McGraw-Hill (99)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

ISE Engineering Electromagnetics / 9th edition

2018 || Paperback || William Hayt e.a. || McGraw-Hill

First published just over 50 years ago and now in its Eighth Edition, Bill Hayt and John Buck's Engineering Electromagnetics is a classic text that has been updated for electromagnetics education today. This widely-respected book stresses fundamental concepts and problem solving, and discusses the material in an understandable and readable way. Numerous illustrations and analogies are provided to aid the reader in grasping the difficult concepts.

In addition, independent learning is facilitat...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

ISE Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies / 13th edition

2020 || Paperback || Jay Coakley || McGraw-Hill

Sports in Society provides a comprehensive introduction to understanding the issues and controversies surrounding sports in society. Coakley delivers a critical approach toward sports related issues with an emphasis on social class, race, and ethnicity within the sports world. The new Connect course includes SmartBook, an adaptive reading and study experience.

This technology encourages readers to apply their knowledge and consider the role sports plays in their personal experiences, schools,...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

ISE Introduction to Operations Research / 11th edition

2020 || Paperback || Frederick Hillier e.a. || McGraw-Hill

For over four decades, Introduction to Operations Research has been the classic text on operations research. While building on the classic strengths of the text, the author continues to find new ways to make the text current and relevant to students. One way is by incorporating a wealth of state-of-the art, user-friendly software and more coverage of business applications than ever before.

When the first co-author received the prestigious Expository Writing Award from INFORMS for a recent edi...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Am I The Only Sane One Working Here?

101 Solutions for Surviving Office Insanity

2009 || Paperback || Albert Bernstein || McGraw-Hill

the most comprehensive guide I have ever read for solving any conceivable trying scenario!"--Julie Jansen, bestselling author of You Want Me to Work with Who? and I Don't Know What I Want, but I Know It's Not This You can't stop office madness, but you can stop the madness from getting to you.Gossipy coworkers, unmanageable managers, and cranky clients have got you pulling your hair out and gnawing your nails down to nubs. From teammates who drop the ball on deadlines to corporate bullies who...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Fundamentals of Cost Accounting ISE / 7th edition

2022 || Paperback || William Lanen e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Developing Skills for the classroom and beyond: Fundamentals of Cost Accounting lets the student see the development of cost accounting tools and techniques as a natural response to decision making. Using a procedural approach, the material in the text is presented from the perspective of both the preparer of information and the user of the information. This allows both accounting majors and those students planning other careers to appreciate the issues from both sides.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Essentials of Economics ISE / 5th edtion

2022 || Paperback || Stanley Brue e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Brue Essentials of Economics, 5th Edition, provides a fresh alternative to the survey course that is both substantive and appropriate for the introductory economics student. Essentials of Economics provides the best elements of McConnell/Brue/Flynn Economics 22nd edition with unique content designed to help students understand and engage with the material in one semester. Brue helps students master the principles essential for understanding the economic problem, specific economic issues, and ...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Abnormal Psychology ISE

2022 || Paperback || Susan Nolen-Hoeksema || McGraw-Hill

The ninth edition of Susan Nolen-Hoeksema's Abnormal Psychology, now authored by Dr. Heather Jennings, continues her mission to create a program that blends the most contemporary research on psychological disorders with compassion for those who live with these disorders. Abnormal Psychology personalizes the human experience, while helping students think critically and apply their knowledge through activities in McGraw Hill's digital learning platform, Connect.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Operations and Supply Chain Management ISE / 17th edtion

2023 || Paperback || F. Robert Jacobs e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Operations and Supply Chain Management, 17e covers the latest and most important issues facing operations and supply chain management (OSCM) managers while providing basic tools and techniques to promote a competitive advantage and career-readiness. It covers relevant, current OSCM issues with a focus on the global economy, analytic content that ties decisions to relevant data, and solutions to operations and supply chain-related problems. Hot topics in business today that relate to OSCM are ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

ISE International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace

2022 || Paperback || Charles Hill || McGraw-Hill

Market-defining since it was introduced, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace by Charles W.L. Hill (University of Washington) sets the standard and is the proven choice for International Business at the undergraduate and graduate level. The 14th edition provides a complete solution that is relevant (timely, comprehensive), practical (focus on applications of concepts), integrated (integrated progression of topics) and the most up-to-date on the market.