e.a. || Oxford University Press
Patsy Lightbown and Nina Spada have worked for over four decades in second language research and education. They are highly respected worldwide for making theory and research about language learning accessible and relevant to classroom teaching. This widely acclaimed book remains essential reading for second language teachers.
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Business Management Course Companion
Course Companion
2021 || Paperback || Martin Mwenda Muchena e.a. || Oxford University Press
Completely updated, with a new approach to most comprehensively cover the new 2014 syllabus and including a special focus on the new concept-based learning requirement. Every topic is covered in depth, plus full assessment support drives high achievement and TOK links aligns learning to the IB philosophy.
Ethics: A Very Short Introduction / 2nd edition
2021 || Paperback || Simon Blackburn || Oxford University Press
Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, InspiringOur self-image as moral, well-behaved creatures is dogged by scepticism, relativism, hypocrisy, and nihilism, and by the fear that in a Godless world science has unmasked us as creatures fated by our genes to be selfish and tribalistic, or competitive and aggressive. Here, Simon Blackburn tackles the major moral questions surrounding birth, death, happiness, desire, and freedom, showing us how we should think about the meaning of life, and ...