Resultaten (13)

Leverbaar vanaf 30 mei

Amsterdam Urban Development 1975–2025

2025 || Hardcover || Maurits de Hoog || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Indispensable account of the last fifty years of urban development in Amsterdam

Year-by-year record of regeneration and growth

With all the groundbreaking ideas and plans for living and working in the city, new public amenities and street and square design

In Amsterdam Urban Development 1975–2025 urban designer Maurits de Hoog describes how the city has changed over the past fifty years, from a port and industrial city in decline into a fast-growing metropolis. Old districts have been rege...

Leverbaar vanaf 18 april

The Notebooks of Herman Hertzberger

Explorations, considerations and observations of an engaged architect (1998-2001)

2025 || Paperback || Herman Hertzberger e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

An incomparable source of information for every architecture aficionado

Herman Hertzberger’s sketches, reflections and ideas, brought together in a unique (gift) slipcase

Hertzberger’s views on the changes in society, post 65 architecture and the adaptive reuse of this heritage

Herman Hertzberger never went anywhere without one of his black, unlined notebooks close to hand. Every tiny detail that caught his attention was immortalized in a note, reflection or a sketch. Hertzberger was for...

Leverbaar vanaf 18 april

The Notebooks of Herman Hertzberger

Explorations, considerations and observations of an engaged architect (2016-2024)

2025 || Paperback || Herman Hertzberger e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

An incomparable source of information for every architecture aficionado

Herman Hertzberger’s sketches, reflections and ideas, brought together in a unique (gift) slipcase

Hertzberger’s views on the changes in society, post 65 architecture and the adaptive reuse of this heritage

Herman Hertzberger never went anywhere without one of his black, unlined notebooks close to hand. Every tiny detail that caught his attention was immortalized in a note, reflection or a sketch. Hertzberger was for...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Weather in the City

How Design Shapes the Urban Climate

2025 || Paperback || Sanda Lenzholzer || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Revised edition of the highly successful publication

Including the latest case studies, methods and technologies

The ideal reference work and source of inspiration for all engaged in creating a liveable city

Ten years after its well-received publication, Weather in the City is more relevant than ever. Prolonged heat waves are a source of many heat stress related problems, especially in our cities, which tend to exacerbate already high temperatures. At the same time, there is a growing aware...

Leverbaar vanaf 18 april

The Notebooks of Herman Hertzberger

Explorations, considerations and observations of an engaged architect (2001-2004)

2025 || Paperback || Herman Hertzberger e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

An incomparable source of information for every architecture aficionado

Herman Hertzberger’s sketches, reflections and ideas, brought together in a unique (gift) slipcase

Hertzberger’s views on the changes in society, post 65 architecture and the adaptive reuse of this heritage

Herman Hertzberger never went anywhere without one of his black, unlined notebooks close to hand. Every tiny detail that caught his attention was immortalized in a note, reflection or a sketch. Hertzberger was for...

Leverbaar vanaf 30 mei

Stadsontwikkeling Amsterdam 1975-2025

2025 || Hardcover || Maurits de Hoog || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Onmisbaar boek over de Amsterdamse stadsontwikkeling van de afgelopen vijftig jaar

Vernieuwing en groei van jaar tot jaar helder in kaart gebracht

Met alle baanbrekende ideeën en plannen voor wonen en werken, nieuwe publieke functies en de inrichting van straten en pleinen

In Stadsontwikkeling Amsterdam 1975-2025 beschrijft stedenbouwkundige en Amsterdammer Maurits de Hoog hoe de stad in de afgelopen vijftig jaar is veranderd van een haven- en industriestad in verval naar een snelgroeiende ...

Leverbaar vanaf 1 april

Gijs Bakker

Talking Things

2025 || Paperback || Gijs Bakker || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Talking Things is het levensverhaal van Nederlands designicoon Gijs Bakker (1942), verteld door hemzelf aan de hand van zijn baanbrekende product- en sieraadontwerpen. Hoogstpersoonlijk voert hij de lezer langs zijn inspiratiebronnen: zijn grote liefde en partner Emmy van Leersum (1930−1984), zijn jaren aan de Design Academy in Eindhoven, zijn samenwerking met Renny Ramakers voor Droog Design, zijn vele succesvolle ontwerpen en de internationale contacten.

Talking Things is een levensversl...

Leverbaar vanaf 1 september

Architecture Record Covers

2025 || Paperback || Paul Groenendijk || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Architecture and design as a source of inspiration for album covers

Collection of the finest, strangest and most remarkable architecture covers

An endless delight for lovers of both music and architecture

‘Architecture is frozen music’, Wolfgang Goethe is quoted as saying. It turns out that architecture is a major source of inspiration for musicians and composers – from classic and modern composers via jazz and the blues to new wave bands and rappers who sing the praises of the big cit...

Leverbaar vanaf 26 mei

OASE Journal for Architecture # 120

Quality Settings / Kwaliteitskamers

2025 || Paperback || Susan Holden e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Leverbaar vanaf 18 april

The Notebooks of Herman Hertzberger

Explorations, considerations and observations of an engaged architect (2005-2010)

2025 || Paperback || Herman Hertzberger e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

An incomparable source of information for every architecture aficionado

Herman Hertzberger’s sketches, reflections and ideas, brought together in a unique (gift) slipcase

Hertzberger’s views on the changes in society, post 65 architecture and the adaptive reuse of this heritage

Herman Hertzberger never went anywhere without one of his black, unlined notebooks close to hand. Every tiny detail that caught his attention was immortalized in a note, reflection or a sketch. Hertzberger was for...