
Paperback (52)
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Resultaten (96)

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Portable antiquities, palimpsests, and persistent places

2016 || Paperback || Adam Daubney || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Every year thousands of archaeological objects and artefact scatters are discovered by the public, most of them by metal-detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening, or going about their daily work. Once recorded, these finds hold enormous potential in helping us understand the past. In England and Wales these finds are reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS), and since 2003 over one million finds have been recorded.This book explores the significance of PAS dat...

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Keramik jenseits von 'Kulturen'

Mobilität, Verflechtungen und Transformationen im nördlichen Alpenvorland (3950–3800 v.Chr.)

2022 || Paperback || Caroline Heitz || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Mobilität ist für Formen des sozialen Zusammenlebens grundlegend. Doch welche Rolle spielte räumliche Mobilität in der Vergangenheit? Aus prähistorischen Zeitabschnitten wie etwa dem Neolithikum ist dazu noch immer wenig bekannt. Das gilt auch für die Siedlungsräume des nördlichen Alpenvorlandes. Deren Feuchtbodensiedlungen mit den hervorragend erhaltenen Resten in Seen und Mooren gehören seit 2011 zum UNESCO Welterbe und bieten eine einzigartige Forschungsgrundlage. Die dendrochron...

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‘Een knecht der knechten sy hy syne broederen’

Christelijk geloof en slavernij in het Nederlandse Atlantische koloniale rijk van de zeventiende en de achttiende eeuw

2024 || Paperback || Ben Ipenburg || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Het Nederlands slavernijverleden roept vele vragen op. Eén ervan is hoe het toch kon dat het christelijk geloof slavernij niet afkeurde maar theologisch ondersteunde. De bijbel weersprak niet dat mensen tot slaaf konden worden gemaakt. De gereformeerde theologie van de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw gaf samen met rechtsgeleerdheid, verlichtingsfilosofie, politiek en maatschappelijk denken vorm aan de koloniale ideologie van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden.

Twee slaventheologieën onde...

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Identity, Power and Group Formation in Archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC)

2024 || Paperback || Christos Giamakis || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The first ever large-scale synthesis on identity and social dynamics across archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC), Christos Giamakis’s book provides a detailed narrative exploring the role of power as displayed through material culture in the formation of group identities across the region. Giamakis focuses on data from nine cemeteries in the region combining multiple datasets including grave goods, osteological evidence, burial rites, tomb types and the organisation of the cemetery space in orde...

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met 5% korting 90,25

Craftful Minds

Tracing Technical Individuality in Production Processes

2024 || Hardcover || Moiken Hinrichs || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The aim of the thesis was to provide a framework for the identification and analysis of individual craftspeople in bifacial flint production. Flint production flakes from replications of South Scandinavian Late Neolithic daggers and Early Bronze Age sickles were the focus of the study, in contrast to research so far, mostly relying on finished and often exceptional pieces.

To identify technical traditions within technological systems and/or personal approaches to production, it is necessary t...

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Indigenous Ancestors and Healing Landscapes

Cultural Memory and Intercultural Communication in the Dominican Republic and Cuba

|| Paperback || Jana Pešoutová || Sidestone Press Dissertations

This book presents new interpretations of current healing practices in Cuba and the Dominican Republic juxtaposed against the European colonization of the Caribbean after 1492. By combining data from critical historical analyses and ethnographic fieldwork, this research examines current healing landscapes and their historical background in both countries.

This dissertation situates the continuous importance of non-institutional healing practices within the rich symbolism of Cuban and Dominican...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

La Biographie d’un paysage

Etude sur les transformations de longue durée du paysage culturel de la région de Fort-Liberté, Haïti

2019 || Paperback || Joseph Sony Jean || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Cet ouvrage explore la transformation du paysage culturel de la région de Fort-Liberté sur le long terme. Il se base sur les traces de différents groupes sociaux façonnant le paysage culturel du lieu sur une longue période chronologique. Cette région renferme un patrimoine archéologique exceptionnel, sous la forme de vestiges amérindiens, de traces des premières villes coloniales espagnoles et d’habitations coloniales françaises. Habitée depuis environ l’an 3000 av. J.-C., cett...

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The role of grave sets in Corded Ware and Bell Beaker funerary practices

2020 || Hardcover || Karsten Wentink || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Throughout northern Europe, thousands of burial mounds were erected in the third millennium BCE. Starting in the Corded Ware culture, individual people were being buried underneath these mounds, often equipped with an almost rigid set of grave goods. This practice continued in the second half of the third millennium BCE with the start of the Bell Beaker phenomenon. In large parts of Europe, a ‘typical’ set of objects was placed in graves, known as the ‘Bell Beaker package’.

This book ...

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Rondom de mondingen van Rijn & Maas

landschap en bewoning tussen de 3e en 9e eeuw in Zuid-Holland, in het bijzonder de Oude Rijnstreek

2013 || Paperback || Menno Dijkstra || Sidestone Press Dissertations

In de Vroege Middeleeuwen maakte het kustgebied van Zuid-Holland deel uit van West-Friesland. Van menselijke aanwezigheid in deze periode getuigen niet alleen enkele historische bronnen en oude plaatsnamen, maar vooral archeologische vondsten. Dit boek geeft voor het eerst een gedetailleerd overzicht van de bewoningsgeschiedenis van de estuaria van de Oude Rijn en Maas tussen circa 270 en 900 na Chr., met tal van nieuwe inzichten. Door de rijkdom aan archeologische gegevens ligt de nadruk op ...

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After the deluge

2017 || Paperback || Wilko van Zijverden || Sidestone Press Dissertations

After World War II huge land consolidation projects measuring thousands of hectares were carried out in West-Frisia. Large scale excavations of Bronze Age settlement sites were carried out resulting in a convincing model for the Bronze Age habitation of West-Frisia. This model envisaged settlement sites situated on creek ridges in an open almost treeless landscape. After a sudden change in climate c. 800 cal BC parts of the landscape were inundated, peat bogs developed and West-Frisia was aba...