Brave New Books (3)
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Brave New World
To bring harmony and peace to a world we loved dearly
2025 || Hardcover || Eyowa Yeshua Krishna || Brave New Books
Dear Mankind,
I am the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and i am here to tell you that the world as We know it is about to end.
Prepare yourself for what is to come.
"Be Brave"
Help yourself and those around you in the process.
After what has to be done, there comes a new world.
A world with love, a world with light.
A world in harmony with "Eyowa"
Place him in your heart and you will be guided for times to come.
But first We are going to have a storm.
“Even if you are surrounded by dar...
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Is there a life without Louis Vuitton?
Everything you want to know about brands and branding.
2025 || Hardcover || Jan Lantink || Brave New Books
Is there a life without Louis Vuitton?
Absolutely not for the Louis Vuitton lovers.
Branding is about the passion between someone as a personality and a brand personality.
This book that you are about to read is a story about iconic brands. Facts, issues and stories.
Theories and concepts about branding from leading authors in the field of branding and related fields. Towards the end of the book I talk about storytelling, companion of a strong brand. With more examples of iconic brands.
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2025 || Hardcover || Riyad Georges Hubert Rogiest || Brave New Books
De impact van secularisatie binnen de moslimgemeenschap in België biedt een diepgaande analyse van hoe secularisatie de religieuze identiteit, sociale structuren en culturele dynamiek binnen de moslimgemeenschap beïnvloedt. Dit boek onderzoekt de uitdagingen waarmee moslims in België geconfronteerd worden bij het behouden van hun geloof en tradities in een steeds seculierder wordende samenleving. Belangrijke thema’s zoals integratie, religieuze identiteit, sociale verandering en de spann...