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Resultaten (37)
Principles of Forensic Toxicology / 5th edition
2020 || Hardcover || Barry S. Levine e.a. || Springer
Adopted for courses in many of the top universities for forensic science and used by respected medical examiner's offices and crime laboratories worldwide, Principles of Forensic Toxicology prepares the next generation of forensic toxicologists and continues to be an important reference in professional practice.
Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology / 5th edition
2015 || Hardcover || Russell K. Hobbie e.a. || Springer
This classic text has been used in over 20 countries by advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in biophysics, physiology, medical physics, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering. It bridges the gap between an introductory physics course and the application of physics to the life and biomedical sciences. Extensively revised and updated, the fifth edition incorporates new developments at the interface between physics and biomedicine.
New coverage includes cyclotrons, photodyna...
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Voorkoming van medische accidenten / Druk 3
het Europese Medisch Risico Registrerend Historie-systeem
2016 || Hardcover || L. Abraham-Inpijn || Springer
De kans dat u een patiënt in uw stoel krijgt die ouder is dan 45 jaar, is tegenwoordig behoorlijk groot. De vergrijzing! Als u geen speciale maatregelen treft, neemt hierdoor de kans toe op medische calamiteiten in uw praktijk. Het afnemen van een medische anamnese voorkomt zo'n vervelende confrontatie.
Het 'Europese Medisch Risico Registrerend Historie-systeem' is een preventiemethode, die gebruikmaakt van een door de patiënt in te vullen lijst, die de tandarts verifieert...
Groups and Symmetry / 1st Edition
1997 || Hardcover || Mark A. Armstrong || Springer
Groups are important because they measure symmetry. This text, designed for undergraduate mathematics students, provides a gentle introduction to the highlights of elementary group theory. Written in an informal style, the material is divided into short sections each of which deals with an important result or a new idea.
Throughout the book, the emphasis is placed on concrete examples, many of them geometrical in nature, so that finite rotation groups and the seventeen wallpaper groups are tr...
The Aero- and Hydromechanics of Keel Yachts
2015 || Hardcover || J. W. Slooff || Springer
How and why does sail boat performance depend on the configuration and trim of boat and sails? This book provides the yachtsman with answers in a relatively straightforward account of the physical mechanisms of sailing. It presents an accessible overview of the fluid dynamic aspects of sailing and sailing technology, addressing both aeromechanics and hydromechanics. Readers are provided with the basic principles of physics and general mechanics that will assist their understanding of the flui...
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Bekkenpijn tijdens en na de zwangerschap / druk 3
2012 || Hardcover || Cecile C.M. Röst || Springer
Bekkenpijn is goed te behandelen,
Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach
A Systematic Approach
2022 || Hardcover || Gerhard Pahl e.a. || Springer
This proven and internationally recognized text teaches the methods of engineering design as a condition of successful product development. It breaks down the design process into phases and then into distinct steps, each with its own working methods. The book provides more examples of product development; it also tightens the scientific bases of its design ideas with new solution fields in composite components, building methods, mechatronics and adaptronics.
The economics of design and develo...
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology / 5th edition
Fundamentals and Applications
2019 || Hardcover || Daan J. A. Crommelin e.a. || Springer
This introductory text explains both the basic science and the applications of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals, with special emphasis on their clinical use. It serves as a complete one-stop source for undergraduate/graduate pharmacists, pharmaceutical science students, and for those in the pharmaceutical industry. The Fifth Edition completely updates the previous edition, and also includes additional coverage on the newer approaches such as oligonucleotides, siRNA, gene therapy and nano...
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Six Sigma + Lean Toolset / 2nd Edition
Mindset for Successful Implementation of Improvement Projects
2019 || Hardcover || Renata Meran e.a. || Springer
The current, second edition of this book reflects the 15 years of practical experience with the Six Sigma+Lean toolbox. It is a comprehensive collection of all the tools necessary for project work and running workshops when improving processes. All tools have been illustrated in a clear and comprehensible structure with examples and tips for applying the tools included.
The chronology corresponds to the procedure of an improvement project comprising the steps D(efine), M(easure), A(nalyze), I...
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Pedagogisch kader gastouderopvang / Druk 2
2016 || Hardcover || Marianne Boogaard e.a. || Springer
Gastouders zijn belangrijke opvoeders. Samen met ouders en andere volwassenen zorgen zij voor een veilige omgeving waarin kinderen kunnen spelen en leren.
Pedagogisch kader gastouderopvang is een boek voor gastouders en bemiddelingsmedewerkers. Het biedt pedagogische en praktische informatie over wat belangrijk is voor een goede ontwikkeling van kinderen; van baby tot puber. 'Pedagogisch kader gastouderopvang' staat vol kennis, tips en inspiratie. Het is geschreven vanuit de praktijk van de ga...