Resultaten (59)

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met 5% korting 26,13

Hoezo wetenschap?

Korte inleiding wetenschapsfilosofie bewegingswetenschappen

2014 || Paperback || Annemie Halsema e.a. || VU University Press

Bewegingswetenschappen zijn een relatief jong wetenschapsgebied, dat in de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw is ontstaan. Van het begin af aan zijn binnen de bewegingswetenschappen ook filosofische vragen gesteld, bijvoorbeeld naar de wijze waarop bewegen begrepen dient te worden, of naar de samenhang tussen de opvatting van bewegen en de maatschappelijke dominante beelden van het lichaam. Behalve deze vragen naar het object van de bewegingswetenschappen, deden zich wetenschapsfilosofische ...

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Amsterdam Studies in Theology and Religion (AmSTaR). Evangelicals and Sources of Authority

2016 || Paperback || Miranda Klaver e.a. || VU University Press

What are the sources of authority for evangelical Christians in their debates and practices? Evangelicals often refer to the Bible, but it is not their sole source. Practical results are also important, as are personal feelings and experiences. In this volume, fourteen researchers examine the sources of authority to which evangelicals appeal. It was assumed that evangelicals accepted a certain balance between the authority of the Bible, tradition, experiences and rationality. In the past two ...

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Het Parkinson-oefenboek / Druk 3 (Heruitgave)

Oefeningen en bewegingsadviezen voor mensen met de Ziekte van Parkinson

2019 || Paperback || Erwin van Wegen e.a. || VU University Press

Dit boek presenteert een scala aan oefeningen en adviezen voor mensen met de Ziekte van Parkinson en is in de eerst plaats geschreven voor hen. Maar het boek is evengoed een nuttig praktijkboek voor professionele zorgverleners, mantelzorgers en naaste familie. De oefeningen en adviezen zijn bedoeld om steun te bieden bij allerlei dagelijkse handelingen en routines, zoals zitten en opstaan, draaien in bed, corrigeren van gebogen houding, bewaren van evenwicht, behouden van lenigheid, op peil h...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Mastering Econometrics

Exercises and Solutions

2022 || Paperback || Jan R. Magnus e.a. || VU University Press

In Mastering Econometrics: Exercises and Solutions, Jan R. Magnus and Sean Telg guide you through carefully selected and fully worked-out exercises in econometrics. The book is intended to accompany an introductory econometrics course at the Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD level, where students are assumed to have at least some background in linear algebra and statistics. Designed as a compendium to the first author’s Introduction to the Theory of Econometrics, the book can also be used for...

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Our Future Proteins

A diversity of perspectives

2023 || Paperback || Stacy Pyett e.a. || VU University Press

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met 5% korting 32,78

Blijvend zoeken naar balans

Het Nederlandse accountantsberoep 1960-1995

2023 || Paperback || Kees Camfferman e.a. || VU University Press

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The Basics of Money and Banking

From ancient coins to credit and cryptos

2021 || Paperback || Wim Boonstra e.a. || VU University Press

The Basics of Money and Banking is an accessible textbook for bachelor students of a number of disciplines. It can also be an invaluable resource for professionals who wish to master the language and principles of money and banking. This book covers monetary issues, including money creation and the role that commercial banks play in creating bank deposits. It addresses the important role of banks in financial intermediation, and explains these concepts in the context of historical developmen...

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A Future for Economics

2022 || Paperback || Huigh C. van der Mandele e.a. || VU University Press

The replication crisis is hotly debated in all disciplines across the social sciences. Economics is not an exception. However, economics is different from the other social sciences, due to an exceptionally dominant paradigmatic core and an equally dominant methodological backbone, known as neoclassical economics and econometrics, respectively. In this book, we argue how this double strength can be a double weakness, too. We emphasize that any future for economics will benefit from a reduced d...

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Connected World

Insights from 100 Academics on How to Build Better Connections

2023 || Paperback || Ivar Vermeulen || VU University Press